Mostrando postagens com marcador part 16. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador part 16. Mostrar todas as postagens

sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 16, Inglês Vip

Source: visit the site for more information

Mariana: So, we have some(1) people to call. Lucas, can you be the DJ?
Lucas: No, I can't. I'm not a DJ. But my uncle(2) has a forró band What do you think?
Mariana: About what?(3)
Lucas: The music.
Mariana: Whatever(4), whatever...Oh Lucas, could you do me a favor?(5)
Lucas: Yes, I could.
Mariana: I'm a little worried. The barbecue(6) man is not here yet. Would you call him please?
Lucas: Yes, I would. What is his phone number?
Mariana: Oh, wait. Here. So, is everything ready?(7)
Lucas: Yes, it is. There is only one thing missing(8).
Mariana: What?
Lucas:  People
Mariana: They are coming! The party starts at five. It is four thirty.
Barbecue man: Excuse me(9). I'm here for the barbecue
Mariana: Oh, here you are! You can put(10) the meat(11) here and the soft drinks in the ice(12) there
Lucas: Where is Pedro?
Mariana: I don't know. He is at work.
Lucas:  Would you call him and see if he is coming?
Mariana: OK, OK. Can I talk to Pedro please? Hi Pedro. This is(13) Mariana. Oh...really? Hum, are you coming to the barbecue?
Barbecue man: Would you like some potatoes?(14)
Pedro: Yes, I would, thanks.
Barbecue man: Would you like some meat?
Mariana: No, I would not. I am vegetarian
Barbecue man:  Vegetarian? Not a problem. I have some vegetables(15) here.What would you like to drink?
Lucas: A soft drink, please.
Barbecue man: How is the meat? Too salty(16)? Good?
Pedro: Very good!
Barbecue man: OK. Thank you.
Mariana: Oh, Lucas. I have to speak with you. I'm a little nervous.
Lucas: Why?
Mariana: Because I think Pedro is hitting on me(17)!
Lucas: You think? you think? He is hitting on you!
Mariana: Really?
Lucas: Yes!
Mariana: What do I do?
Lucas: You like him, don't you?
Mariana: Yes, I do! But he is my friend. I'm, I'm confused(18)...
Lucas: You need to relax and enjoy(19) the party. OK? Come on(20)! Let's dance forró.


 1. Some  = Alguns, algumas
 2. Uncle = tio
 3. About what? = Sobre o que?
 4. Whatever = Tanto faz
 5. Could you do me a favor? = Você poderia me fazer um favor?
 6. Barbecue = churrasco
 7. Is everything ready? = Tudo está pronto?
 8. There is only one thing missing  = Só está faltando uma coisa
 9. Excuse me = Com licença
 10. Put = pôr, colocar
 11. Meat = carne
 12. Ice = gelo
 13. This is = aqui é
 14. Potatoes = Batatas
 15. Vegetables  = Legumes
 16. Salty = Salgada
 17. Hitting on me = "Me paquerando"
 18. Confused = confuso(a)
 19. Enjoy = aproveitar, desfrutar
 20. Come on! = Vamos lá!