quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011

Around the World in 80 Days Chapter 3/6

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BWNBBSCMs0&feature=related

I don't wanna miss a thing


 Author: Judith Jékel
Language Level: Intermediate

Well, a short description about Teacher Judith Jékel, she is an ESL teacher in Hungary in a secondary shool, for more info follow up this link http://www.eslprintables.com/buscador/author.asp?user=57991#thetop 

Watch the video and do the following exercises.

Choose the verbs that you can hear.

I could  awake just to hear you

Watch you  while you are 
Far away and 
I could  my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay  in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you
Is a moment I 

Unscramble the lines of the Chorus

'Cause I'd miss you, babe
The sweetest dream will never do
'Cause even when I dream of you
I don't wanna fall asleep
I don't wanna close my eyes
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Write in the missing words. The images may help.

Lying close to you
Feeling your  beating
And I wonder what you're 
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I  your eyes and thank  we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this  forever, forever and ever

Unscramble the words in brackets.

I don't wanna miss one  (ielms)
I don't wanna miss one  (kssi)
Well, I just  (annaw) be with you
 (igtrh) here with you, just like this
I just wanna (dlho) you close
I feel your heart so close to (mnei)
And just stay here in this moment
For all the  (rset) of time

Chorus (2x)

Don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing

Marlon Brando, 1924-2004: One of the Greatest Actors of All Time

Marlon Brando, 1924-2004: One of the Greatest Actors of All Time

Source: www.manythings.org/voa/people originally posted by  www.voanews.com

I'm Faith Lapidus.
And, I'm Steve Ember with PEOPLE IN AMERICA in VOA Special English. Today, we tell about actor Marlon Brando. Many critics say he was the greatest actor of all time. And many actors say he influenced them more than any other person in the film industry.
There was no public service to honor Marlon Brando when he died in two thousand four at the age of eighty. The actor's sister, Jocelyn Brando, said he would have hated such an event. The family held a small private ceremony instead.
Brando did not seek public attention when he was alive. He protected his private life. But he was a huge star. This, combined with his personal tragedies and his politics, made him a special target of the press.
Marlon Brando was born in Omaha, Nebraska in nineteen twenty-four. He was named after his father, a salesman, but his family called him Bud. His mother, Dorothy, was an actress in the local theater. He had two older sisters.
Marlon Brando's childhood was not happy. His parents drank too much alcohol and argued often. Dorothy Brando blamed her husband for the failure of her acting career. The older Marlon Brando did not have a good relationship with his son. In a book about his life, the actor wrote that his father never had anything good to say about his son.
The Brandos moved many times when Marlon was young. His parents separated when he was eleven, but they re-united after two years. Young Marlon was always getting into trouble at school. His father decided to send him to a military school in Minnesota. Marlon did not do well in classes there. But he did find support for his interest in theater. A drama teacher urged him to begin acting in plays there and he did. But he was expelled from the school for getting into trouble.
Marlon Brando moved to New York City when he was nineteen years old in nineteen forty-three. He took acting classes at the New School for Social Research. One of his teachers was Stella Adler, who taught the "Method" style of realistic acting. The Method teaches actors how to use their own memories and emotions to identify with the characters they are playing.
Marlon Brando learned the Method style quickly and easily. Critics say he was probably the greatest Method actor ever. One famous actress commented on his natural ability for it. She said teaching Marlon Brando the Method was like sending a tiger to jungle school.
Marlon Brando appeared in several plays. He got his first major part in a Broadway play in nineteen forty-seven, at the age of twenty-three. He received great praise for his powerful performance as Stanley Kowalski in the Tennessee Williams play, "A Streetcar Named Desire."
His fame grew when he acted the same part in the movie version, released in nineteen fifty-one. Brando plays an angry working-class man. His wife's sister, Blanche, comes to visit them in New Orleans, Louisiana. Blanche's family used to be rich landowners but they lost all their property. Now she is mentally unstable. Stanley treats Blanche unkindly and insults her. Here, he tells Blanche what he thinks about women.
STANLEY: "I don't go in for that stuff."
BLANCHE: "What stuff?"
STANLEY: "Compliments to women about their looks. I never met a dame yet didn't know if she was good-lookin' or not without bein' told. And there's some of them that give themselves credit for more than they've got. I once went out with a dame who told me, 'I'm the glamorous type'…she says 'I am the glamorous type.' I says 'so what?'"
BLANCHE: "And what did she say then?"
STANLEY: "She didn't say nothin'. I shut her up like a clam."
"Streetcar" was Brando's second film. He was nominated for an Academy Award for the performance. He was nominated for Oscars for his next two films as well. In nineteen fifty-two he played Mexican revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata in the movie "Viva Zapata." The following year he played Marc Antony in "Julius Caesar."
Marlon Brando did not win an Oscar for Best Actor until nineteen fifty-four for the movie "On the Waterfront." Many critics consider it his finest performance. The film's director, Elia Kazan, said it was the best performance by a male actor in the history of film.
Brando plays Terry Malloy, a failed boxer. He informs on organized crime leaders, including his brother, Charlie. His brother had made him lose fights on purpose so Charlie could make money gambling on the fights. But now, Terry expresses his regrets about losing the fights.
TERRY MALLOY: "You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody instead of a bum which is what I am. Let's face it."
Marlon Brando acted in about forty movies. He was nominated for a total of eight Academy Awards. In his movies, he played a Japanese translator, a German Nazi military officer and the father of Superman. He even sang in a movie musical called "Guys and Dolls."
His real life was as colorful as his many movie characters. His love life was especially active. He married actress Anna Kashfi in nineteen fifty-seven. The marriage had problems from the start. Their child, a son named Christian, was born a few months after they married. They separated the next year.
In nineteen sixty, Brando married Movita Castenada, a Mexican-American actress. They had two children before they separated in nineteen sixty-two. The same year, he married a Tahitian actress, Tarita. The two had met while filming the movie "Mutiny On the Bounty."
Brando's marriage to Tarita lasted ten years. But his love of Tahiti never ended. In nineteen sixty-six, he bought a small island near Tahiti. Brando divided his time between his island and his home in California for the rest of his life.
Critics say Marlon Brando began to suffer professionally during and after his work on "Mutiny on the Bounty." Hollywood directors and producers considered him difficult to work with. Some critics said the actor appeared to be tired of acting.

But that changed in nineteen seventy-two when Brando appeared in "The Godfather." At first, the film studio officials did not want Brando in the movie. But the director, Francis Ford Coppola, chose him for the part. The film was a major critical and financial success. Brando was praised for his performance as the Godfather, Vito Corleone, the powerful head of a criminal organization in New York City. He speaks to a man who wants the Godfather to have someone killed.
VITO CORLEONE: "If you'd come to me in friendship then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you."
Marlon Brando won the Best Actor Oscar for "The Godfather." But he rejected it. He sent a woman named Sasheen Littlefeather to speak for him at the Academy Awards ceremony. She said that Brando could not accept the award because of the way the American film industry treated Native Americans. The people at the Academy Awards ceremony did not like the speech. But some experts think the action helped change the way American Indians were shown in movies.
Marlon Brando was also active in the civil rights movement. He spoke out against racism often and forcefully. He marched in demonstrations. And he gave money to civil rights groups.
Marlon Brando had two family tragedies. In nineteen ninety, his son, Christian, shot and killed a Tahitian man at the family's home in California. The victim, Dag Drollet, was the boyfriend of Brando's daughter, Cheyenne. Christian Brando said the killing was accidental. He was found guilty of responsibility in the death and served almost five years in prison.
During the trial, Marlon Brando told the court that he and Anna Kashfi had failed Christian as parents. He also apologized to the Drollet family and said he wished he could trade places with their son.
In nineteen ninety-five, Marlon Brando's daughter Cheyenne killed herself. She had struggled with mental problems and was still depressed about the killing of her boyfriend.
Marlon Brando never made public statements about the death of his daughter. But reports said he blamed himself. He did not attend his daughter's funeral in Tahiti.
In the following nine years, he made just four more movies. And the parts he played were small. But his influence on the American film industry was huge. When Marlon Brando died, many famous actors expressed regret. One of them said simply: "He was the best."
This program was written and produced by Caty Weaver. I'm Steve Ember. And I'm Faith Lapidus. Join us again next week for another PEOPLE IN AMERICA in VOA Special English.


Source: www.speakup.com.br

Brother Anselm’s golden rule for cooking at Glenstal Abbey is: variety. At dinner the monks might have Irish Stew, Hungarian goulash, Indonesian Curry –or Italian crespelle as on the evening I arrived. At Glenstal, dinner eaten in silence, only broken by the sound of the cutlery and the daily reading.


Glenstal Abbey is a monastery with many faces. The exterior looks a bit like Windsor Castle. Once through the ancient gate. Hogwarts School from the Harry Potter films comes to mind though the church is modern. Glenstal is in fact also a boarding school for boys, at also a boarding school, for boys, although they seem so well-behaved that you hardly hear them. Benedictine rule teaches peace, work and prayer – the famous “Ora et Labora” – and hospitality. Visitors can come to Glenstal for retreats, to work on their own projects or just to relax for a few days.

They can take part in religious services, listen to Gregorian Chants, admire a collection of priceless Russian icons in an underground chapel and walk the beautiful  grounds with many ancient trees. The abbey’s walled 17th century garden has a Bible Garden, with biblical plant from A to Z. A short walk brings you to a Mass Rock where Mass was said in secret during the period of the anti-Catholic Penal Laws.


Brother Anselm’s career as a monk is as unusual as the monastery itself with its relaxed atmosphere, full o Irish banter. Anselm, who was born Michael Hurt, entered a monastery in England after 12 years, he left, married and had children, but realised that religious life was the life for him. So when Anselm officially became a member of the Glenstal community of his 65th birthday, it was in the company of his family, including his five-year-old granddaughter!


Glenstal Abbey www.glenstalabbey.com is located in Murroe in the north-east corner of Co. Limerick, close to the Co. Tipperary border. The nearest airport is Shannon Airport www.shannonairport.com . Murroe  is a short drive from Limerick and a 3 to 4-hour drive from Dublin. There is a daily local Murroe-Limerick bus, too. Payment for the accommodation is made anonymous and by ability, but a suggested figure is € 65 per day. All meals are provided. For more information: www.discoverireland.com .

Family Album, USA 58

Source: Family Album USA

terça-feira, 29 de março de 2011

My heart will go on

By: Celine Dion
Source: www.englishexercises.org

My Heart Will Go On

Every  in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know  go on

Far across the 
And spaces between us
You have come to you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
 that the heart does go on
Once more you open the
And you're here in my heart
And my  will go on and on

Love can touch us one 
And last for a lifetime
And  let go till we're gone
 was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my  we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
 that the heart does go on
Once more you open the 
And you're here in my heart
And my  will go on and on

You're here, there's  I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this 
You are safe in my heart
And my  will go on and on

Henry Ford part II

Source: www.manythings.org originally posted by http://www.voanews.com

Henry Ford Made the Automobile Industry an Important Part of the Nation's Economy

PEOPLE IN AMERICA -- a program in Special English on the Voice of America.  Every week at this time, we tell the story of a person important in the history of the United States. Today, Steve Ember and Frank Oliver complete the story of industrialist Henry Ford.
In nineteen-oh-three, a doctor in Detroit, Michigan, bought the first car from the Ford Motor Company. That sale was the beginning of Henry Ford's dream. He wanted to build good, low-priced cars for the general public. As he said many times: "I want to make a car that anybody can buy."  To keep prices low, Henry Ford decided that he would build just one kind of car. He called it the "Model T. "
The "Model T" was ready for sale in October, nineteen-oh-eight.  The "Model T" cost eight hundred fifty dollars. It was a simple machine that drivers could depend on. Doctors bought the "Model T. " So did farmers. Even criminals. They considered it the fastest and surest form of transportation. Americans loved the "Model T. " They wrote stories and songs about it.
Thousands of "Model T's" were built in the first few years. The public wanted the car. And Henry Ford made more and more.
To Make the "Model T,' Ford built the largest factory of its time. Inside the factory, car parts moved to the workers exactly when they needed them. Other factories moved some parts to the workers.  But Ford was the first to design his factory completely around this system. Production rose sharply.
As production rose, Ford lowered prices. By nineteen sixteen, the price had dropped to three hundred forty-five dollars.
The last step in Ford's production success was to raise his workers' pay. His workers had always earned about two dollars for ten hours of work. That was the same daily rate as at other factories.
With wages the same everywhere, factory workers often changed jobs. Henry Ford wanted loyal workers who would remain. He raised wages to five dollars a day.
That made Henry Ford popular with working men. He became popular with car buyers in nineteen thirteen when he gave back fifty dollars to each person who had bought a Ford car. Henry Ford was demonstrating his idea that if workers received good wages, they became better buyers. And if manufactures sold more products, they could lower prices and still earn money.
This system worked for Ford because people continued to demand his "Model T. " And they had the money to buy it. But what would happen when people no longer wanted the "Model T," or did not have the money?
In nineteen nineteen, Henry was involved in a dispute with the other people who owned stock in the Ford Motor Company. In the end, Henry bought the stock of the other investors. He gained complete control of the company.
The investors did not do badly, however. An investment of ten thousand dollars when the company was first established produced a return of twenty-five million dollars.
A few years later, another group of investors offered Ford one thousand million dollars for the company. But he was not interested in selling. He wanted complete control of the company that had his name. In a sense, Henry Ford was the company.
Henry's son, Edsel, was named president of the company before nineteen twenty. No one truly believed that Edsel was running the company. Whatever Edsel said, people believed he was speaking for his father.
In nineteen twenty-three, fifty-seven percent of the cars produced in America were "Model T" fords. About half the cars produced in the world were Fords. Taxicabs in Hong Kong. Most of the cars in South America. Never before -- or since -- has one car company so controlled world car production.
The success of the Ford Motor Company permitted Henry Ford to work on other projects.  He became a newspaper publisher. He bought a railway. He built airplanes. He helped build a hospital. He even ran for the United States Senate.
Some of Henry's projects were almost unbelievable. For example, he tried to end World War One by sailing to Europe with a group of peace supporters.
While Henry Ford enjoyed his success, a dangerous situation was developing. Other companies began to sell what only Ford had been selling: good, low-priced cars.  Ford's biggest competitor was the General Motors Company. General Motors produced the Chevrolet automobile.
Ford's "Model T" was still a dependable car. But it had not changed in years. People said the "Model T" engine was too loud. They said it was too slow.
The Chevrolet, however, had a different look every year. And you could pay for one over a long period of time. Ford demanded full payment at the time of sale. Ford's share of the car market began to fall.
Everyone at Ford agreed that the "Model T" must go. Henry Ford disagreed. And it was his decision that mattered. Finally, in nineteen twenty-six, even Henry admitted that the age of the "Model T" was over. A new Ford was needed. A year later, the "Model T" was gone.
Strangely enough, people mourned its end. They did not want to buy it anymore. But they recognized that the "Model T" was the last of the first cars in the brave new world of automobile development.
The success of Ford's new cars did not last long. After nineteen-thirty, Ford would always be second to General Motors.
In nineteen twenty-nine, the United States suffered a great economic recession. Many businesses failed. Millions of people lost their jobs. In nineteen thirty-one, the Ford Motor Company sold only half as many cars as it had the year before. It lost thirty-seven million dollars. Working conditions at Ford grew worse.
In nineteen thirty-two, hungry, unemployed men marched near the Ford factory. Police, firefighters and Ford security guards tried to stop them with sticks, high-pressure water and guns. Four of the marchers died, and twenty were wounded.
Newspapers all over the United States condemned the police, firefighters and security guards for attacking unarmed men. And to make a bad situation worse, Ford dismissed all workers who attended funeral services for the dead.
More violence was to come. For several years, automobile workers had been attempting to form a labor union. Union leaders negotiated first with America's two other major automobile makers: the Chrysler Company and General Motors. Those companies quickly agreed to permit a union in their factories. That left Ford alone to fight against the union. And fight he did.
In nineteen thirty-seven, union organizers were passing out pamphlets to workers at the Ford factory. Company security guards struck. They were led by the chief of security, Harry Bennett.
Harry Bennett knew nothing about cars. But he did know what Henry Ford wanted done. And he did it. Bennett's power came from Henry. The only person who might have had the power to stop Bennett was Henry's son, Edsel, who was president of the company. But Edsel himself was fighting Henry and his unwillingness to change.
Bennett's power in the company continued to grow. His violence against the union of automobile workers also grew.
The Ford Motor Company did not agree to negotiate with the union until nineteen forty-one. Henry Ford accepted an agreement. If he had not, his company would have lost millions of dollars in government business.
In nineteen forty-three, Edsel Ford died. With Edsel gone, Henry again became president of the Ford Motor Company. It was difficult to know if Henry or Harry Bennett was running the company. America was at war. And Henry was eighty years old -- too old to deal with the problems of wartime production. And Bennett knew nothing at all about production.
So Henry's grandson, also Henry Ford, was recalled from the Navy to run the company. Young Henry's first act was to dismiss Harry Bennett.
Old Henry Ford retired from business. His thoughts were in the past. He died in his sleep in nineteen forty-seven, at the age of eighty-three.
Henry Ford was not the first man whose name was given to an automobile. But his name -- more than any other -- was linked to that machine. And his dream changed the lives of millions of people.
Some still wonder if Henry Ford was a simple man who seemed difficult  -- or a difficult man who seemed simple. No one, however, questions the fact that he made the automobile industry one of the great industries in the world.
You have been listening to the Special English program PEOPLE IN AMERICA. Your narrators were Steve Ember and Frank Oliver. Our program was written by Richard Thorman. I'm Ray Freeman.