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Campos do Jordão, Brazil's “Swiss” resort
The cold temperatures, the European architecture, the beautiful mountains, clean air and quaint [1] streets are like Europe. In June and July the city is visited by more than one million tourists
Campos do Jordão lies in the Mantiqueira Mountains, at an altitude of almost 1,700 meters, just under 170 km from São Paulo. This city of 47,000 people attracts mainly wealthier visitors and the odd [2] celebrity (some of them have mansions in the town). Those visiting the city for the first time feel like they are in a typical Swiss town. The cold climate, the architectural style of
its buildings, the beautiful mountains, clean air and the quaint streets are like Europe. Vila Capivari is the hippest [3] part of the city. This neighborhood is home to many shops specializing in knitwear [4] and chocolate, as well as bars, restaurants and hotels. In Capivari tourists can take acable car [5] bound for Morro do Elefante, a mountain whose peak is at an altitude of around 1,800 meters. On the ride tourists get a breathtaking [6] view of Capivari and the city's landmarks. The natural beauty of Campos do Jordão can also be taken [7] in on a train ride.
Stunning nature
The beautiful landscapes of the city include a large number of beautiful trees. One of them, the Araucaria conifer [8], is considered to be the symbol of the city. For those who enjoy ecological sports, the city offers great options, including fishing, canopy [9] tours, horseback riding and beautifulhiking trails [10]. Another tip is to visit the nearby town of Santo Antônio do Pinhal, which is a fewkilometers away.
Matéria publicada na edição de número 61 da revista Maganews. Na edição impressa você poderá conferir a segunda parte desta matéria, com destaque para o Festival de Inverno, e ainda conferir os áudios, em inglês, narrados pela sul-africana Renay Moodley e pelo brasileiro Thiago Ribeiro.
Fotos - Capivari - Kadu Schiavo
Foto 2 - Vandeir Rodrigues - Portal de Campos do Jordão
Foto 2 - Vandeir Rodrigues - Portal de Campos do Jordão
Vocabulary1 quaint street – aqui = rua charmosa
2 odd – aqui = ocasional / casual3 the hippest – a mais badalada
4 knitwear – artigos de malha
5 cable car – teleférico
6 breathtaking view – linda vista (de “tirar o fôlego)
7 to be taken in – ser realizado
8 conifer – árvore, arbusto
2 odd – aqui = ocasional / casual3 the hippest – a mais badalada
4 knitwear – artigos de malha
5 cable car – teleférico
6 breathtaking view – linda vista (de “tirar o fôlego)
7 to be taken in – ser realizado
8 conifer – árvore, arbusto
9 canopy tours – arvorismo (ou arborismo)
10 hiking trails – caminhadas em trilhas
10 hiking trails – caminhadas em trilhas
Um comentário:
Go to Campos do Jordão is in our trip agenda. Nice article. Thanks!
Have a nice time.
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