A trip around South America
A sketch of Argentina
Maradona, Evita, Carlos Gardel and tango. These are some
of the main symbols of Argentina , a country in love with literature and soccer - a country that produces excellent food and wine
Tango and the Carlos Gardel legend
Tango arose out of the suburbs of Buenos Aires at the end of the 19th Century. The biggest name in tango was the legendary singer Carlos Gardel (1890-1935). Gardel helped popularize tango all over the world. He was born in France , but arrived in Buenos Aires when he was two years old. Some historians, however, believe he was born in Uruguay .
Trecho da matéria publicada na edição de número 45 da Revista Maganews, que traz também um perfil da lendária Evita e fotos e informações interessantes sobre Buenos Aires e Bariloche.
Foto – Márcia Pavarini
1 sketch – retrato / esboço / desenho
2 hardship – dificuldade / sofrimento
3 military dictatorships – ditadura military
4 to be proud – se orgulhar
5 crime rate – índice de criminalidade
6 cookery – cozinha / culinária
7 meat - carne
8 fudge – um tipo de doce de leite
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