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Mark G. Nash e Willians Ramos Ferreira
I don’t wanna go to war
After they had left, the guy climbed out from under her dress and said “Thank you, sister. You saved my life. I didn’t want to go to Afghanistan. By the way, I hope you’re not offended for me saying so, but you have a beautiful set of legs.” The nun said “If you had looked a bit higher, you would have seen a great set of balls. I don’t want to go to Afghanistan, either.”
- I don’t wanna go to war > eu não quero ir para a guerra
- came up to a nun > aproximou-se de uma freira
- they’re after me > eles estão atrás de mim
- hide under your dress > esconder-se embaixo do seu vestido
- sure > claro
- went that way > foi por aquele lado
- ran off > saíram em disparada
- climbed out > saiu
- by the way > a propósito
- I hope you’re not offended > eu espero que a irmã não se ofenda
- for me saying so > por eu dizer isto
- a beautiful set of legs > um belo par de pernas
- if you had looked a bit higher > se você tivesse olhado um pouquinho mais acima
- you would have seen a great set of balls > você teria visto um belo par de bolas
- I don’t want to go to Afghanistan, either > eu também não quero ir para o Afeganistão
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