terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011


cuscuz de milho

Well, today I'm going to talk about Regionalism. In particular speaking Portuguese it's not difficult, for Latin countries, or South Americans, even Americans, but you can find differences of Portuguese Spoken in Brazil from Portugal, in addition it depends on the region in Brazil you can find different accents and regionalisms (words with different meanings). For example how can translate "Cuscuz"? (typical food made by corn) Or Umbu fruit? Typical fruit from Northeast. Gogoia, Xique-Xique, Facheiro? (Species of Cactus of the Caatinga Biome, unique from Northeast, similar to Savannah in South Africa. Foreign people who start to practise Portuguese keep in touch with the barrier of the language, the same happen with a foreign language, of course, I mean, you cannot translate everything. Let me know in your language words you cannot translate to English. 

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