Today tonight I received an e-mail suggesting me I link an interesting ESL site, in fact I recommend it for children and English learners (Elementary level) but it can use from different level, in particular I'm kidding with those games and browser, visit LEARNING CHOCOLATE it is added on my favorite useful links, thank you so much. Friends I just added the ad senses sponsors on my blog, please do not click there on propose my account have been deleted a lot of time clicking by local people from my town, unfortunately, actually I don't have sponsor, that's why I decided to create an account to support this blog. Due some Technics problems on the net, I couldn't visitors my friends's bloggers, tomorrow I'll visit them. You can help this blog promoting twitting or using the Social Networking, thank you for your help advanced. Visit very useful your children will adore it, enjoy it and make fun.
Hello there, this is English tips blog, a place for exchange Educative blogs, sharing experience and promote Education, so, after visiting my blog, liked please promoting for friends. Skype: aventureirosdacaatinga
quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011
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Credits for Watch this video: 1) The boys in the video say that they aren't speaking isn't spea...
On internet there are many ways in other listenin and learning, that is, way to larn, most for free. Living and learning is a way to pract...
Perguntaram na área de comentários aqui do blog como é que se diz " quebra-molas " em inglês. Em algumas regiões do Brasil o ...
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Came here to visit u, Carlos. Thanks for sharing this link :)
Have a great week end...
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