quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2011

The world celebrates Nelson Mandela

This is an awesome Magazine, that's why I recommend it for Students and Teachers should access and take a subscription, it's genuinely a Brazilian magazine, check out on http://www.maganews.com.br .

Mandela with Bafana Bafana

The world celebrates Nelson Mandela
He struggled against oppression of the blacks in South Africa, was imprisoned for almost three decades, and beat apartheid.  Mandela became not just the biggest hero in his country, but a revered [1] celebrity the world over

In 2008 Bono, Amy Winehouse and other major international singing stars played a show in Londonin honor of the man who changed the history of South Africa:  Nelson Mandela.  That year he turned 90. In 2009 it was the USA’s turn to organize a big event (with heavyweight stars) to honor one of the most important peace campaigners of the twentieth century. Mandela’s life has inspired two films produced recently: Goodbye Bafana (2007) and Invictus (2009), which starred the award-winning[2] actor, Morgan Freeman. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in a small South African village on July 18th 1918. He studied law [3], worked as a lawyer and has been married since 1998 to Grace Machel, his third wife.
A tough battle
In 1948 the South African government officially established the racial segregation regime known as “apartheid” in the country. The blacks could not use the same public transport as the whites, or live in the same neighborhoods, or vote, or have the same job opportunities as the whites. It was in that decade that Mandela began his long struggle against apartheid. This cost him his freedom. He wasarrested [4] in 1962 and only set free [5] in 1990. During his years in prison Mandela became the leading symbol of the struggle against racial segregation. Apartheid began to lose its grip [6] in 1990 and was officially ended in 1994, when Nelson Mandela was elected President of South Africa. A year before he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Matéria publicada na edição de número 55 da revista Maganews.
Áudio – Thiago Ribeiro

Photo (by Nelson Mandela Foundation)
Mandela with Bafana Bafana

1 to revere – reverenciar / honrar
2 award-winning – premiado (a)
3 law – direito
4 to arrest – prender
5 to set free - libertar
6 to lose its grip – perder a sua força

terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011

Teclasap, Joke... The offering plate

All credits of this article for Ulisses Carvalho, he is a Brazilian blogger and he is member of The American Association of Language Specialists. Contact of Teclasap through http://www.teclasap.com.br Since I started to blogging I asked for a permission to him to promote Teclasap here. Not only Brazilian, but Foreigners readers have been visit TECLASAP, Students, Teachers, bloggers, inc conclusion, it's a great resource for us, self-taught in English. Check out the Teclasap's entry, please.

I'll tell you...this is the best Brazilian website about English tips, very interesting to have a look at there, I love this one, for more info visit: Teclasap...Só cá entre nós...este aqui é o melhor site de língua Inglesa (Teclasap) para mais informação visite o site. 
Mark G. Nash e Willians Ramos Ferreira
The offering plate
O vocalista Peter Tägtgren da banda Hypocrisy.
A man went to church one day and afterward he stopped toshake the preacher’s hand. He said, ‘Preacher, I’ll tell youthat was a damned fine sermon. Damned good!’
The preacher said, ‘Thank you sir, but I’d rather you didn’t use profanity.’
The man said, ‘I was so damned impressed with that sermon that I put five thousand dollars in the offering plate!’
The preacher said, ‘No shit?
  • the offering plate > a sacolinha (onde se coloca doações em dinheiro)
  • afterward > depois
  • shake the preacher’s hand > cumprimentar o pastor
  • I’ll tell you… > cá entre nós
  • that was a damned fine sermon > aquela pregação sua foi boa pra cacete
  • I’d rather you didn’t use profanity > eu preferiria que o senhor não usasse palavras profanas
  • impressed > encantado
  • No shit? > Puta que pariu!
Referência: “Sorria, você está praticando inglês!“, de Mark G. Nash e Willians Ramos Ferreira, Disal Editora, 2010. Leia a sinopse.


Source of the picture: www.panoramio.com

Source of the article: www.speakup.com.br


The regeneration of the Dublin Docklands started in the late 1980. Today, many banks and companies have their headquarters on both sides of the River Liffey, and Spencer Dock is the country’s largest urban regeneration project.
The Docklands Development Authority, founded in 1997, at the height of the “Celtic Tiger,” is in charge of prosperity development and regeneration. It makes great effort to capitalize on the Docklands’ maritime heritage and to breathe life into the sea. There are sports and cultural events, such as the Maritime Festival in June.
Yet much of the Docklands still feels soulless. The chq building, for example, is a historical wine and tobacco warehouse. Today it houses nice shops, a tea salon and a Starbucks, but it has very little atmosphere. Visitors should walk along the quayside to understand the contrasts of Dublin old and new: a bronze statue of a dockworker pulling a rope and urban graffiti, a mobile coffee stall on the river by glass office buildings.
On the opposite side of the Liffey, bronze statues of starved immigrants appear to be waiting to board the Jeanie Johnston, the replica of an immigration ship. Just a bit further along, a floating restaurant represents the new gourmet Dublin.
Two beautiful new bridges over the Liffey were built in recent years (in honour of famous Irish writers): the Sean O’Casey Bridge swing bridge and, in 2009, the Samuel Beckett suspension bridge. From here, you can see one of the Docklands’ iconic developments: The O2, a gleaming new concert venue for big acts like Rod Stewart or Beyoncé. U2 were the first to perform there when it opened in late 2008.
It is no secret that Ireland was hit by the recession, and the Docklands, as the centre of the economic bubble, were badly hit. The U2 Tower which was going to be Ireland’s highest building and house the band’s new recording studios, is on hold. Also, he Docklands Development Authority has been accused of mismanagement. Important files on the purchase of a € 420 million site in 2006, and now worth much less, strangely disappeared!
While in a sense, the Docklands represent Ireland’s recent obsession with properly, the new projects also designed to bring “normal” Dubliners and visitors into the area. Next to the O2 concert hall, the Point Village has just opened an all-year weekend market that, in the words of the organizers, “encourages everything the Celtic Tiger forgot, and is an outlet for all of the people most affected by the recession.”


The website's English tips today is about Chocolate. I love chocolate, I'm addict to eat chocolate. But I'm not talking about Chocolate literally, I'm talking about a great website for children and begginers English learners. Very useful, by the way. I recommend you to access daily, this is a great way to memorising and building up vocabularies, memory games among otheres. http://www.learningchocolate.com  Keep studying, keep practising.

A sketch of Argentina

Source: www.maganews.com
A trip around South America
A sketch of Argentina
Maradona, Evita, Carlos Gardel and tango. These are some of the main symbols of Argentina, a country in love with literature and soccer - a country that produces excellent food and wine
Argentina has some things in common with Brazil. It is mad about soccer, suffers with corruption, and financial hardship is a problem for many of its people. Argentines also drink tea (chimarrão), just like the gauchos.  In this country of 40 million people, the main religion is Catholicism (92% of the population). Just like Brazilians, Argentines have also been governed by military dictatorships. Culturally speaking, Argentines like reading books and newspapers much more than Brazilians. Argentines are proud that their country has produced five Nobel Prize winners.  Crime rates in Buenos Aires are much lower than in Rio and São Paulo. In cookery, Argentines produce some of the finest meat in the world. The country that produced Maradona and Che Guevara is also famed for its excellent quality wine and also for producing some of the best fudge in the world.

Tango and the Carlos Gardel legend
Tango arose out of the suburbs of Buenos Aires at the end of the 19th Century. The biggest name in tango was the legendary singer Carlos Gardel (1890-1935).  Gardel helped popularize tango all over the world. He was born in France, but arrived in Buenos Aires when he was two years old. Some historians, however, believe he was born in Uruguay.

Trecho da matéria publicada na edição de número 45 da Revista Maganews, que traz também um perfil da lendária Evita e fotos e informações interessantes sobre Buenos Aires e Bariloche.
Foto – Márcia Pavarini

sketch – retrato / esboço / desenho
hardship – dificuldade / sofrimento
military dictatorships – ditadura military
to be proud – se orgulhar
crime rate – índice de criminalidade
cookery – cozinha / culinária
meat - carne
8 fudge –  um tipo de doce de leite

segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

We want sex, movie...Interview.


Source: www.speakup.com.br
Language level: Advanced
 Speaker: Jason Bermigham

The British movie Made in Dagenham which has been given a rather different title: We Want Sex (short for “We Want Sex Equality”) in many European countries, will be released in Brazil on DVD this month, under the title A Revolução em Dagenham. The film tells the true story of a strike that took place at the Ford Motor Works in Dagenham in 1968. It involved 187 female employees who demanded the right to equal pay. The film, which is directed by Niget Cole, stars Sally Hawkins, who plays Rita O’ Grady, the strike’s unlikely leader. As Sally Hawkins explains, the story is still relevant today:

Sally Hawkins
(Standard British accent)

Source of the picture: cinedica.com.br

Still, in this day and age, we’re fighting that fight. What’s so nice is the fact it’s from true life, it’s real, this happened, and these women set in motion. The Equal Pay Act you know, of1970s. It’s…without them, that wouldn’t have come about.

The film’s producer is Stephen Woolley, who discovered the story of the Dagenham women almost by chance.

Sally Hawkins

The story about how he came across this story and this fight and these women through the radio, through an article, and hearing these women speak, and hearing their voice, you know, obviously triggered something in Steve and he thought, “That’s…that’s the story I want to tell.” And, absolutely, he’s so right, and thanks God!

And Sally Hawkins says that she met the real women of Dagenham, more than 40 years after the event:

Sally Hawkins

I went to Dagenham: they’re still all there, and they’re still all friends, and they still have that camaraderie, and seeing that spark between them, and them sort of you know, being quite witty each other, quite cutting, but also, ultimately, they really love each other and they’re really good friends: it’s about that, really.

Lyric, I just Called to Say I love

All credits of this exercises for Teacher Aimee from Israel, for more information check out: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=2231

No 's day
To celebrate
No chocolate covered  hearts to give away
No first of 
No song to 
In fact here’s just another  day.
No April 
No  bloom
No wedding   within the month of June
But what it is
Is something 
Made up of these three  that I must say to you.
I just called to say I  you.
I just called to say how much I .
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the  of my heart.

No summer’s high
No  July
No harvest moon to light one tender   night
No  breeze
No falling 
Not even time for  to fly to southern skies.
No Libra sun
No giving thanks to all the  joy you bring
But what it is
Though old so new
To fill your  like no three words could ever do.

nydg14.gif SEASONS: The song starts with winter, then carries on with spring, summer and autumn. 
                     Write two events that happen on each season, according to the song.   
              sprcl1y.gif                   suncl1f.gif                    flcl1i.gif      
      W I N T E R                         S P R I N G                        S U M M E R                     A U T U M N