quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

Thanks for your audience

Since the English tips aired on 09th February 2010 raders from different parts of the world have been accessing, basically 187 countries. Amazingly most of the visitors comes from United States, Brazil, England, a large audience in Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Europe as a whole, Oceania, specially South America, in particular Argentina and Colombia. 

Anyways, one of the most important is that, the readers' profile basically are students and teachers, as well as the bloggers' partners also supporting English tips blog. 

In conclusion, most of the tips I just promote the best websites and blogs in order to deserving a great English material for English learners. I have only word to say to you...Thank you all for your audience, friends on VOA LEARNERS GROUP and Facebook ps://www.facebook.com/groups/voalearnersgroup/ and Facebook, thank you for promoting English tips. See you around, friends. 

Um comentário:

BLOGZOOM disse...

Sometimes I come visit your blog.
It is amazing.
Thank you for your comment.
