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Recomendo para professores e alunos para maiores informações entre em contato com I recommend MAGANEWS for English teachers and learners, take out a subscription, for more contact visit MAGANEWS website. Mahatma Gandhi, hero of peace Gandhi led a peaceful and successful movement against the Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948), better known as Mahatma Gandhi, was born into a middle class family in The “Great Soul” Throughout his life Gandhi fought racism and social injustice, and did everything he could to try to bring Hindus and Muslims in Matéria publicada na edição de número 47 da Revista Maganews (confira o vocabulário no final desta página) Áudio – Dave Brien Outros áudios (em inglês) do CD que acompanha esta edição da revista Maganews: Carmen Miranda’s centenary (Alline de Paula) Movies - Se Eu Fosse Você 2 (Alline de Paula) Marley and Me (Dave Brien) The reform of the Portuguese language (Alline) Santa Catarina, a State on alert (Alline) SC: Natural disasters: prevention is the best weapon (Alline) Ronaldo - A high-risk contract (Dave) Danger on two wheels (Dave) Beyoncé: success on three levels (Dave) Health and well-being - An irresistible drink (Dave) Cigarettes more addictive for women than for men (Dave) Jokes (Dave and Alline) CD de Áudio: Todas as matérias desta edição foram gravadas em estúdio, nas vozes dos professores Dave Brien (irlandês) e Alline de Paula Vocabulary 1 to lead – liderar (leader = líder) 2 law – Direito (lawyer = advogado) 3 struggle – luta 4 strike – greve 5 main – principal 6 the best way forward – o melhor caminho 7 march (to march = marchar) – aqui = passeata 8 fasting – jejum 9 to be arrested – ser preso 10 not to last long – não durou muito 11 to bring together – unir / reunir 12 Great soul – 13 to defeat - derrotar 14 enemy – inimigo 15 hate - ódio |
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