segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011

We want sex, movie...Interview.


Language level: Advanced
 Speaker: Jason Bermigham

The British movie Made in Dagenham which has been given a rather different title: We Want Sex (short for “We Want Sex Equality”) in many European countries, will be released in Brazil on DVD this month, under the title A Revolução em Dagenham. The film tells the true story of a strike that took place at the Ford Motor Works in Dagenham in 1968. It involved 187 female employees who demanded the right to equal pay. The film, which is directed by Niget Cole, stars Sally Hawkins, who plays Rita O’ Grady, the strike’s unlikely leader. As Sally Hawkins explains, the story is still relevant today:

Sally Hawkins
(Standard British accent)

Source of the picture:

Still, in this day and age, we’re fighting that fight. What’s so nice is the fact it’s from true life, it’s real, this happened, and these women set in motion. The Equal Pay Act you know, of1970s. It’s…without them, that wouldn’t have come about.

The film’s producer is Stephen Woolley, who discovered the story of the Dagenham women almost by chance.

Sally Hawkins

The story about how he came across this story and this fight and these women through the radio, through an article, and hearing these women speak, and hearing their voice, you know, obviously triggered something in Steve and he thought, “That’s…that’s the story I want to tell.” And, absolutely, he’s so right, and thanks God!

And Sally Hawkins says that she met the real women of Dagenham, more than 40 years after the event:

Sally Hawkins

I went to Dagenham: they’re still all there, and they’re still all friends, and they still have that camaraderie, and seeing that spark between them, and them sort of you know, being quite witty each other, quite cutting, but also, ultimately, they really love each other and they’re really good friends: it’s about that, really.

3 comentários:

Ronilda David-Loubah Sofia disse...

Boa Noite Amigo querido,ja vim hoje aqui zom os cuidados de sempre com todos os posts, agora deixo-te esse link:

Volto depois

Abraço carinhoso

Ronilda David-Loubah Sofia disse...

Pronto já levei teu tradutor para o Território, amanhã Rae leva para a Mochila dela


Grata Amigo Querido

Tenhas uma santa noite de descanso


A Hora da educação disse...

Filme de sexo?
Bom, se tiver um boa história e na companhia certa é legal. Rsrsrsrsrs.