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Mostrando postagens com marcador Pro-jovem. Mostrar todas as postagens

terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 26, Inglês vip

Pedro: I must thank you(1) Julia. This visit was very interesting.
Julia:  Yes, It’s was…
Pedro: I owe you one(2)
Julia: You owe me one? You can give me a hand(3) with the story.
Lucas:  This is a good opportunity, Pedro. Now you can learn how to use computers.
Julia: So, how can I start(4) this story?
Pedro:  Let me think(5). This morning, I was in a real Tv station. My friends Pedro and Lucas were with me.

It was a wonderful experience.

Lucas:  Good start. Ok, the story is ready. Now, save the file(6).
Pedro: Where can we save it?
Lucas: You should create a  folder(7), and call it  “newspapers”.
Pedro: Ok.
Julia:  Thanks guys, you were a big help.
Pedro: Can we surf on the internet(8) now?
Lucas: Yes you can. Let’s create an email for you.
Pedro: Let me think about my e-mail address…
Julia: You should put your name. Let’s try pedro.silva. p-e-d-r-o.s-i-l-v-a@aluba.
Lucas: Man, check it out(9). I have a blog on the internet.
Pedro: A blog? What is it?
Lucas: What world do you live in(10),  Pedro?
Pedro:  I never (11) use the internet.
Lucas:  I love the internet, I have a blog, a photolog,  do my research(12) for the school, using the research sites. It’s so cool(13).
Pedro:  That’s  true(14)I was not into(15) computers. But now I’m starting to like it.



 1. I must thank you  = Eu devo agradecer você
 2. I owe you one = Eu te devo uma
 3. Give me a hand = "Me dar uma mão"
 4. How can I start = Como posso começar?
 5. Let me think = Deixe-me pensar
 6. Save the file = Salve o arquivo
 7. folder = pasta
 8. surf on the internet  = Navegar pela internet
 9. Check it out = Dê uma olhada
 10. What world do you live in? = Em que mundo você vive?
 11. Never = Nunca
 12. Research = Pesquisa
 13. It's so cool = É tão legal
 14. That's true = Isso é verdade
 15.  I was not into = "Eu não curtia"

sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 22 Inglês vip

For more information access the link and all credits and source belongs

Mariana: Excuse me.
Doctor: Hello. You must be(1) Mariana
Yes I am. Oh, You look just like(2) my boss
Doctor: We are twin sisters(3)How are you feeling?(4)Mariana: My body hurts(5), my back hurts, my face is getting bigger(6), my nose is runny, my head(7) is exploding and my eyes are getting smaller(8)Doctor: Ok, ok. Let's see what we have here. OK, say thirty-three.
Mariana: thirty-three.
Doctor: Again(9)Mariana: thirty-three.
Doctor: OK Mariana, it's definitely(10) a flu, and a big one!(11). I would like you to take three days off from work(12)Mariana: Three days, I can't do that!
Doctor: Don't worry(13). I can call my sister and tell her about it OK? You have to take this medicine(14) here every day
Mariana: How often(15) should I take this medicine?
Doctor: Four times a day(16). In five days, you are going to be fine.
Mariana:  Five days? Buty, doctor, I have a date tonight(17)Doctor: No, no! No dates Mariana! You must rest(18)Mariana: Not even(19) one little date?
Doctor: No Mariana. You can hang out(20) with this boy in five days OK?
Mariana:  OK, fine!
Doctor: Here. OK? Nice to meet you.
Mariana: Nice to meet you too
Doctor: Take care!(21) bye bye!
Pedro:  HelloMariana: Hello Pedro.Pedro:  Yes, that is me(22)Mariana: I have some bad news(23)Pedro: Who is this? Mariana? What's wrong with your voice?(24)Mariana:  I have the fluPedro: Oh, no, really? How are you feeling?
Mariana: Not good. I must rest for five days. I can't go out(25) for five days! Can you believe that? This is so boring!
Pedro: Oh, that's too bad. But don't worry. We can hang out if five days.
Mariana:  OK, I have to go. I have to take my medicine and rest. Bye bye.
Pedro: Bye. Mariana is sick(26). No spaghetti tonight!

 You must be = Você deve ser
 2. You look just like = Você se parece muito com
 3. Twin sisters = 
Irmãs gêmeas
 4. How are you feeling? = 
Como você está se sentindo
 5. My body hurts =
 Meu corpo está doendo
 6. My face is getting bigger = 
Meu rosto está ficando maior
 7. Head = 
 Smaller = Menores
 9. Again = Novamente
 10. Definitely = 
 11. A big one! = 
Uma bem grande!
 12. Take three days off from work =
 Tirar três dias de folga do trabalho
 13. Don't worry = 
Não se preocupe
 14. Medicine = 
 15. How often
  = Com que frequência
 16. Four times a day = Quatro vezes por dia
 17. I have a date tonight = 
Eu tenho um encontro esta noite
 18. Rest = 
 19. Not even =
 Nem mesmo
 20. Hang out = 
sair (passear)
 21. Take care = 
  22. Yes, that is me = Sim, sou eu
  23. Bad news = Notícias ruins
  24. What's wrong with your voice? = O que há de errado com sua voz?
  25. Go out = sair
   26. Sick = doente

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segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 18, Inglês Vip


Travel agency, good morning. How can I help you?
 Hello. My name is Luis, and I would like to go on a trip(1) with my wife. We are always(2) traveling around Brazil, and I'd like to know if we can have a discount this time(3).
Mariana: OK Luis. How often(4) do you travel?
Customer: Once a month(5)
Mariana: Could you give me your name, please?
Customer: Luis Alberto Ferdolini.
Mariana: Ferdolini? How do I speel that(6)?
Customer: F-e-r-d-o-l-i-n-i
Mariana: I can see in the agency's system that it's the tenth time(7) you are traveling with us
Customer: Oh, that's right(8) young lady
Mariana: You can have a 25% discount for any location(9) in Brazil. Where would you like to go?
Customer: It is our honey moon(10). It has to be a romantic place.
Mariana: Hum...let me see.Do you know Gramado and Canela in Rio Grande do Sul? Or Petropolis, in Rio de Janeiro? Those are very romantic places
Boss: Mariana, how is work today?
Mariana: Oh, it is fine.
Boss: I can see you are rarely(11) having doubts(12) about it
Mariana: I have doubts sometimes(13), but I'm learning more every day
Boss: In a short time(14), this job is going to be a piece of cake(15).
Boss: Mariana, I might(16) have to leave early(17) today. Can you close the office(18) for me?
Mariana: OK, no problem.  

Pedro: What are you doing boss?
Boss: I'm preparing a surprise(19) for my brother. He's getting married(20)
Pedro: How nice! What are you giving him?
Boss: An antique watch(21). Do you see how beautiful it is, Pedro? This watch is 50 years old and it is never late(22). They don't make watches like that(23) these days(24), Pedro.
Pedro: Those things are very expensive, boss
Boss: Yes, I know. I usually(25) don't buy(26) expensive things(27) like that, but I think my brother is going to love it(28). He collects(29) antigues.
Pedro: You must be rich(30) to buy a watch like that. I think you should(31) give me a raise(32).
Boss: A raise? I should give you more work! That's what I should give you. Very funny(33) young man, very funny

 Go on a trip = Fazer uma viagem
 2. Always = sempre
 3. This time = 
Desta vez
 4. How often? = 
Com que frequência?
 5. Once a month =
 Uma vez por mês
 6. How do I spell that? = 
Como eu soletro isso?
 7. Tenth time = 
décima vez
 That's right = É isso mesmo, está certo
 9. Any location = Qualquer localidade
 10. Honey moon = 
Lua de mel
 11. Rarely = 
 12. Doubts =
 13. Sometimes = 
Às vezes
 14. In a short time = 
Em pouco tempo
 Piece of cake = "Moleza"
 16. Might = poder (possibilidade)
 17. Leave early = 
sair cedo
 18. Close the office = 
fechar o escritório
 19. Surprise =
 20. He's getting married = 
Ele vai se casar (Futuro certo)
 21. Antique watch = 
Relógio antigo
  22. It is never late = Ele (relógio) nunca se atrasa
  23. Like that = 
Como esse, assim
  24. These days = Hoje em dia
  25. Usually = Normalmente
  26. Buy = comprar
 27. Things = coisas
 28. I think my brother is going to love it = Eu acho que meu irmão vai adorá-lo (Futuro incerto)
 29. Collects = 
 30. You must be rich = 
 You must be rich
 31. Should = Deveria
 32. Raise = 
 33. Funny =

sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 16, Inglês Vip

Source: visit the site for more information

Mariana: So, we have some(1) people to call. Lucas, can you be the DJ?
Lucas: No, I can't. I'm not a DJ. But my uncle(2) has a forró band What do you think?
Mariana: About what?(3)
Lucas: The music.
Mariana: Whatever(4), whatever...Oh Lucas, could you do me a favor?(5)
Lucas: Yes, I could.
Mariana: I'm a little worried. The barbecue(6) man is not here yet. Would you call him please?
Lucas: Yes, I would. What is his phone number?
Mariana: Oh, wait. Here. So, is everything ready?(7)
Lucas: Yes, it is. There is only one thing missing(8).
Mariana: What?
Lucas:  People
Mariana: They are coming! The party starts at five. It is four thirty.
Barbecue man: Excuse me(9). I'm here for the barbecue
Mariana: Oh, here you are! You can put(10) the meat(11) here and the soft drinks in the ice(12) there
Lucas: Where is Pedro?
Mariana: I don't know. He is at work.
Lucas:  Would you call him and see if he is coming?
Mariana: OK, OK. Can I talk to Pedro please? Hi Pedro. This is(13) Mariana. Oh...really? Hum, are you coming to the barbecue?
Barbecue man: Would you like some potatoes?(14)
Pedro: Yes, I would, thanks.
Barbecue man: Would you like some meat?
Mariana: No, I would not. I am vegetarian
Barbecue man:  Vegetarian? Not a problem. I have some vegetables(15) here.What would you like to drink?
Lucas: A soft drink, please.
Barbecue man: How is the meat? Too salty(16)? Good?
Pedro: Very good!
Barbecue man: OK. Thank you.
Mariana: Oh, Lucas. I have to speak with you. I'm a little nervous.
Lucas: Why?
Mariana: Because I think Pedro is hitting on me(17)!
Lucas: You think? you think? He is hitting on you!
Mariana: Really?
Lucas: Yes!
Mariana: What do I do?
Lucas: You like him, don't you?
Mariana: Yes, I do! But he is my friend. I'm, I'm confused(18)...
Lucas: You need to relax and enjoy(19) the party. OK? Come on(20)! Let's dance forró.


 1. Some  = Alguns, algumas
 2. Uncle = tio
 3. About what? = Sobre o que?
 4. Whatever = Tanto faz
 5. Could you do me a favor? = Você poderia me fazer um favor?
 6. Barbecue = churrasco
 7. Is everything ready? = Tudo está pronto?
 8. There is only one thing missing  = Só está faltando uma coisa
 9. Excuse me = Com licença
 10. Put = pôr, colocar
 11. Meat = carne
 12. Ice = gelo
 13. This is = aqui é
 14. Potatoes = Batatas
 15. Vegetables  = Legumes
 16. Salty = Salgada
 17. Hitting on me = "Me paquerando"
 18. Confused = confuso(a)
 19. Enjoy = aproveitar, desfrutar
 20. Come on! = Vamos lá!