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Gianecchini moves [1] Brazil
Brazil follows Giane’s fight against cancer. The actor has had special support from his ex-wife, Marília Gabriela In early
Brazil follows Giane’s fight against cancer. The actor has had special support from his ex-wife, Marília Gabriela In early
Sports stars ill [5] In recent weeks other celebrities have hit the headlines because of serious health problems: the former soccer star Sócrates, who has a serious liver [6] problem, and the coach of Vasco da Gama, Ricardo Gomes, who suffered a stroke [7]. But the disease that Gianecchini is suffering from has caused the biggest shock in the country. The actor's father also has cancer. Besides being helped by doctors, Giane and his father have also sought [8] spiritual help. On the next page we give you a summary of the actor’s personal and professional life.
On September 28, Giane visited the support group for children with cancer, GACC, in São José dos Campos-SP, and spoke to several children. The actor has supported GACC since 2003. He is going to take part in a new campaign to help the hospital GACC runs.
Áudio – Julia Constantinides
Fotos – Giane com crianças (Fábio Machado) e individual (Globo)
Fotos – Giane com crianças (Fábio Machado) e individual (Globo)
1 to move - comover
2 lymphatic system – sistema linfático (lymphoma = linfoma)
2 lymphatic system – sistema linfático (lymphoma = linfoma)
3 chemotherapy- quiometerapia
4 bald – careca
5 ill - doença
6 liver – fígado
7 stroke – derrame cerebral / AVC
8 to seek – procurar / buscar