quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011

Landscapes and Educational projects

Project travel around the past provides high school students to visit the ancestors of the Indigenous people, me,  (Carlos tour guide) and Teacher Zé Adenilson we set off towards the Casa Santa biking around 11 kilometres away the downtown, check out the next pictures.

Here Teacher Adenilson was explaining about the aspect of the climate, rock forming million years ago. After that I explained about the origin of the human being, talking about the rock art paintings and the Indigenous Peoples group over 9 thousand year B.P. (Before Present).
                                          Red rock art paintings, Casa Santa
One of the most relevant shelter with Rock Art Paintings located 11 kilometres away the down town, the project basically aiming at to be aware about the Heritage and the importance for local people preserving in particular the memory of those Indigenous and also forming local guides in the future. Actually up to now over 80 archaeological sites have been discovered, attracting tourists from different parts of Brazil and worldwide, and of course Students come from neighbour towns and come from the other Brazilian states. Most pictures you have seen belongs to Carnauba dos Dantas. 

Um comentário:

genny disse...

nice educational adventure you have. keep up the good works. cheers!