sábado, 18 de junho de 2011

Midnight Lady by Chris Norman

Source: English Exercises.Org
Author: All credits of this exercises for Teacher Jujuka Judith Jekkel from Hungary, she is an ESL teacher for more info please http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=905

Watch the video and do the following exercises.
Write in the missing words. The images may help.

You think love is a , love is a motion
  and so deep, always emotion

I've got many , to reach tomorrow
Love will always grow, no  , no sorrow

When you take me in your , you can  me with your heart
I feel the magic of your , oh, you're tearing me apart

Choose the correct verbs.

Midnight lady, love  time
Midnight lady, it's hard to 
Midnight lady, I  your name
 you can  my pain

Midnight lady, just you and me
Midnight lady, eternally
Midnight lady, I can  in your arms

Unscramble the words in brackets.

Magic (ecodthu) my life, I'm still (rgdanmei)
Anything (foeber) has lost its meaning

(Heneav) in your eyes, my soul is on (rife)
Oh, my feelings (owgr), we can't go higher

Oh, I just (atwn) a girl, baby, just to call my own
And I just wanna dream, I don't have to dream (enloa)

Unscramble the following lines.

  Midnight lady, I call your name
  Midnight lady, it's hard to find
  Midnight lady, love takes time
  I know you can ease my pain
  Midnight lady, eternally
  Midnight lady, just you and me
  Midnight lady, I can fly in your arms
  I'll get high

Joke The Poor Farmer

                                Source:             http://www.teclasap.com.br/blog/ 
For more information visit Teclasap
The Poor Farmer
A man owned a small farm in North Carolina. The North Carolina Wage Office & Hours Department claimed he was not paying proper wages to his help and sent an agent out to investigate.
“I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them,” demanded the agent.
“Well,” replied the farmer, “there’s my farm hand who’s been with me for 3 years. I pay him $400.00 a week plus free room and board.
The cook has been here for 18 months, and I pay her $300.00 per week plus free room and board.
Then there’s the half-wit. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. Hemakes about $10.00 a week, pays his own room and board, and I buy him a bottle of Bourbon every Saturday night. He also sleeps with my wife occasionally.”
That’s the guy I want to talk to… the half-wit,” says the Agent.
That would be me,” replied the farmer.
  • the poor farmer > o pobre fazendeiro
  • owned a small farm > tinha um pequeno sítio
  • the North Carolina Wage Office & Hours Department > o Departamento de Supervisão de Horas e Remuneração salariais da Carolina do Norte
  • claimed > alegou
  • was not paying proper wages > não estava pagando salários adequados
  • to his help > para os seus empregados
  • employees > funcionários
  • demanded > exigiu
  • farm hand > peão
  • plus free room and board > além de alojamento e comida
  • the cook > a cozinheira
  • then there’s the half-wit > ah, tem também o otário
  • makes about $10.00 > tira por volta de $10,00
  • a week > por semana
  • a bottle of Bourbon > uma garrafa de Bourbon (uísque)
  • that’s the guy I want to talk to > esse é o cara com quem eu quero falar
  • that would be me > esse sou eu

Americans wait longer to get married - Part 1

Americans wait longer to get married - Part 1   Clique para baixar o AUDIO 
For more info keep in touch with Ing Vip www.ingvip.com 

1. Welcome to THIS IS AMERICA in VOA Special English. I'm Faith Lapidus. BOB DOUGHTY: And I'm Bob Doughty. This week on our program, we talk about couples(1) and relationships (2).

2.  What do traditional American weddings(3) look like? Well, in some ways(4), they look like smaller versions of last month's wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William in London.

3. The Bride(5) traditionally wears(6) a long white dress(7) and the groom (8) might(9) wear a uniform if he is in the military. Otherwise(10) he usually(11) wears a tuxedo(12) or suit(13). A member of theclergy(14) usually leads the ceremony, and the bride and groom exchange rings(15) and vows(16).

4. But getting married is not the only way some American couples choose to declare their love.  "Maybe(17) we will get married someday. Maybe we'll get matching(18) tattoos(19) someday. But at this point it's just a party."

5. Ellen and her boyfriend(20), Doug, have been a couple for more than eleven years. They own(21) a house together in northern California. This spring(22), Ellen and Doug decided to celebrate(23) their relationship. They invited one hundred and thirty friends to a party. Ellen wore(24) a big pink gown(25). Doug came dressed as(26) a red, ripe strawberry(27).

6. Everyone ate(28) a nice dinner outdoors(29), then went inside(30) to dance. Ellen and Doug did not read vows or exchange rings -- there was no ceremony, no kiss, no wedding.  "We feel like we are together. This didn't really need to be confirmed at this point in our relationship. But we did want to have a party and celebrate it. But it was definitely confusing(31) for other folks(32), I think, just because(33)they hold(34) specific expectations culturally and socially about marriage."

7. Some of the guests(35) were not sure what to think(36) of Ellen and Doug's celebration -- or even(37) how to describe it. Some found it easier(38) to tell other people that they were going to a wedding. Thatway(39) they did not have to take the time to explain. So what did Ellen's family think of this untraditional celebration? This is her aunt(40).

8. ELLEN'S AUNT: "I actually(41) don't know what to say about it. I was quite surprised(42) first of all(43) and was trying to find out from Ellen for the longest time what this was about(44)."

9. This is Ellen's godfather(45). ELLEN'S GODFATHER: "As long as(46) two people care about each other(47), love each other, whether they want to get married or not, as long as they don't hurt(48) anyone else, and they love each other, it's not up to us(49) to judge(50) them, really."

10. And this is Ellen's father. What did he think of the whole(51) situation? ELLEN'S FATHER: "I want a grandchild(52). I'll be seventy in July, and I just – whether(53) they get married or not, I want a grandchild."

11. Last year's national census counted more than six million unmarried couples(54) in the United States who were living together. That was a thirteen percent increase(55) from the last census in two thousand. Experts say more Americans are choosing to wait to get married, or not to get married at all(56)

12. Americans have been waiting longer(57) to get married. The Census Bureau estimates that in eighteen ninety, half of all women who got married for the first time were twenty-two or younger. For men themedian age(58) – meaning(59) half were younger and half were older -- was twenty-six. By last year, however(60), the median age for women was twenty-six, and for men it was twenty-eight.

13. A new Census Bureau report(61) shows that twenty-five years ago, one in four women age twenty-five to twenty-nine had never been(62) married. In two thousand nine that number was close to half(62).

14. There are different reasons why(64) people wait to get married. They may want to first complete their education or establish a career(65) or gain financial security. Or they may have just not found the right person.

15. But experts say more and more(66) Americans have simply chosen(67) not to get married or at least(68) not to take that step(69) too quickly. The Alternatives to Marriage Project is a nonprofit(70)organization based in Brooklyn, New York. It works for equality and fairness for unmarried people, including people who are single(72) or live together before marriage.

  Couples = casais
2.                   Relationships = relacionamento
3.                   Weddings = casamentos
4.                   in some ways = de algumas formas
5.                   Bride = noiva
6.                   Wears veste
7.                   Dress = vestido
8.                   Groom = noivo
9.                   Might = pode
10.               Otherwise = do contrario
11.               Usually = normalmente
12.               Tuxedo = smoking
13.               Suit = terno
14.               Clergy = clero
15.               exchange rings = trocam anéis
16.               vows = votos
17.               Maybe = talvez
18.               Matching = correspondente
19.               Tattoos = tatuagem
20.               Boyfriend = namorado
21.               Own = possuem
22.               Spring = primavera
23.               Celebrate = comemorar
24.               Wore = vestiu
25.               Gown = vestido
26.               dressed as = vestido como
27.               ripe strawberry = morango maduro
28.               ate  = comeram
29.               dinner outdoors = jantar ao ar livre
30.               went inside = foram para dentro
31.               definitely confusing = definitivamente confuse
32.               folks = pessoas
33.               just because = só porque
34.               hold = sustentar, manter
35.               guests = convidados
36.               were not sure what to think = não tinham certeza do que pensar

even = sequer, até mesmo
38.               found it easier = acharam mais fácil
39.               way = forma
40.               aunt = tia
41.               actually = na verdade
42.               I was quite surprised = Fiquei bastante surpresa(o)
43.               first of all = antes de qualquer coisa
44.               what this was about = do que se tratava
45.               godfather = padrinho
46.               As long as = contanto que
47.               care about each other = importe-se um com o outro
48.               hurt = machucar, magoar
49.               it's not up to us = não cabe a nós
50.               judge = julgar
51.               whole = toda(o)
52.               grandchild = neto(a)
53.               whether…or not (quer..ou não)
54.               unmarried couples = casais não casados
55.               increase = aumento
56.               at all = absolutamente
57.               waiting longer = esperando mais tempo
58.               median age = idade mediana
59.               meaning = significando
60.               however = contudo
61.               report = relatório
62.               had never been = nunca tinha sido
63.               close to half = perto da metade
64.               reasons why = razões pelas quais
65.               establish a career = estabelecer uma carreira
66.               more and more = cada vez mais
67.               have simply chosen = tem simplesmente escolhido
68.               at least = pelo menos
69.               take that step = tomar esta decisão
70.               nonprofit = sem fins lucrativos
71.               fairness = justice
72.               single = solteiro(a)