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The world was surprised by the choice of the first Latin American pope, the first Jesuit to become pope, and the first to adopt the name Francis. In his days as pontiff he captivated the world with his simplicity and surprising atitudes
On the evening of March 13 the world was introduced to a new pope: the smiling and charismatic Argentinean Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The next day, Bergoglio went to the hotel he stayed at during the conclave, and paid the bill [1]. He did not want to wear [2] the traditional gold ring [3] that other popes wore. Nor did he want to wear the beautiful red shoes [4] made for the Pontiff, and he kept on wearing his old black shoes. On March 22 he celebrated a Mass for the Vatican's gardeners [5] and janitors [6]. Days after being chosen to be the new pope, he called a newsstand [7] in Buenos Aires to tell the owner that he wanted to cancel his subscription [8] to the newspaper La Nacion, as he was now living in Rome. This snippet [9] was revealed by his sister, Maria Elena. The new pope also telephoned priest friends in Buenos Aires.
Making his own meals
Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires. While still a Cardinal, he lived in a small apartment in the Argentinean capital, and used to make his own meals. He used to take the bus and subway, and visit the slums [10] in the city. Pope Francis likes tango and soccer (he is a fan of San Lorenzo). In 2001 he visited a hospital and washed and kissed the feet of 12 patients with AIDS. When he was young, he had a serious illness and lost part of one lung [11]. Time went by and Jorge Bergoglio seems to be in good health, aged 76.
Matéria publicada na edição de número 72 da revista Maganews.
Foto – Roberto Stuckert / ABr
1 to pay the bill – pagar a conta
2 to wear – usar
3 ring – anel
4 shoes – sapato (s)
5 gardener – jardineiro
6 janitor – faxineiro
7 newsstand – banca de jornais
8 subscription - assinatura
9 snippet – refeição
10 slum – favela
11 lung - pulmão
Créditos: MAGANEWS
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