sábado, 18 de junho de 2011

Urgent, she needs your small contribution

Hi all, as you can see everyday I update my blog and you can see the campaign for Jeanie, I ask for my dear bloggers' partners join this campaign, just take part on her Fan page or contribute giving a small donation. Sharing this for your friends, I'm sure a single human gesture we can save life. Thanks for visiting my blog and don't forget to promote it for your friends. 

Help Jeanie campaign join on her Fan page

                             Jeanie needs your support join on the campaign, please and save one life.
I desire that this message could touch deeply on your heart and you could help Jeanie or giving a small contribution or joining on her Facebook. You don't realise how difficult is struggling against cancer, me and this blog support for things like that, I ask for you comprehension and everyone who joining there I'm sure she will get her achievement as soon as possible. 
Well I invite you, dear readers to join on Jeanie Campaign, well this is a short description about her campaign says her husband please you just need to join on her Fan page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Please-Help-Jeanie-2-Cancer-Cure/176257085764887 as well as please promote it on your FB's wall and dear bloggers and Networking bloggers please do the same.  To raise enough money to provide safe, alternative cancer treatments to those individuals who cannot otherwise afford them - starting with myself for my wife, Jeanie. 

2 comentários:

Loubah Sofia disse...

Olá meu Amigo, vim desejar-te um feliz domingo.
Um abraço e até logo mais.

Damiao disse...

Um ótimo dmingo para você, minha querida amiga e leitora assídua deste blog, desejo em dobro.