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Today's website tip is really powerful. I love this interative and dynamic website, LEARN AMERICAN ENGLISH ONLINE developed by teacher Paul Lawrence excellent for teachers and students. There are a lot of exercises in different English levels which providing a self-studying. It's really enjoyable and useful website. Remember, you should focus tocus to learn a real English, breathe, read, speak, dream, write do that in English. Keep studying, you will reach your goals.
Just surf and enjoy this opportunity have a look HERE.
Today I'm going to write about the English course and free lessons DEEP ENGLISH. This is a very interesting English Course and website with powerful tips, lessons that guide you in the language. For more info, visit Deep English and improve your listening with fast and slow podcast.
A Universidade do Inglês apresenta bons conteúdos, ideais para auto-didatas como eu e tantos outros espalhados por este país. Clique AQUI e veja dicas Adquira o livro.
O aeroporto é um lugar comum – você provavelmente já passou por um ou ainda vai passar. Dependendo do seu destino, precisa falar inglês no aeroporto. Sejamos sinceros, com aquela viagem de férias ou de negócios, você quer estar preparado para evitar problemas ou mal entendidos. Então, vamos ver algumas palavras em inglês importantes para usar no aeroporto.
Antes de sair de casa, lembre-se de imprimir o confirmation number. É o número de confirmação personalizado que dão a você quando compra a passagem. No check-in counter, vão pedir este número com seu passport. Após o check-in, você receberá seu boarding pass para embarcar. Ele é o cartão oficial para entrar no avião.
Após despachar a bagagem e receber o boarding pass, você terá que passar pela security. Depois, você terá que encontrar seu avião. Ele estará esperando você num departure gate (portão de embarque) específico, marcado em seu boarding pass. Costuma ser uma combinação de número e letra. É ali que você espera para embarcar e mostra seu boarding pass para entrar no avião. Não se atrase ou fecham o portão. Eu sei, porque, infelizmente, já aconteceu comigo.
Após embarcar e encontrar seu assento, pedirão para que você coloque sua carry-on luggage (as malas menores que embarcam com você) nos compartimentos superiores. Depois disso, é só relaxar e aproveitar o voo. Ou fazer como eu: dormir.
Ao pousar, você precisa saber onde fica a baggage claim area para pegar suas malas no baggage carousel, aquela longa esteira que fica girando as malas. Veja a etiqueta para ter certeza de que a mala é mesmo sua.
Agora que você está munido de vocabulário, está tudo certo para embarcar em sua viagem sem preocupações!
Nina Ragusa
Eu me chamo Nina Ragusa e sou da ensolarada Flórida, EUA. Juntei minhas coisas e mudei para a Tailândia há quase dois anos para ensinar inglês para estrangeiros.
Amo mais a vida a cada dia. Viajar é minha paixão, e minha missão na vida é ver o máximo de países que eu puder! Também gosto de ler, caminhar, ficar na praia e escrever.
- See more at: ENGLISH TOWN não deixe de fazer um bom curso, ótima escola de idiomas com professores nativos.
In today’s lesson, we’ll focus on several major global problems.
One critical issue is preserving and protecting the environment. The burning offossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas) produces greenhouse gases (gases that heat up the atmosphere) that deplete the ozone layer and result in global warming andclimate change (changes in the earth’s temperature and weather patterns).
Some scientists believe that we have already done irreparable damage to the planet, and now we are suffering the consequences of rising sea levels and increasingly frequent natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornados. A number of animal species have gone extinct, and many more are endangered.
To reverse this trend, we must invest in clean energy (energy sources that do not pollute the environment) with renewable resources (elements like water and air, which can be re-used) and utilize manufacturing methods that are not harmful to the environment.
There are still many regions of the world where children die of hunger/starvation (die from not having enough food). Unfortunately, extreme poverty is common in the rural areas of developing countries, where the population often suffers from food shortages (not enough food) and lack of access to clean water.
In the cities, homeless people sleep on the streets if there is not enough room in localhomeless shelters. There are also many families on the margins of society (outside the dominant society and culture) who are living belowthe poverty line and struggle to make ends meet every month.
Although many governments create welfare programs(programs that give money to poor people) to alleviate poverty, the widening gapbetween rich and poor suggests that poverty may never be completely eradicated.
Poverty and underdevelopment contribute to a host of additional problems as well. For example, many people die of preventable diseases because they have no access thesafe and effective vaccines that exist. A number of large corporations use child laborin the manufacturing of their products, as poor families may feel they have no other option for survival.
In addition, young women from disadvantaged backgrounds(poor families and situations) are prime targets for human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
This is really a powerful English top tip brought to you by Luke Palder. This is an ESL guide for those want to improve your written skills. Luke Palder is founder of http://www.proofreadingservices.com/ there you can find also English exercises, games and a powerful tip in order to improve your English skill. Check out HEREand download it for free.
O mercado de trabalho pode ser duro com um candidato que não esteja totalmente preparado. Hoje em dia, ter noções da língua inglesa se tornou essencial para quem busca uma melhor oportunidade de emprego. Com os altos valores das escolas particulares, a saída pode estar em cursos on-line grátis. Veja algumas opções.
Com um layout simples e intuitivo, o curso online Babbel trabalha com a memória fotográfica e auditiva do aluno ao unir traduções em áudio (em inglês britânico) e imagens. O sistema de reconhecimento de voz do site permite aperfeiçoar a pronúncia do aluno, além da possibilidade do estudo até mesmo fora de um PC convencional, por meio do Babbel Mobile (disponível apenas para Iphone).
O curso ZapEnglish tem um formato parecido com o de blogs convencionais. Ao invés de posts, o site divide suas lições em categorias. O curso on-line aposta na didática do "aprenda se divertindo", com a utilização de comerciais da TV americana, músicas e quiz. Para os iniciantes, é possível treinar a pronúncia correta de fonemas e o vocabulário.
Apesar do nome, o CIG não é um curso tradicional com aulas e provas. A própria página se define como "uma fonte de material gratuito e de qualidade". Com artigos e lições produzidos pelo idealizador do site, Mairo Vergara, o CIG busca ser uma espécie de portal de consulta, visando o aprendizado do inglês cotidiano, com seções de expressões idiomáticas, verbos frasais e compreensão oral.
O Busuu On-line é um curso de idiomas interativo com mais de 30 milhões de alunos ao redor do mundo. O portal ensina o inglês britânico com exercícios de compreensão de texto e gramática. Há também uma ferramenta de vídeo-chat entre o aluno e usuários nativos da língua inglesa para a prática da fluência oral.
Para aquele aluno que já possui alguma noção de inglês, nada melhor que um site americano para aprofundar o aprendizado. O USA Learns divide seus ensinamentos em três categorias: Beginning (para iniciantes), Low-intermediate (para intermediários) e Intermediate reading skills (para quem busca melhorar a leitura).
O site britânico é mais uma dessas ferramentas úteis para o aluno familiarizado com o inglês. Além de jogos e lições multimídia, o English For Everybody possui um fórum de perguntas onde um professor responde pessoalmente às dúvidas que surgem ao longo do curso.
Como o próprio nome diz, a finalidade do site é ensinar inglês americano a seus alunos. Criado em 2003, o site do teacher Paul possui diversos vídeos elucidativos sobre pronúncia e termos do dia-a-dia. Ao invés de níveis, o professor utiliza cores para representar o aprendizado do aluno. Do azul ao violeta, são sete níveis para o estudante explorar.
Today’s lesson is important, because MANY students write to me and ask how they can become fluent – so this e-mail has my top 10 tips for speaking fluent English.
1) Understand that there is no “magic bullet.”
That means there is NO secret and super-effective way to guarantee fluency very fast. There are different methods, and some are better than others (for example, practicing with real conversations and using the language frequently, not just memorizing grammar rules).
However, becoming fluent in English – or any language – is a long-term process.
2) Use English in your daily life as much as possible.
Even if you don’t live in an English-speaking country, there are still many ways to do this!
Listen to English as you drive to work.
Read the news online in English instead of in your native language.
Practice thinking in English while you are doing housework or exercise.
Read articles, listen to podcasts, and watch videos in English about topics you enjoy (this is important! You will make much more progress if you are having fun during the process).
3) Balance the areas of language learning.
Many students make the error of focusing too much on one or two areas, and they end up being weak in the other areas. One tip is to dedicate one day per week to studying and practicing each area.
4) Get a regular speaking partner through a “conversation exchange” website.
On websites like italki.com, verbling.com, sharedtalk.org, and others, you can meet native English speakers who want to learn your native language – this way, you can both help each other learn and practice. Try to speak with your partner at least once a week.
5) Read, watch and listen to English in many different contexts.
If you only watch news programs in English, then you will be able to understand a more “formal” style of English, but not a typical conversation between two native speakers, which is often filled with idioms and slang.
On the other hand, if you only watch movies and listen to songs in English, then you might not be able to understand (or write) a more academic article. And if you only use English for work, then it will be hard to talk about other topics because you won’t have the vocabulary.
So make sure to diversify your English input: fiction and non-fiction, formal and informal, lectures and conversations, serious subjects and comedy, etc.
6) Learn to think in English.
This is one of the biggest keys to English fluency – but how can you learn it?
There’s a step-by-step process you can follow – first, beginning to think with individual English words, then progressing to thinking in English sentences, and finally imagining entire conversations and stories in your head in English (read this lesson for a more detailed explanation with examples).
This is one of the best ways to practice English, because if you make a “mistake,” nobody knows about it
7) Say things with different words – be creative!
Two big obstacles to English fluency are lack of vocabulary and pauses / hesitations. This usually happens because you have an idea, but you can’t express it in English. It can be really frustrating. However, if you don’t know a particular word, try to think of alternative ways to express your idea.
Here’s an example: in a conversation about cooking, my student didn’t know the word “onion,” so instead he said, “the white vegetable that when you cut it you cry” – it was a perfect description, and I understood exactly what he wanted to say!
This is also important for English sentences. Sometimes you want to say something a certain way because you are translating directly from your native language, but you don’t know how to construct the phrase in English.
Of course, learning to think directly in English will help you avoid this problem – but also try to be open-minded and flexible in thinking of different ways to say the same message.
This is REALLY an excellent way to develop your fluency and build your confidence. There is no pressure to be perfect, and nobody else will hear your mistakes.
For speaking ideas, go to this website and choose a topic. Then practice answering the questions by talking to yourself out loud.
9) Don’t think too much about grammar, and don’t worry about mistakes.
One of the biggest “mental blocks” for English learners is being nervous or afraid to make a mistake – or embarrassed if they don’t speak perfectly. But remember: Communication is MUCH more important than perfection!
Here’s an example: imagine someone says, “Yesterday I go to party in beach.”
This sentence is incorrect; it should be “Yesterday I went to a party on the beach.”
However, even with the errors, it still communicates the message SUCCESSFULLY!
Of course with time you will want to correct your mistakes (the 100 Common Errors in English book and the advanced coaching course can help with that) – but for everyday speaking in general, RELAX and remember that mistakes are not fatal; the important thing is to communicate.
10) Don’t give up… never stop learning!
I’ve had a lot of students who study for a few years, then stop… then start again, then stop for a long time, then re-start… maybe you have done this The problem is that you often lose the progress you made before, and becoming fluent takes longer.
But the good news is that you don’t need to be a genius to become fluent in English – you just need to have dedication and practice consistently… if you do this, you WILL reach your goal of English fluency.
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- See more at: http://www.espressoenglish.net/how-to-speak-fluent-english-top-10-tips/#sthash.FbQIXkYX.dpuf