segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014

11 Tips to Help You Learn English Faster

Credits of the article: Before start to read, I like to know that I found out a powerful website on internet and I decided to copy and pass it on for English learners. English Tonight 

1. Take a deep breath and SPEAK!
The more you think about speaking, the more nervous you will get. Just try speaking more. Next time you go to English class or speak English, count how many times you speak in five or ten minutes. After that, try to speak more. If you spoke one time today, next English class, try to speak two or three times. The more you speak the more you will learn how to communicate properly.
2. Don’t apologize for not knowing everything or “Not speaking English!”
You are learning English… You are trying, right? That’s what’s important. You don’t say “I don’t know how to cook that.” and stop cooking new things or “I don’t now how to use a computer.” and stop using new computer apps and programs. You just keep doing your best and you learn more and more as time goes on.  Please don’t say ‘I DON’T speak English’. Instead you could say:
• “I am learning English. Could you speak a little slower?”
• “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand.”
• “Could you repeat that?”
• “So, you’re saying that…. [rephrase what you heard]”.
• “What does _________ mean?”
3. Stop translating everything word for word to your language.
Translating everything to your native language is a big NO NO when learning English! If you are doing it, STOP right now! Translating everything is slowing down your progress. If you hear something in English and instantly try to translate it to your native language; you will not be focusing on learning English, but rather translating. When you hear people speaking in English:
• Listen for words you DO understand
• Use contextual clues… so, if you hear, “There is a big rhinoceros.” If you don’t know what ‘rhinoceros’ means but you see a big animal in a picture, or someone is pointing at something. Use those clues to figure out what it means.
4. Train your ears to understand.
You need to focus and listen. Train you ears to listen for words they (YOU) know in English. Listen for patterns. Don’t focus on grammar or single words. Focus on the phrases. Listen to English movies, music, and TV. Listen to the way things are phrased or ordered. If you train your ears, you will automatically start to understand more when people speak English. Training your ears to listen to English, will help focus on the big picture; understanding English. You cannot become fluent if you are focusing on words, one at a time. It would take you forever to learn English.
5. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
Fear can stop you from learning English.
• Do you go to English class and think that everyone is going to make fun of you or laugh at you if you try to speak English?
• Do know all the grammar rules but struggle to have a conversation in English?
• Do you avoid speaking with native English speakers and other people that speak English better than you?
Stop being so afraid to speak English! You need to let go and relax. You need to stop thinking of the ‘What if’s…?’. Instead focus on doing and your actions. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. The more you do something the better you get at it. To be a better English speaker and understand more English you need to stop being afraid of making mistakes.
6. Keep Trying. Don’t Give Up.
Professional athletes practice a lot. They weren’t born professional athletes. A ton of hard work and hours went into being so good at what they do. They could never be a professional soccer or baseball player without trying. If a professional athlete stopped practicing today, their skills would get worse. They would start making mistakes. The more you practice speaking English, reading English, listening to English, and writing in English the better you will get. You won’t be able to speak English fluently tomorrow or even next month. Over time if you put in the effort, you will be more comfortable and know a lot more English.
7. Keep a small notebook… write down important phrases.
Write down entire phrases that you hear. You could write it down because you think you will use it, you learned something new, or you didn’t understand. When you look back at the notebook later you will have the whole phrase; instead of one word in isolate (alone, with no example). By writing down the entire phrase you mind remember is like that. Next time you need it, the whole phrase will come out, instead of just one word.
8. Stop Negative Self-Talk
Do you find yourself saying or thinking negative things about learning English? Such as,
• “You will never learn English.”
• “Why do I always make mistakes? I am so stupid.”
• “I never know what to say. English is so hard.”
If you do say these things to yourself, then you do have negative self-talk about learning English.
How do you fix negative self-talk?

• Recognize you are being negative.
• Rephrase or change your statement. State the negative in a different manner
Negative Self-Talk: “I will never learn English”.
Positive Self-Talk: “English is difficult but I am going to keep trying. I am sure I will get it soon.”
Being positive will help you learn English quicker.
9. Set goals- Know why you are learning English. What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to speak English fluently? Do you want to get a job speaking English? Are you going to travel to the United States? Do you need to know English for University? Do you want to learn English because all of your friends speak English? Think about why you are learning English and set some goals.
• How long will you study English?
• How will you study or learn English?
• What specifically will you do to learn English?
• How will you know when you meet your goal?
• What will happen when you meet your goal?
10. Try something new
Have been trying to learn English the same way for the last year? Three years? Seven years or more? Try something new! Change is good for you. It will help you grow.
• Try listening to English podcast.
• Take an online English class.
• Listen to music in English.
• Watch TV or news in English.
• Watch YouTube English Lessons
• Take a class from a different teacher.
• Do a language exchange online or in your city
• Find an English speaking friend (native or not)
11. Throw your textbook (or grammar book) out the window. 
Okay…. Maybe you don’t need to be so dramatic but a textbook should be used as a reference. Don’t throw it out the window; put it in the closet. An English textbook should not be your only resource when learning English. It should be there to use from time to time when you have a question or want to look up something. You need to focus on YOU. What do you need to learn? You are an individual. What you need to learn in English is different than what your neighbor, your friend and your boss need to know in English. The textbook will not change based on each individual’s needs… it is a one size fit all. Language learning is NOT one size (or way) fits all!
- See more at:


Hello everyone, how's it going? First of all I'm going to talk about an interesting and powerful tip. WLINGUA is a great website and application where you can get in touch with the real English. In particular for beginners. Check it out HERE and getting started to learn. Did you enjoy this tip? Please, share and pass it on for friends on social network. 

Source of the picture: Washigton Post/Text: English tips

sábado, 29 de novembro de 2014


O que é o projeto Living and Learning? Desde criança tinha vontade de aprender Inglês mas não precisava ser de uma maneira tão inusitada. Uma das maneiras "bizarras" era ouvir a rádio BBC de Londres via ondas curtas. Passei 20 anos praticando e aprendi a entender. Consequentemente, como guia regional de 2003 a 2006 foi o período aonde o município de Carnaúba dos Dantas recebeu mais turistas estrangeiros e foi aí que desenvolvi a fluência. 

O projeto começou em 2004 com algumas crianças e começaram a render alguns frutos, apesar de não ter nada sofisticado. Em 2011, após ganhar umabolsa do SENAC retomei o projeto e deixou mais alguns frutos, alguns alunos já despontava e dava alguns passos no idioma. Infelizmente por questão de falta de tempo e motivação por não encontrar apoio não deu certo. 

Em 2014 atendendo a pedido de nossos jovens e encontrando um material riquíssimo do (Acesse e cadastre) com o material da renomada professora Ellen Fernandes que gentilmente cedeu o material vai dar certo. 

Patrocinadores: O projeto é apenas parte de um sonho, o outro maior é trazer o SENAC para Carnaúba dos Dantas! Como assim? Me capacitar e oferecer o curso gratuito no comércio e com a prefeitura e os alunos que estamos desenvolvendo. Para isso, faz necessário o apoio do comércio local que vou em busca de patrocinadores e o blog também recebe doações no ícone do Banco do Brasil. Os alunos não pagam nada, só com o material que praticamente é utilizado através das mídias e aplicativos, uma forma rápida de aprendizagem associado a era digital. O projeto conta com o apoio do prefeito Sérgio Eduardo, da secretaria de Educação do município e da diretora do Instituto Goerete. O projeto Living and Learning é uma expressão que vem do Inglês Live and learn, viva e aprenda que conta a história de uma criança sonhadora que venceu o preconceito de uma sociedade segregadora como a nossa. 

Estou em busca de patrocínios, divulgo a sua empresa e em troca você patrocina o projeto (84) 8844-3297 Carlinhos ou você pode fazer sua doação. 

Agência: 4197-1 Conta Corrente 6003-8 Banco do Brasil Damião Carlos Dantas e você estará ajudando diretamente o projeto.

segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2014


Today's website tip is really powerful. I love this interative and dynamic website, LEARN AMERICAN ENGLISH ONLINE developed by teacher Paul Lawrence excellent for teachers and students. There are a lot of exercises in different English levels which providing a self-studying. It's really enjoyable and useful website. Remember, you should focus tocus to learn a real English, breathe, read, speak, dream, write do that in English. Keep studying, you will reach your goals. 

Just surf and enjoy this opportunity have a look HERE

quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2014

Tips with DEEP ENGLISH: Oscar, the cat

Today I'm going to write about the English course and free lessons DEEP ENGLISH. This is a very interesting English Course and website with powerful tips, lessons that guide you in the language. For more info, visit Deep English and improve your listening with fast and slow podcast. 

quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2014

As 150 frases mais usadas em inglês - Parte 2

A Universidade do Inglês apresenta bons conteúdos, ideais para auto-didatas como eu e tantos outros espalhados por este país. Clique AQUI e veja dicas Adquira o livro. 

Como adquirir o livro, clique AQUI

terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2014


Mais uma dica bacana do site Universidade do Inglês. Na dica de hoje você terá 15 músicas antigas para praticar, clique AQUI para acessar o link 

1. Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now) – Phill Collins

How can I just let you walk away?
Just let you leave without a trace?
When I stand here taking every breath with you, ohoo
You’re the only one who really knew me at all
How can you just walk away from me?
When all I can do is watch you leave?
Cuz we shared the laughter and the pain
And even shared the tears
You’re the only one who really knew me at all

Como eu posso apenas te deixar ir?
Deixar você ir sem deixar rastro?
Quando eu fico aqui tomando folego com você
Você é a unica que realmente me conhecia de verdade
Como eu posso te deixar ir embora pra longe de mim?
Quando tudo que eu posso fazer é ver você partir
Porque nós compartilhamos as risadas e a dor
e até dividimos as lágrimas
Você é a unica que realmente me conhecia de verdade

So take a look at me now
Cause there’s just an empty space
And there’s nothin left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
Cuz there’s just an empty space
And you comin back to me is against all odds
And that’s what I’ve gotta face, ohoo

Então, dê uma olhada para mim agora
Porque há apenas um espaço vazio
E não resta nada para me lembrar
Apenas a lembrança do seu rosto
Dê uma olhada em mim agora
Porque há apenas um espaço vazio
E você voltar para mim parece muito improvável
e é isso que eu tenho que encarar

I wish I could just make you turn around
Turn around and see me cry
There’s so much I need to say to you
So many reasons why
You’re the only one who really knew me at all

Eu queria poder fazer você se virar
Se virar e me ver chorar
Tem tanta coisa que eu preciso te dizer
Tantas razões por quê
Você é a unica que realmente me conhecia de verdade

So take a look at me now
Cuz there’s just an empty space
And there’s nothin left here to remind me
Just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now
Cus there’s just an empty space
But to wait for you, well that’s all I can do
And that’s what I gotta face
Take a good look at me now
I’ll still be standing here
And you comming back to me is against all odds
It’s a chance I gotta take; ohoo
Take a look at me now

Então, dê uma olhada para mim agora
Porque há apenas um espaço vazio
E não resta nada para me lembrar
Apenas a lembrança do seu rosto
Dê uma olhada em mim agora
Porque há apenas um espaço vazio
E esperar por você é tudo o que posso fazer
e é isso que tenho que encarar
Dê uma boa olhada pra mim
Eu vou continuar aqui
E você voltar pra mim parece muito improvável
É um risco que eu tenho que correr
Dê uma olhada em mim agora
Créditos desta postagem: FALAR INGLÊS ONLINE
Para adquirir o livro, baratinho, clique AQUI. 

quinta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2014

Inglês para viagens: vocabulário para o aeroporto

Inglês para viagens: vocabulário para o aeroporto
O aeroporto é um lugar comum – você provavelmente já passou por um ou ainda vai passar. Dependendo do seu destino, precisa falar inglês no aeroporto. Sejamos sinceros, com aquela viagem de férias ou de negócios, você quer estar preparado para evitar problemas ou mal entendidos. Então, vamos ver algumas palavras em inglês importantes para usar no aeroporto.
Antes de sair de casa, lembre-se de imprimir o confirmation number. É o número de confirmação personalizado que dão a você quando compra a passagem. No check-in counter, vão pedir este número com seu passport. Após o check-in, você receberá seu boarding pass para embarcar. Ele é o cartão oficial para entrar no avião.
Após despachar a bagagem e receber o boarding pass, você terá que passar pela security. Depois, você terá que encontrar seu avião. Ele estará esperando você num departure gate (portão de embarque) específico, marcado em seu boarding pass. Costuma ser uma combinação de número e letra. É ali que você espera para embarcar e mostra seu boarding pass para entrar no avião. Não se atrase ou fecham o portão. Eu sei, porque, infelizmente, já aconteceu comigo.
Após embarcar e encontrar seu assento, pedirão para que você coloque sua carry-on luggage (as malas menores que embarcam com você) nos compartimentos superiores. Depois disso, é só relaxar e aproveitar o voo. Ou fazer como eu: dormir.
Ao pousar, você precisa saber onde fica a baggage claim area para pegar suas malas no baggage carousel, aquela longa esteira que fica girando as malas. Veja a etiqueta para ter certeza de que a mala é mesmo sua.
Agora que você está munido de vocabulário, está tudo certo para embarcar em sua viagem sem preocupações!
Nina Ragusa
Eu me chamo Nina Ragusa e sou da ensolarada Flórida, EUA. Juntei minhas coisas e mudei para a Tailândia há quase dois anos para ensinar inglês para estrangeiros.
Amo mais a vida a cada dia. Viajar é minha paixão, e minha missão na vida é ver o máximo de países que eu puder! Também gosto de ler, caminhar, ficar na praia e escrever.
- See more at: ENGLISH TOWN não deixe de fazer um bom curso, ótima escola de idiomas com professores nativos. 

For more information, acess SOL BRILHANDO

sexta-feira, 11 de julho de 2014

Vocabulary: English Expressions for Global Problems

In today’s lesson, we’ll focus on several major global problems.
One critical issue is preserving and protecting the environment. The burning offossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) produces greenhouse gases (gases that heat up the atmosphere) that deplete the ozone layer and result in global warming andclimate change (changes in the earth’s temperature and weather patterns).
Some scientists believe that we have already done irreparable damage to the planet, and now we are suffering the consequences of rising sea levels and increasingly frequent natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadosA number of animal species have gone extinct, and many more are endangered.
To reverse this trend, we must invest in clean energy (energy sources that do not pollute the environment) with renewable resources (elements like water and air, which can be re-used) and utilize manufacturing methods that are not harmful to the environment.
There are still many regions of the world where children die of hunger/starvation (die from not having enough food). Unfortunately, extreme poverty is common in the rural areas of developing countries, where the population often suffers from food shortages (not enough food) and lack of access to clean water.
In the cities, homeless people sleep on the streets if there is not enough room in localhomeless shelters. There are also many families on the margins of society (outside the dominant society and culture) who are living below the poverty line and struggle to make ends meet every month.
Although many governments create welfare programs (programs that give money to poor people) to alleviate poverty, the widening gap between rich and poor suggests that poverty may never be completely eradicated.
Poverty and underdevelopment contribute to a host of additional problems as well. For example, many people die of preventable diseases because they have no access thesafe and effective vaccines that exist. A number of large corporations use child laborin the manufacturing of their products, as poor families may feel they have no other option for survival.
In addition, young women from disadvantaged backgrounds (poor families and situations) are prime targets for human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
I reccomend this site to you ESPRESSO ENGLISH

domingo, 6 de julho de 2014


This is really a powerful English top tip brought to you by Luke Palder. This is an ESL guide for those want to improve your written skills. Luke Palder is founder of there you can find also English exercises, games and a powerful tip in order to improve your English skill. Check out HERE and download it for free. 

I hope this could be useful to you, good luck.