domingo, 20 de março de 2011

Tom Boy


1087 Tomboy

Rebecca talks about growing up as a tomboy and what made her change.  Promote here.

Family Album, USA 51

Source: Family Album USA.

Everyday I'm here to provide useful English material, Speak Up, Voa Special English, English Exercises, Maganews, Pod English among others, because you, as me we're curious and Self-Taught, Self-Studying is really useful. Thanks for you help, English Tips increase the numbers of Readings, as I mentioned before: You are the most important on my blog, your comment, suggestion is important to me. Have a wonderful night, of for those friends in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, Japan, South Korea, have a wonderful day. See you tomorrow. 

Hollywood's actor and actrees Screen names


Source: Speak Up
Speaker: Chuck Rollando
Language level: Upper Intermediate

In the golden age of Hollywood studios created personas for their stars. They chose names that sounded sexier, more American or simply memorable. These days actors are not owned by studios, but still make adjustments to the names they were born with. Why?


Frances Gumm sounds ordinary and boring, but Judy Garland is adorable, Virginia McMath doesn’t sound like a dancing sensation, but Ginger Rogers does  (a child’s mispronunciation of Virgina, plus her stepfather’s surname). Lauren Bacall was a wonderful femme fatale, but would she have won Humphrey Bogart’s heart if she was still Betty Joan Perske? The sexiest improvement was surely from Norma Jeane Baker to Marilyn Monroe.

It works for men, too. Archibald Leach sounds like a tired old shopkeeper. Cary Grant is much more sophisticated. Thomas Cruise Mapother IV makes little impression, but we all know Tom Cruise.


Simplicity is crucial for all actors, from comedians to romantic stars. Stan Laurel, of comedy duo Laurel and Hardy, sounds funnier than Arthur Stanley Jefferson. Maurice Micklewhite might be a great actor, but his iconic status is helped by the name Michael Cain.camille Javal sounds interesting, but surely not as memorable as Brigitte Bardot.

Sometimes a small change does wonders. Jodie foster, Sigourney Weaver an Meryl  Streep have a movie magic about them that Alicia Foster, Susan Weaver and Mary Louise Streep do not. Frank cooper could not be the western hero that Gary Cooper became.

The starts of My Fair Lady both simplified their names: Reginald Harrison became the archetypal English gentlemen  Rex Harrison; Edda Van Heemstra Ruston disguised her European origins with the name Audrey Hepburn.


Many stars hope to hide ethnic origins –or just want their names to be easier to pronounce. The Graduate’s Anne Bancroft had to change form Anne Italiano. Alan Alda, from M*A*S*H, created his surname from initial letters of his real name, Alphonso D”Abruzzo. Would comedy partners Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin have been as popular as Joseph Levitch and Dino Crocetti?

Al Jolson sounds more American than Asa Yoelson. Woody Allen and Mel Brooks are easier to recognize than Allen Kronigsberg and Mel Kaminsky. Walter Matthau is memorable, but would you remember Walter Matasschanskayasky:  Doris Kappelhoff lacks the girl-next-door magic of Doris day. Freeric Austerlitz hid his German roots by becoming Fred Astaire. Issur Demsky’s Russian family turned him into heroic Kirk Douglas. Charles Buchinksky sounds tougher as Charles Bronson, while Martin Sheen won star roles by changing from Ramones Estevez.

English actor William Pratt is the exception. He became screen legend Boris Karloff a middle European name, perfect for horror movies.


Some try to avoid accusations of nepotism. Emilio Estevez his father’s real surname, while Brother Charlie Sheen kept the screen name. Would Nicholas Cage have succeeded sooner if he had still been Nicholas Coppola, nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola?

Others changed embarrassing names: Marion Morrison, a woman’s name was no good for the epitome of masculinity John Wayne.

The strangest story is that of Yul Brynner. He often claimed he was Taidje Khan, of Mongolian-Japanese origins, but his name was really Yul Brynner and has parents Russian.

Joan Crawford
Lucille Fay LeSueur
Cherllyn Sarkisian
Dirk Bogarde
Derek Jules Caspard Ulric Niven
Van den Bogaerde
Lou Costello
Louis Francis Cristillo
Tony Curtis
Bernard Schwartz
Bette Davis
Ruth Elizabeth Davis
Marlene Dietrich
Marie Magdalene Deitrich
Mia Farrow
Maria de Lourdes Villers-Farrow
Jean Harlow
Harlean Carpentier
Rita Hayworth
Margarita Carmen Cansino
Bob Hope
Leslie Townes Hope
Rock Hudson
Roy Harold Scherer Jr.
Buster Keaton
Joseph Frank Keaton VI
Michael Keaton
Michael John Douglas
Natassja Kinski
Nastassja Naksyzns
Hedy Lamarr
Hedwig Eva Maria Kiester
Bruce Lee
Lee Jun Fan
Vivien Leigh
Vivian Hartley
Sophia Loren
Sofia villani Scicolone
Bela Lugosi
Bela Ferenc Dezso Blasko
Shirley MacLaine
Rosmarie Magdelena Albach
Barbara Stanwyck
Ruby Stevens
Rudolph Valentino
Rodolfo Pietro Filiberto Raffaello
Guglielmi di Valentina
Gloria Swanson
Gloria Svensson
Shelley Winters
Shirley Schrift.

Words and Their Stories: Hold Your Horses!

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.
Today, we tell about "horse" expressions.  In the past, many people depended on horses for transportation, farming and other kinds of work.  A lot of people still like to ride horses.  And, horse racing is also popular.  So it is not surprising that Americans still use expressions about the animals.
Long ago, people who were rich or important rode horses that were very tall.  Today, if a girl acts like she is better than everyone else, you might say she should get off her high horse.
Yesterday my children wanted me to take them to the playground.  But I had to finish my work, so I told them to hold your horses. Wait until I finish what I am doing.  My two boys like to compete against each other and play in a violent way.  I always tell them to stop horsing around or someone could get hurt.
We live in a small town.  It does not have any exciting activities to offer visitors.  My children call it a one-horse town.
Last night, I got a telephone call while I was watching my favorite television show.  I decided not to answer it because wild horses could not drag me away from the television.  There was nothing that could stop me from doing what I wanted to do. 
Sometimes you get information straight from the horse's mouth. It comes directly from the person who knows most about the subject and is the best source.  Let us say your teacher tells you there is going to be a test tomorrow.  You could say you got the information straight from the horse's mouth.  However, you would not want to call your teacher a horse!
You may have heard this expression: You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.  That means you can give someone advice but you cannot force him to do something he does not want to do.
Sometimes a person fights a battle that has been decided or keeps arguing a question that has been settled.  We say this is like beating a dead horse.
In politics, a dark-horse candidate is someone who is not well known to the public.  Sometimes, a dark horse unexpectedly wins an election.
Another piece of advice is, do not change horses in midstream. You would not want to get off one horse and on to another in the middle of a river.  Or make major changes in an activity that has already begun.  In the past, this expression was used as an argument to re-elect a president, especially during a time when the country was at war.
This VOA Special English program was written by Shelley Gollust.  I'm Faith Lapidus.  You can find more WORDS AND THEIR STORIES at our website,

sábado, 19 de março de 2011

Lyrics, Billy Joe

The River of Dreams
by Billy Joel

Author of This Exercise:ESL Teacher Judith Jékél
Source: English Exercises

Watch the video and do the following exercises.
Write in the missing prepositions.

 the middle   the night
I go walking   my sleep
 the mountains   faith
 the river so deep
I must be looking   something
Something sacred I lost
But the river is wide
And it’s too hard to cross

Choose the words that you can hear

And even  I know the river is  
  down every evening and stand on the  
I try to cross to the opposite  
So I   finally find what I’ve   looking for

Write in the missing words. The images may help


In the middle of the  
I go   in my sleep
Through the   of fear
To a   so deep
I’m a   for something
Taken out of my soul
Something I’d never  
Something somebody  

Match the beginning and the end of the following lines.

I don’t know why                A  the rest of my life
But now I’m tired and             B  I go walking at night
    Hope it doesn’t take                      C   I don’t wanna walk anymore
Until I find what it is              D   I’ve been looking for

Unscramble the words in brackets.

In the   (lieddm) of the night
I go walking in my  (elesp)
Through the   (lejung) of doubt
To the river so   (edpe)
I know I’m   (hcaengsir) for something
Something so undefined
That it can only be seen
By the eyes of the  (inldb)
In the middle of the night

Write in the missing words. The images may help.

I’m not sure about a life after this
 knows I’ve never been a spiritual man
Baptized by the , I wade into the river
That is   to the promised land

In the middle of the night
I go walking in my sleep
Through the   of truth
To the river so deep
We all end in the  
We all   in the streams
We’re all carried along
By the river of   
In the middle of the night

World affairs

Brazilian teachers, schools, Students should got the signature of Maganews, it's excellent, I recommend it.


World affairs
Barack Obama in Brazil

The objectives of president Barack Obama’s trip toBrazil are economic, political and social
   Brasília – According to the White House spokesman, Jay Carney, the objectives of president Barack Obama’s trip to Brazilare economic, political and social. The president will deal with a wide variety of issues in these areas with officials, business leaders and citizens, explained Carney.  Brazil is one of the few countries the United States is currently running a trade surplus with (last year it was almost $8 billion; five years ago, in 2006, Brazil had a $10 billion trade surplus with the US). So, on one hand, the Americans are really excited about partnership and cooperation opportunities in the booming Brazilian economy (now the seventh biggest in the world). On the other hand, the Brazilians are eager to reduce imports from the US and get back to a surplus. A Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement (TECA) will be signed and it will make it easier for both sides to move ahead with their trade objectives.  Trade expansion is seen (by both sides) as the path to more jobs and growth.
         The political side of the trip is recognition of the rise of Latin America in world affairs and, especially, the leadership role of Brazil. Two days from the arrival of Obama officials from both countries are hammering out the details of between 10 and 20 agreements and memorandums that will be signed on Saturday in Brasilia. Some of them still face hard technical and legal obstacles.  The American president’s entourage will consist of around a thousand people. The president will be accompanied by his wife, Michelle, and two daughters.
        There is an undeniable symbolic aspect to the visit. America’s first Afro-American president meets Brazil’s first female president. There will definitely be a strong commitment by both governments to combating racial and gender discrimination, along with recognition of Brazil’s efforts to raise its poor out of poverty and make them participating citizens who are able to receive the benefits of citizenship (“inclusão social”).
     In Brasilia, Obama will deal with business and politics. He will meet business leaders from both countries at two different moments: a business forum (“Fórum Empresarial Brasil-Estados Unidos”) with 400 and a more intimate meeting with selected CEOs. Topics the president will discuss include renewable energy, such as ethanol (although the US will not reduce import barriers on Brazilian sugarcane-based ethanol, preferring to continue with corn-based ethanol) and investments in infrastructure in Brazil uniting the public and private sector. Among the opportunities: partnerships in the World Soccer Cup and Olympics Games that Brazil will host in 2014 and 2016, respectively.
     As he did in Berlin in 2008 and in Cairo in 2009, Obama will make a public speech in Rio de Janeiro on Sunday, March 20. Without a doubt he will stress the common interests and shared values of Brazil and the United States, emphasizing the countries’ similarities: historical backgrounds, large size, diverse populations and democratic traditions. The speech will be shown on large screens with translation.

By – Renata Girardi / ABr and Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Pictures (Obama and family) – Marcello Casal Jr / ABr