domingo, 15 de maio de 2011

6/10 Children of Israel, Palestine

It's quite possible live in peace Jews and Palestine, support this cause for Freedom, peace and love. Free Palestine. Zionism, Imperialism and Racism should be banned. 


sábado, 14 de maio de 2011

With arms wide open

Civanildo, João da Banda, Alexandre, Rossana e Carlinhos
Civanildo, Carlinhos Assis, João da Banda, Alexandre e Sergio Enilton

Source of the picture: Tota de Aristóteles

If you have the opportunity get to know the Seridó Region, absolutely we will receive you with arms wide open. Last 13th and 14th we were presented on the BNTM (Brazilian National Tourism Mart) a Staff of Serido Region (Carlinhos de Parelhas, Sérgio Enilton (Acari ) Gilberto and Eliane from Lagoa Nova, Civanildo, Carlinhos (me, English tips) and João), Vitoria Regia (ABETA/Vitoria Regia Turismo) and also as usual Sebrae were there taken part of the Tourism Fair. The Event was important because the sustainable tourism is important from the Region. In addition took part on the Fair 38 countries and over 2.000 people attended the Event. It met 413 International Tour Operators (Buyers) and according to CTI Northeast they've been attended 503 (Suppliers) and 166 members of the Government Organisation.

That's why I commented before I was absent on my blog, we are developing the Sustainable Tourism, that's the most important. 

Also the mayor of Carnaúba Alexandre and the First Lady. Many thanks for Ranzi Elali (Secretary of Tourism from Rio Grande do Norte State and Barbosa from EMBRATUR. As well as thank you for Carnaúba dos Dantas, Acari, Parelhas, Lagoa Nova e Cerro Corá.

Se você tiver a oportunidade, venha conhecer a região do Seridó, com certeza receberemos de braços abertos. Nos dias 13 e 14 estivemos presente na BNTM com uma equipe da Região do Seridó (Carlinhos de Parelhas, Sergio Enilton de Acari, Gilberto e Eliane de Lagoa Nova, Civanildo Carlinhos (Eu, English tips) e João todos de Carnaúba dos Dantas, Regia (ABETA, Vitória Região Turismo) e como de costume o SEBRAE estiveram lá participando da Feira de Turismo. Como também mais de 38 países participaram da feira além de mais de 2.000 pessoas estiveram no Evento. Participaram 413 Compradores Operadores Internacional de Turismo e, de acordo com A CTI Nordeste frequentaram 503 fornecedores e 166 membros de entidades governamentais foi por isso que comentei no blog sobre minha ausência, nós estamos desenvolvendo o turismo sustentável na região, que é o mais importante. O prefeito Alexandre e a primeira dama estiveram também no evento. Muitíssimo obrigado a Ranzi Elali, Secretário de Turismo do Estado e Barbosa da Emprotur. Como também as prefeituras de Parelhas, Carnaúba dos Dantas, Acari, Lagoa Nova e Cerro  Corá

Life after Death, SpeakUp in Class Ed 282

Life after Death

Source: Speak Up
Language level: Upper intermediate
Speaker: Justin Ratcliff
Accent: British standard

For more info and before you starting to complete the exercise listen then, do the exercise, any question, e-mail for 

Knife Crime – Disarming Britain (B1)


A – Before you start

Answer the questions with a partner.
1. Is knife crime a problem in your country or area?
2. Why do some people carry knives, in your opinion?
3. What would you do if you found out one of your friends was carrying a knife?

B – Read and answer

Read the main article and answer the questions.
1. Why was Operation Blunt launched?
2. What did it consist of?
3. What reason do many young people give for carrying a knife? Why is this ironic?
4. What do most anti-knife campaigners have in common?
5. What happened to many confiscated knives?
6. How did Anne Oakes-Odger’s son die?
7. What effect has Anne’s campaign had on the law?
8. Why is Oliver Hemsley’s campaign different from the other campaigns mentioned?

C – Listen and answer (Optional)

N.B. This interview is graded as B2. So don’t be discouraged if you find it difficult. Try to understand the main points.
Read these statements. Then listen to the interview with Ann Oakes Odger, without reading, and write T (true) or F (false).
1. Ann’s son Westley was knifed during a robbery at a cash machine.
2. Ann’s work has helped her face the death of her son.
3. The number of fatal knife crimes is still rising in London.
4. Ann says fear, drug-dealing and gang wars are all linked to the knife culture of young people.
5. Ann’s campaign began as a small local organisation.
6. She says this knife problem is unique to Britain.

D – Listen, read and check your answers

Listen to the interview while reading the text.(If you did Exercise C, check your answers while reading.)

E – Learn it! Use it!

Complete these sentences with words from the glossary. (You may have to adapt the expression in some way; e.g. change the verb form or change from plural to singular.)
1. Landmines are responsible for ________ and killing a number of civilians in the area.
2. Waste recycling is more efficient in some London ________ than in others.
3. The government needs to take measures to ________ the problem of unemployment.
4. The police are trying to contact a passer-by who ________ the accident.
5. The football match was stopped because fighting ________  ________ on the terraces.
6. Many young people start smoking as a result of ________  ________.
7. His story seemed incredible; ________ it was true.
8. The schoolgirl was suspended because of her offensive language; she often ________ at her schoolmates and teachers.

F – Ready for PET? (Paper 1, Writing: Part 1)

Complete the second sentence with 1 to 3 words so that it means the same as the first. (They are constructions used in the article.)
1. We have seen a rise in violent crime.
There _______________ a rise in violent crime.
2. Much of the work involves prevention.
Much of the work is _______________.
3. Alexander Rose is a good example.
Alexander Rose is a case ______________.
4. This was once a knife.
This _______________ be a knife.
5. There is less knife crime now.
Knife crime ________________ down.
6. They will lose that knife.
That knife _______________ from them.
7. Other countries started to make enquiries.
We _______________ enquiries from other countries.
8. We’re doing work that’s a yardstick for other countries.
_______________ we’re doing is a yardstick for other countries.

G – Talk about it 

In pairs or groups.
1. Do you think violence is increasing in today’s society? If so, why?
2. Violence among young people is often linked to gangs. Are there many gangs in your town or area?
3. Why do you think some young people form or join gangs?
4. What can be done to discourage young people from joining gangs?
5. Are parents to blame if their children become violent criminals?

Television & Humor

Source: If I were you, I'll visit the website and I take out a subscription, very interesting Brazilian content, for more info, please click on the title
Television & Humor
A very funny double act

In the TV program “Os Caras de Pau”, comedians Leandro Hassum and Marcius Melhem make simple everyday scenes into the funniest stories

Dating, work, leisure [1], relationships with neighbors, relatives and friends ... It's all part of everyday life for millions of Brazilians.  This routine is also part of life for friends “Pedrão” and “Jorginho.” However, when they come into play [2], the most common everyday-life situations start to look like comic strips [3].  Pedrão and Jorginho are the two main characters in “Os Caras dePau,” aired early Sunday afternoon on Globo. Marcius Melhem plays Pedrão, while Leandro Hassum brings the character Jorginho to life. Their humor appeals [4] to kids and adults alike [5]. It is somewhat naive [6] but very creative and funny humor. They prove that it is possible to produce good comedy programs without resorting to malice [7].

A great friendship

Marcius and Leandro have been friends for over ten years. On television, their first partnership began in 2005, on the 'Zorra Total' show.  They stood out [8] as a bumbling pair of bodyguards [9]. The double-act's success led Globo to create a special program for them, “Os Caras de Pau.”  The "Hassum Melhem" partnership has also been a success in the theater. They have worked together on the hit play "Nós na Fita" for over five years.


Marcius Melhem worked for several years as a journalist, specializing in economics, before becoming a comedy star

Marcius Melhem is really a surprising artist. In addition to making successful comedy shows, he has also worked on Globo soap operas.   Melhem stood out on the award winning soap opera "Caminho das Índias" (2009), playing the character Radesh.  Some years before, Marcius had played two bit parts in Globo soap operas: Mulheres Apaixonadas (2003) and Da Cor do Pecado (2004). Besides being a great actor, Marcius has written several plays and has also worked as writer on various Globo programs. But the most surprising fact in this 38-year-old Carioca father-of-two's career is that he used to be a journalist, specializing in economics.

  music as a hobby

   Leandro Hassum, 37, is also a Carioca. Before starting his career, he used to tell jokes to friends and relatives, but never thought of being an actor. It was thanks to a girlfriend that he decided to take a drama class. He enjoyed the experience and soon discovered he had talent. But before becoming a television star, Hassum worked as an actor in several plays (some of them for children).When not working, Hassum enjoys painting [10]  and playing guitar. In a recent interview he revealed to newspaper Extra that he was picked [11] on as a child because he was fat [12].

Matéria publicada na edição de número 58 da Revista Maganews.
Narração (CD de áudio) – David Hatton e Aasita Muralikrishna
Fotos – Rede Globo

1 leisure – lazer
2 to come into play – aqui = entrar em ação / em cena
3 comic strips – história em quadrinhos
4 to appeal – atrair / conquistar
5 alike – da mesma forma
6 somewhat naive – um tanto ingênuo
7 without resorting to malice
 – sem recorrer à malícia
to stand up –  destacar-se
9 bodyguards   guarda-costas
10  painting – pintura
11 to be picked on - aqui = ser menosprezado / sofrer preconceito
12 fat - gordo

5/10 Children of Israel, Palestine FREE PALESTINE

Hello everyone, how have you been? Back home and I just say to you, that I support for Palestine cause, but definitely support for Freedom, peace and love, just say to you, that world needs peace, but it combines with justice, human rights, then you'll have peace around the world. 

Piadas em inglês: Two Italian men get on the bus…


Source: For more info visit or just click on the title of the joke
A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They sit down and engage in an animated conversation. The lady sitting next to them ignores them at first, but her attention is galvanized when she hears one of them say the following: “Emma come first. Den I come. Den two asses come together. I come once-a-more. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Then I come one lasta time.”
“You foul-mouthed sex obsessed swine,” retorted the lady indignantly. “In this country we don’t speak aloud in public places about our sex lives…”
“Hey, coola down lady,” said the man. “Who talkin’ abouta sex? I’m a justa tellin’ my frienda how to spell “Mississippi’.”

Words and Their Stories: Hobson’s Choice

Words and Their Stories: Hobson’s Choice

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.
Making choices is necessary, but not always easy. Many of our expressions tell about this difficulty.
One of these expressions is Hobson’s choice.  It often is used to describe a difficult choice. But that is not what it really means. Its real meaning is to have no choice at all.
The Hobson in the expression was Thomas Hobson. Mister Hobson owned a stable of horses in Cambridge, England.
Mister Hobson often rented horses to the students at Cambridge University. But, he did not really trust them to take good care of the horses. So, he had a rule that prevented the students from riding his best horses. They could take the horse that was nearest the stable door. Or, they could not take any horse at all.
Thus, a Hobson’s choice was really no choice.
Another expression for having no real choice is between a rock and a hard place. It is often used to describe a difficult situation with few choices, none of them good.
For example, your boss may ask you to work late. But you have plans to go to a movie with your friends.  If you refuse to work, your boss gets angry. But if you do not go to the movies with your friends, they may get angry. So what do you do? You are caught between a rock and a hard place.
Another expression, between the devil and the deep blue sea, also gives you a choice between two equally dangerous things.
Its meaning seems clear. You can choose the devil and his burning fires of hell.  Or, you can choose to drown in the sea. Some word experts say the expression comes from the days of wooden ships.
The devil is a word for a seam between two pieces of wood along the water-line of a ship. If the seam or crack between the two pieces of wood begins to leak, then a sailor must fix it. The sailor ordered to make the repairs was in a dangerous situation. He was hanging over the side of the ship, working between the devil and the deep blue sea.
There is still another expression that describes a situation with only bad choices, being on the horns of a dilemma.
The dictionary says a dilemma is a situation in which you must make a decision about two equally balanced choices. When your dilemma has horns, a choice becomes impossible.  When you are on the horns of a dilemma, no matter which horn you choose, something bad will happen.
This VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES, was written by Marilyn Christiano. I’m Christopher Cruise.