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Mostrando postagens com marcador Websites. Mostrar todas as postagens

terça-feira, 21 de março de 2017

11 Free Websites to Practice English at Home

Today's English tip, I'm going to recommend 11 useful free websites to practice English by yourself at home. 

Adult students take notes in class An attractive, user-friendly website including grammar, pronunciation, reading and listening practice and an interactive picture dictionary.

Many Things
This website includes matching quizzes, word games, word puzzles, proverbs, slang expressions, anagrams, a random-sentence generator and other computer-assisted language learning activities. The site also includes a special page on pronunciation, including practice with minimal pairs. Not the fanciest or most beautiful website, but with lots to see and use and no advertising.
Dave's ESL Cafe
A forum for both ESL teachers and students around the world. Includes quizzes, grammar explanations, and discussion forums for students. For teachers, includes classroom ideas on all subjects as well as discussion forums.
The California Distance Learning Project
Read and listen to a news stories on topics including working, housing, money and health, then work on activities based on the stories including matching pairs, vocabulary, and quiz questions. Some stories also include videos.
BBC Learning English
An array of wonderful activities for practice, some relating to current events. Includes videos, quizzes, vocabulary practice, idioms, crosswords, and much more, though all with British accents.
Activities for ESL Students
Grammar and vocabulary practice for all levels, including many bilingual quizzes for beginners. Also includes a link for teachers, with conversation questions, games, and many other ideas to put to use in the classroom.
This is a website for kids, but who says adults can't use it, too? The site includes educational games organized by grade level, from 1st to 5th, and is particularly good for spelling and phonics. There are games to practice vowels, uppercase and lowercase letters, Dolch sight words, synonyms and antonyms and more.
TV 411
This site includes videos with native speakers explaining key reading concepts like critical reading, summarizing and scanning, and key life skills like signing a lease and reading a medicine label. Following each video is a comprehension quiz. Click on the blue tabs across the top lead for lessons on reading, writing, vocabulary and finance.
GCF Learn Free
A well-designed site with interactive tutorials for everything from operating an ATM machine to reading food labels. If you click on the main page icon and then click on reading, the site has resources for English language learners as well, including stories to listen to and read along, and picture dictionaries.
Language Guide
This is an online picture dictionary, with everything from the alphabet to parts of the body to farm animals.
Oxford University Press
This site from Oxford University Press has activities to practice spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and listening. A bit difficult to navigate, so more suitable for advanced learners and savvy internet users.
Also, remember that Mango Languages is available to you through the Library! It features ESL lessons for Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese speakers. (First time users must create a profile in order to access Mango Languages.)
And don't forget YouTube. Whatever you'd like to learn — an explanation of a grammar term, idioms, a set of vocabulary — enter it in the search field and an array of videos are sure to come up. I hope some of these sites prove useful. Enjoy! And please add your own favorite sites in the comments.

quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011

English tips in Portuguese use Google translator, please

Keep an eye through the next's about Speak Up texts, as well as for foreign readers, please use Google translator, there are useful website from you, liked this blog? Please bookmark it using social networking sites, please. 

Dicas de Língua Inglesa em Português
Geralmente as dicas estão direcionadas para autodidatas que são curiosos como eu que decidiram aprender o idioma por conta própria, claro que as dicas servem para qualquer um, seja você que está fazendo intercâmbio, ou um curso de língua inglesa.
·         Ouça músicas internacionais sem a letra, depois pegue a letra e circule os novos vocabulários, verbos, substantivos, palavras cognatas sem se preocupar com a tradução, procure entender o significado da música, ou seja, aprenda a contextualizar.
·         Escute rádios internacionais, mesmo que você não entenda mais exercite o seu ouvido a diferentes sotaques, exemplo a BBC de Londres, Voz da America (VOA).
·         Escreva o nome de objetos e fixe-os com papel (etiqueta) assim você memoriza mais rápido.
·         Comunique-se sem medo de errar, os erros fazem parte do quotidiano. Não se incomode com as correções, agradeça pois elas são essenciais para que você aprenda a falar corretamente.
·         Pensar, sonhar, escrever em outra língua...sonhar?  Como assim? Isso mesmo, quando você começa a estudar outra língua, seu cérebro fica dividido com sua língua nativa e o idioma, é um processo lento, mas pense em Inglês, exercite sua mente.
·         Assista documentários, filmes, primeiro sem legenda, depois com legenda. Escute os podcasts (São matérias gravados em mp3 e transcritos, Inglês-Inglês).
·         Faça pequenas redações falando do seu quotidiano, trabalho, família, comece com pequenos textos, não use em hipótese alguma, Google tradutor.
·         Agende com amigos grupos de estudos, se possível com alguém que faça curso e priorize pelo menos 1 hora por dia, estudando com afinco.
·         Use sites e blogs em inglês, nacionais e internacionais e veja os cursos gratuitos na internet; use redes sociais no Facebook, Orkut e procure comunidades para estudar o idioma.
·         Falar inglês ou outro idioma passou a ser uma exigência do mercado de trabalho, ou por puro prazer, lembre-se não precise você ser perfeito, há quem zombe e sempre alguém que se acha ou sabe mais que você que o desestimule, ignore-o, a prática leva a perfeição, se errar tenha humildade para aceitar a correção, mas não desista, você consegue. Qualquer dúvida me adiciona no Facebook, Skype: Id: aventureirosdacaatinga ou me envia um e-mail: acesse sempre o blog, pois temos o que existe de melhor, os melhores sites e blogs do Brasil e do Exterior encontram-se adicionados no English Tips, Visite os blogs Teclasap , Teacher Bruno (vídeo aulas) Aldir Ferreira , Denilso de Lima (Inglês na Ponta da língua), English Expert, INGVIP , Teacher Manoel Carlos , e muitos outros, fora os internacionais, Real English , Voa News  , English Exercises   e muitos outros. Lembre-se da importância de divulgar os blogs ou sites Educativos, visite-os e passe para amigos, siga a risca estas dicas, seja auto-didata, faça curso de Ingles ou professor, grato por sua visita e divulgação. 

terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

Check it out the best blogs and websites in English

Useful Sites and blogs, keep studying.


Actually today I’m going to talk about useful links on the internet, you find out a couple of them on my blog, for Brazilian and foreign people follow the list below:

Brazilian Blogs and sites: recent added on my favorite ones  (38 videos of Pro-Jovem) available on Inglês vip.  very useful for Self-Taught students as well as teachers.  it’s a Brazilian magazine I recommend for Students and Teachers visit the site, it’s not too expensive, great material.

There are many others, this is my favorite ones, of course due the Google Translator you may access without problem.

Blogs and English websites I recommend worldwide.  I love this one.  Excellent for Teachers great blog  (Excellent for Teachers and students)  One of the best for beginners and all English learners must visit.  Very useful for kids, and of course adults too, because I love games, once in a while I’m accessing there.  Excellent ESL site for Teachers and students too.  ESL site  great ESL site for Teachers and students.  Very useful too, ESL Site.  this one is interesting ESL, by the way.

Do not forget to promote this sites and blogs, social media is excellent, you are promoting spammers but Education, not violence, unless knowledge. Thank you visiting, on my blog you will find out several links, no porn content or spam. You may have a wonderful weekend.  ESL (English as Second Language), very useful site for Students and Teachers.  ESL I love this one.  ESL site.  ESL site very interesting.  Following up this one, there you can find out useful videos, check it out.  very interesting.  Useful for both Students and Teachers.

Following up this websites and blogs and please, pass it on for friends twitting English tips, I really appreciate. Thank you for your help in advance.