segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Commonly-Used American Slang - Page 1


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He's an ace reporter.
Do you know where the action is in this town?
My sister's boyfriend is a real airhead.
all wet
Your ideas about politics are all wet.
I almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter.
The gun was useless after the killer ran out of ammo.
I really need some antifreeze in me on cold days like this.
This town is really an armpit.
What an awesome sunset.
Wow, that was really a bad movie.
He barfed all over the seat of the airplane.
The boat was bashed beyond recognition.
After working all day I am really beat.
He just bought a new beemer to drive to work in.
He was benched during the basketball playoffs.

domingo, 19 de junho de 2011

Have a wonderful day for Asian friends, and a wonderful night all

Well, finally I'm going to bed, and I just passed here quickly to say hello and thank you for your support as well as if you liked this blog subscribe on Feed burner and receive the updating daily. Do not forget to contribute for Jeanie Campaign on top of my blog you'll see the link on her Fan page, very very simple, just join there. You can help me a lot if you want, please promote this blog for friends as much as visitors I got but more tips spreading worldwide. Good night all, good evening and afternoon. I love you all. 

Brazilians eating more sugar and less fruit


Dietary habits
Brazilians eating more sugar and less fruit
An IBGE survey has shown that Brazilians are eating too much sugar and not enough fruit and vegetables 

    Eating rice and beans [1] for lunch was always been a very common habit for millions and millions of Brazilians. However, in recent years Brazilians have been eating less of this traditional dish[2]. Between 2003 and 2009 Brazilians ate 40% less rice and 26% fewer beans. In addition, domestic consumption of soft drinks [3]  rose [4]  by 40% and beer consumption rose by 23%. These are the findings[5] of a study carried out by the IBGE between 2008 and 2009. The result of the study was only released in late December 2010.   The IBGE survey revealed some disturbing [6]  facts about the eating habits of Brazilians. One is that Brazilians are consuming more and more processed food [7]  and less fruit and vegetables than they should. The daily consumption of fruit and vegetables, foods considered to be very healthy, makes up less than 3% of the Brazilian diet. The ideal amount [8]  would be between 9% and 12%, according to nutritionists.

Excess sugar
But the most worrying fact is that Brazilians are consuming more sugar [9]  than they should. Sugaraccounts for almost 17% of the calories ingested [10] every day by Brazilians. This includes the sugar added to coffee and fruit juices [11], as well as the sugar found in soft drinks, candy [12],cookies  [13] and various processed foods. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that sugar should not account for more than 10% of our daily calorie intake [14]. Several studies have shown that excess sugar can contribute to obesity and diseases such as diabetes and cancer, among others.

Matéria publicada na edição de número 59 da revista Maganews.
Áudio: David Hatton
Fotos - Ag. Vanderlei Alvarenga / André Dias (menina) e Agência Brasil (alimentos)

1 rice and beans – arroz e feijão
2 dish – prato
3 soft drink – refrigerante
4 to rise – crescer
5 findings – descobertas / revelações
6 disturbing – preocupante
7 processed food – aqui = comida industrializada
8 amount – quantidade
9 sugar – açúcar
10 ingested – ingerida / consumida
11 juice –suco
12 candy – bala
13 cookie – biscoito
14 intake – aqui = consumo

HERO, Mariah Carey

Definitely a song teaches so much, and that's the opportunity to do it, thanks for English Exercises.Org you can improve your English, teachers can use the useful material in the classroom. Please if you like this blog pass it on for friends.

There's a hero if you  inside your heart 

You don't  to  afraid of what you 
There's an answer if you  into your soul and the sorrow that you  will  awayAnd then a hero  along with the strength  on and you  your fears aside and you  you can So, when you  like hope  gone  inside you and  strong and you'll finally  the truth that a hero  in you. It's a long road when you  the world alone, No one  out a hand for you to .You can  love if you  within yourself and the emptiness you  will And then a hero  along with the strength  on and you  your fears asideand you  you can So, when you  like hope  gone  inside you and  strong and you'll finally  the truth that a hero  in you. oh, ohhh,Lord  dreams  hard to But don't  anyone  them away.  on, there will  tomorrow, In time you'll  the way And then a hero  along with the strength  on and you  your fears asideand you  you can So, when you  like hope  gone  inside you and  strong and you'll finally  the truth that a hero  in youthat a hero  in ... yoummmm that a hero

Jesuits priests and Seminarists visit the Archaeological site and Mount Rooster

Every year a group of priests and Seminarists visit Carnaúba dos Dantas and takes part of the routine a visit on the main tourism spots, a travel through the history and Faith. Firstly a group leadership for Priest Washington went to Xique-Xique I guided by Carlos, a bilingual tour guide (owner of English tips). After that they went to Monte do Galo (Rooster's mountain). A religious tourism spot visitors come from different parts of Northeast climb up until the top in order to pay promise to Our Lady of Victorias. The following pictures present this enjoyable moments, check out bellow. 

                                Jesuits and Sr. Deca and Dona Maria owner of Xique-Xique Ranch
                                In front of IPHAN Sign we're going towards the Xique-Xique
                                Well-preserved trail connecting the Archaeological site Xique-Xique I
                                Surrounding by Cactus, and wild snakes, reptiles and we respect the ecosystem 
                     We were almost there, on the top of mountain...
                     On the Xique-Xique's Walkway

Americans wait longer to get married - Part 2

Source: this is a great website weekly it promotes Voanews' articles as well as you can find useful English course there, click on the title of this posting and visit there. Americans wait longer to get married - Part 2   

1.Nicky Grist is the director of the Alternatives to Marriage(1) Project. She says young couples(2) might live together(3) to save(4) money or because they are trying to decide whether(5) to get married(6). And some couples -- like Ellen and Doug -- just might not think marriage is right for them.
2. Another(7) organization, the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, works to support(8) marriage. The director is Bradford Wilcox, a sociology professor. He points out(9) that couples who have good incomes(10) and college degrees tend to be married, especially if they have children(11).
3. But Mr. Wilcox says many young adults decide not to get married because they have seen their parents or their friends get divorced(12). As a result, they may not have much hope(13) that a marriage willlast(14). Nicky Grist at the Alternatives to Marriage Project says whether two people are married is not important. What is important, she says, is that they take care of each other(15) and depend on each other.
4. "What we're seeing are increasing(16) numbers of very stable(17), long-term(18) non-married relationships(19), and that includes both(20) romantic relationships and also other kinds of(21) relationships where people are simply(22) committed(23) to caring for one another(24), whether as friends or as extended family. And what we see is that caring goes beyond(25) the one kind of relationship called marriage. And it's really caring that society should(26) support."
5. But most employers(27), for example, offer(28) health insurance(29) to a worker's partner(30) only if the couple is married. Unmarried(31) couples may also pay more taxes(32). And if one person dies, the other person may have a difficult time claiming(33) the couple's money or property(34).
6. Brad Wilcox at the National Marriage Project says marriage creates a more stable life than living together. As a result(35), he says, having married parents is better for children. "You can't treat(36)cohabitation like marriage because they're fundamentally different realities. Cohabitation offers people a lot more flexibility and freedom(37), but that's the downside(38) of it too, looking at it from a morerelational(39) -- and particularly from a child's -- perspective."
7. In recent years several(40) American states and the District of Columbia have made same-sex marriage legal. But in nineteen ninety-six Congress passed(41) the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA. For federal purposes(42) it defines marriage as the legal union between a man and a woman. President Bill Clinton signed it into law(43).
8. In February of this year, however(44), President Obama told the Justice Department to stop defending the law in court(45). He says it violates the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment(46) says states may not deny(47) anyone the equal protection of the laws. In other words, states cannot give a right(48) to some people but not to others.
9. President Obama says DOMA discriminates. But the law remains(49) in place(50). The courts are still debating how to handle(51) this law and the issue(52) of same-sex marriage. Not all of the issues thatface(53) unmarried couples or same-sex couples involve debates over laws, morality or social policy(54). One question that many couples find difficult to answer is simply(55) what to call each other(56).
10. In the United States, the tradition has been that a wife takes her husband's last name in place of her own. But many women now add their husband's name or keep(57) their own name. Some couples come up with(58) a new combination for themselves or their children.
11. Meg Keene started the blog A Practical Wedding. Ms. Keene says one of the hottest topics on her blog is whether women should take their husband's last name. Ms. Keene has been married for more than three years but has still not decided(59) what to do about her own name.
12. MEG KEENE: "I had my name for almost(60) thirty years by the time I got married. I'm going to be a published author under my name. I'm very tied to(61) it. It's an ongoing(62) negotiation."


 1.    Marriage = casamento
2.      Couples = casais
3.      might live together= podem viver juntos
4.      save = economizar
5.      whether = se(ou não)
6.      get married = casam-se
7.      Another = uma outra
8.      Support = apoiar
9.      points out = ressaltar, salientar
10.  incomes = rendas
11.  children = filhos
12.  get divorced = divorciar-se
13.  hope = esperança
14.  last = durar
15.  take care of each other = cuidar um do outro
16.  increasing = crescent
17.  stable = estável
18.  long-term = de longo prazo
19.  relationships= relacionamentos
20.  both = tanto
21.  other kinds of = outros tipos de
22.  simply = simplesmente
23.  comprometido
24.  one another = uns aos outros
25.  beyond = além de
26.  should = deveria
27.  most employers = a maioria dos empregadores
28.  offer = eferecer
29.  health insurance = seguro de saúde
30.  partner = parceiro(a)
31.  Unmarried = não casados
32.  Taxes = impostos
33.  Claiming = reivindicando
34.  Property = propriedade
35.  As a result = como resultado
36.  Treat = tartar
37.  Freedom = liberdade
38.  Downside = desvantagem
39.  Relational = relativo(a)
40.  Several = vários(as)
41.  Passed = aprovou (projeto de lei)
42.  Purposes = propósitos
43.  signed it into law = transformou em lei
44.  however = contudo
45.  court = tribunal
46.  Amendment = Emenda
47.  may not deny = podem não negar
48.  right = direito
49.  remains = permanence
50.  In place = no local
51.  Handle = lidar com
52.  Issue = questão
53.  Face = enfrentar
54.  social policy = Política social
55.  simply = simplesmente
56.  what to call each other = Como chamar um ao outro
57.  keep = mantém
58.  come up with = sugerem, propõe
59.  has still not decided = ainda não decidiu
60.  almost = quase
61.  tied to = vinculado(a) a
62.  ongoing = em andamento

sábado, 18 de junho de 2011

Urgent, she needs your small contribution

Hi all, as you can see everyday I update my blog and you can see the campaign for Jeanie, I ask for my dear bloggers' partners join this campaign, just take part on her Fan page or contribute giving a small donation. Sharing this for your friends, I'm sure a single human gesture we can save life. Thanks for visiting my blog and don't forget to promote it for your friends. 

Help Jeanie campaign join on her Fan page

                             Jeanie needs your support join on the campaign, please and save one life.
I desire that this message could touch deeply on your heart and you could help Jeanie or giving a small contribution or joining on her Facebook. You don't realise how difficult is struggling against cancer, me and this blog support for things like that, I ask for you comprehension and everyone who joining there I'm sure she will get her achievement as soon as possible. 
Well I invite you, dear readers to join on Jeanie Campaign, well this is a short description about her campaign says her husband please you just need to join on her Fan page as well as please promote it on your FB's wall and dear bloggers and Networking bloggers please do the same.  To raise enough money to provide safe, alternative cancer treatments to those individuals who cannot otherwise afford them - starting with myself for my wife, Jeanie.