quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011

Study by yourself...How?

             Things you should do in order to improve your English:
·         Listen to music, a song can teach much. (Movies, documentaries).
·         Do composition, you can describe your daily routine, talking about things you do (abilities), your job, etc.
·         Take a piece of paper and write down nouns and fix them, this way you can memorize and build up vocabulary.
·         Organising a group and establish targets, at least practice English 1 hour a day.
·         If possible try to keep in touch with native speakers.
·         Use Skype, Facebook, Orkut, YouTube, Websites and blogs (English language).
·         Speaking without fear, make mistakes take part of the language. No worry about corrections.
·         Contextualize and never translate literally.
·         However I do not recommend use Google, use the mobile’s setting in English.
·         Think in English, that’s a problem for beginners, think in their mother tongue in order to Speak English, however it’s quite normal, but you have to adapt to a second language.
·         If you have money, take private classes or attending a good course, in addition you can do an interchange’s programme, travelling to USA, Australia, United , England, New Zealand, etc.
·         If you have no money, never give up, follow up this tips.
After you following this tip, remember that, nothing is impossible. Keep Practising, keep studying.
Thanks a million, everyone, do not forget to telling for friends about English tips, promoting if possible on FB, Twitter, Orkut, among others. I also love your comment and suggestions. Have a wonderful day/night. That’s all for today, see you later. 

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

Royal Wedding, Kate and William

Source: Maganews

I recommend this magazine for Students and Teachers, take out a subscription visiting the website http://www.maganews.com.br

Countdown to the
Royal Wedding

Kate and William will marry on April 29 in London, in front of kings, princes and heads of state [1] from around the world 

  It is normal for the bride [2] and groom [3] to get nervous andanxious in the days leading up to their wedding. But in the case of Prince William, the nervousness is perhaps somewhat amplified. In late March he confessed to the British press that he has had trouble sleeping. This nervousness is with good reason: the images of his marriage to Kate Middleton will be beamed [4] around the world. The ceremony will be held on April 29, at Westminster Abbey, in London. About 1,900 people, including relatives, friends, kings, and heads of state from around the world have been invited to the wedding. After the ceremony there will be a reception for 600 guests [5] at Buckingham Palace. Among the guests are celebrities such as singer Elton John and the couple David and Victoria Beckham. William and Kate do not want to get any wedding gifts. The couple has asked guests to make donations to charities.

Courtship began in Scotland

William met Kate in 2001 when both were students at St. Andrews University, in Scotland. Two years later they started dating. Speculation about a possible marriage lasted so long that the British press dubbed [6] Kate "Waity Katy." This long courtship [7] has gone through several crises over the past few years but finally, in October 2009, William asked Kate to marry him during a vacation in Kenya.

Matéria publicada na edição de número 60 da Revista Maganews.
Picture - Prince William and Kate Middleton official engagement portrait – by Mario Testino
Áudio (narração) - David Hatton


1 heads of state – chefes de estado
2 bride – noiva
3 groom – noivo
4 to beam (emitir / irradiar) - to be beamed – ser transmitido
5 guest – convidado
6 to dub – apelidar
7 courtship - Relacionamento

Family album USA, 76


terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011




You can walk, cycle or drive across one of the most famous bridge in the world. The Golden Gate Bridge on the north side of the city of San Francisco in California spans 2, 7 kilometres across the Golden gate Strait. It was the world’s longest suspension bridges when it was built in 1937. Today it is a famous landmark and a matter of huge pride to the people of the area.


The city of San Francisco had a one-week festival called the Golden Gate Bridge fiesta to celebrate the opening of the bridge in 1937. The festivities began on May 27th when the bridge opened to foot traffic only. More than 200.000 people crossed the bridge that day, many of them competing to be the first person ever to run, roller skate, tap dance, ride a unicycle or walk on stilts across the bridge.


Most of the festivities, including parades and fireworks, took place in a nearby park called Crissy Field. The designer of the bridge, Joseph Strauss, even turned up there on the first day to read a poem he’d written called ‘At last, the mighty task is done.” On the second day, the bridge opened to motorists and the US president at the time, Franklin D Roosevelt, sent a telegraph from the White House telling the world the bridge was open at last.


Source: Speak Up www.speakup.com.br
Language level: C1 Advanced
Speaker: Chuck Rolando


The Golden Gate Bridge first opened for business in 1937. Today it is one of the world’s most recognizable symbols. And it has the advantage of being located in San Francisco, one of the world’s most beautiful cities. Yet the weather in San Francisco isn’t always great. It is alleged that Mark Twain once commented: “The coldest winter I ever saw was that summer I spent in San Francisco.” For this reason we asked Mary Currie, the Golden Gate Bridge’s public affairs director, for advice or when to visit:

Mary Currie
(Standard American Accent)

Well, the Golden Gate Bridge is situated in San Francisco: the greatest challenge the summertime fog. Usually, from about May through August, September, it can be very foggy. There’ll be days when you don’t even see the bridge! I’ve been here for 19 years now and there have been days on end where you can hardly see the bridge because of the heavy summer fog. I recommend that people try to visit in the spring or the fall because then they’re avoiding the summer fog and the winter rain, but not everybody can come and I think some people arrive in the summer and are disappointed, but the fog is a factor we have to deal with.


More than 112.000 vehicles cross the bridge every day but other forms of transport are catching on:

Mary Currie

It’s interesting than in the last five years in particular bicycling has gotten very, very popular. In San Francisco, at Pier 39, there are bicycle rental shops. People rent bicycles, ride to the Golden Gate Bridge and go down to Sausalito, which is a nearby, small town that’s very highly visited as well, and then they take the ferry back to San Francisco. So bicycling is a very popular way to visit the Bridge.

But you can visit on foot:

Mary Currie

Well, you know, everybody has their own style of how they want to experience the Golden Gate Bridge, but one of the very unique things about the Bridge is that it does have sidewalks that are open, and you can walk out onto the Bridge and you can touch it, you can feel it moving in response to the traffic. It’s very noisy when you walk out onto the Bridge, in fact.

You can experience it from the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, which surrounds the Golden Gate Bridge and has incredibly fabulous viewpoints on both the north and the south side of the Bridge.

EARTHQUAKE (no audio)

It was a big deal then and it’s an even bigger deal now. The bridge costs millions of dollars to maintain and improve. Engineers are currently implementing a $392 million retrofit program to prevent the bridge from collapsing in an earthquake. More than 100.000 people cross over the bridge every day and about 200 people work to keep it safe and secure .


Many of the workers on the bridge, including the security guards, ironworkers and painters, are trained to identify suicidal people and prevent them from taking their own lives.

Sadly an estimated 1.500 people have killed themselves by jumping off the bridge, making it the world’s top suicide location.

Officials have installed telephones on the bridge that allow people to call for help. They are planning to install nets under the bridge in the near future to prevent more suicides there. 

Food for Thought

We should follow this example, beautiful by the way...Source http://www.filhotedepombo.com/

Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959: A Building Designer Ahead of His Time

Source: Voice of America Special English http://www.voanews.com www.manythings.org/voa/people 
I'm Phoebe Zimmerman. And I'm Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program PEOPLE IN AMERICA.  Today we tell about the life and work of the greatest American building designer of the twentieth century, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Frank Lloyd Wright designed buildings for more than seventy years. He did most of his work from nineteen hundred through the nineteen fifties.  He designed houses, schools, churches, public buildings, and office buildings.
Critics say Frank Lloyd Wright was one of America's most creative architects. One critic said his ideas were fifty years ahead of the time in which he lived.
Frank Lloyd Wright was born in eighteen­ sixty‑seven in the middle western state of Wisconsin. He studied engineering at the University of Wisconsin. In eighteen eighty‑seven, he went to the city of Chicago. He got a job in the office of the famous architects, Louis Sullivan and Dankmar Adler.
Several years later, Wright established his own building design business. He began by designing homes for people living in and near Chicago. These homes were called "prairie houses."
Prairie houses were long and low. They seemed to grow out of the ground. They were built of wood and other natural materials. The indoors expanded to the outdoors by extending the floor. This created what seemed like a room without walls or a roof.
In nineteen-oh-two, Wright designed one prairie house, called the Willits House, in the town of Highland Park. The house was shaped like a cross. It was built around a huge fireplace. The rooms were designed so they seemed to flow into each other.
Visitors to Chicago can see another of Wright's prairie houses.  It is called the Robie House.  It looks like a series of long, low rooms on different levels.  The rooms seem to float over the ground.  Wright designed everything in the house, including the furniture and floor coverings.
Wright's prairie houses had a great influence on home design in America. Even today, one hundred years later, his prairie houses appear very modern.
In the nineteen thirties, Wright developed what he called "Usonian" houses.  Usonia was his name for a perfect, democratic United States of America. Usonian houses were planned to be low cost. Wright designed them for the American middle class. These are the majority of Americans who are neither very rich nor very poor.
Frank Lloyd Wright believed that all middle class families in America should be able to own a house that was designed well. He believed that the United States could not be a true democracy if people did not own their own house on their own piece of land.
Usonian houses were built on a flat base of concrete. The base was level with the ground. Wright believed that was better and less costly than the common method of digging a hole in the ground for the base. Low‑cost houses based on the Usonian idea became very popular in America in the nineteen fifties. Visitors can see one of Wright's Usonian homes near Washington, D. C.  It is the Pope-Leighy House in Alexandria, Virginia.
Frank Lloyd Wright believed in spreading his ideas to young building designers. In nineteen thirty‑two, he established a school called the Taliesin Fellowship. Architectural students paid to live and work with him.
During the summer, they worked at his home near Spring Green, Wisconsin.  Wright called this house "Taliesin." That is a Welsh name meaning "shining brow." It was built of stone and wood into the top of a hill.
During the winter, they worked at Taliesin West. This was Wright's home and architecture office near Phoenix, Arizona. Wright and his students started building it in nineteen thirty-seven in the Sonoran Desert.
Taliesin West is an example of Frank Lloyd Wright's ideas of organic architecture taking root in the desert.  He believed that architecture should have life and spirit.  He said a building should appear to grow naturally and easily from its base into its surroundings.  Selecting the best place to put a building became a most important first step in the design process.
Frank Lloyd Wright had discovered the beauty of the desert in nineteen twenty-seven when he was asked to help with the design of the Arizona Biltmore hotel.  He continued to return to the desert with his students to escape the harsh winters in Wisconsin.
Ten years later he found a perfect place for his winter home and school.  He bought about three hundred hectares of desert land at the foot of the McDowell Mountains near Scottsdale, Arizona.
Wright said: " I was struck by the beauty of the desert, by the dry, clear sun-filled air, by the stark geometry of the mountains."  He wanted everyone who visited Taliesin West to feel this same sense of place.
His architecture students helped him gather rocks and sand from the desert floor to use as building materials.  They began a series of buildings that became home, office and school.  Wright kept working on and changing what he called a building made of many buildings for twenty years.
Today, Taliesin West has many low stone buildings linked together by walkways and courtyards.  It is still very much alive with activity.  About seventy people live, work and study there.  Guides take visitors through what is one of America's most important cultural treasures.
In nineteen thirty‑seven, Wright designed a house near the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  It is a fine example of his idea of organic architecture. The house is called "Fallingwater." It sits on huge rocks next to a small river.  It extends over a waterfall.  From one part of the house, a person can step down a stairway over the water.
"Fallingwater" is so unusual and so beautiful that it came to represent modern American architecture. One critic calls it the greatest house of the twentieth century. Like Taliesin West, "Fallingwater" is open to the public.
Frank Lloyd Wright also is famous for designing imaginative public buildings.  In nineteen‑oh‑four, he designed an office building for the Larkin Soap Company in Buffalo, New York.  The offices were organized around a tall open space.  At the top was a glass roof to let sunlight into the center.
In the late nineteen thirties, Wright designed an office building for the Johnson Wax Company in Racine, Wisconsin.  It also had one great room without traditional walls or windows.  The outside of the building was made of smooth, curved brick and glass.
In nineteen forty‑three, Frank Lloyd Wright designed one of his most famous projects: the Guggenheim Museum of Art in New York City. The building was completed in nineteen sixty, the year following his death.
The Guggenheim is unusual because it is a circle.   Inside the museum, a walkway rises in a circle from the lowest floor almost to the top.  Visitors move along this walkway to see the artwork on the walls.
The Guggenheim museum was very different from Wright's other designs.  It even violated one of his own rules of design: the Guggenheim's shape is completely different from any of the buildings around it.
When Wright was a very old man, he designed the Marin County Civic Center in San Rafael, California, near San Francisco.  The Civic Center project was one of his most imaginative designs.  It is a series of long buildings between two hills.
Frank Lloyd Wright believed that architecture is life itself taking form.  "Therefore," he said, "it is the truest record of life as it was lived in the world yesterday, as it is lived today, or ever will be lived."
Frank Lloyd Wright died in nineteen fifty-nine, in Phoenix, Arizona.  He was ninety‑one years old.  His buildings remain a record of the best of American Twentieth Century culture.
This Special English program was written by Shelley Gollust and Marilyn Christiano.  It was produced by Lawan Davis. Our studio engineer was Max Carroll.  I'm Steve Ember. And I'm Phoebe Zimmerman. Join us again next week for another PEOPLE IN AMERICA program on the Voice of America.


cuscuz de milho

Well, today I'm going to talk about Regionalism. In particular speaking Portuguese it's not difficult, for Latin countries, or South Americans, even Americans, but you can find differences of Portuguese Spoken in Brazil from Portugal, in addition it depends on the region in Brazil you can find different accents and regionalisms (words with different meanings). For example how can translate "Cuscuz"? (typical food made by corn) Or Umbu fruit? Typical fruit from Northeast. Gogoia, Xique-Xique, Facheiro? (Species of Cactus of the Caatinga Biome, unique from Northeast, similar to Savannah in South Africa. Foreign people who start to practise Portuguese keep in touch with the barrier of the language, the same happen with a foreign language, of course, I mean, you cannot translate everything. Let me know in your language words you cannot translate to English.