sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011

Energy Option


4 comentários:

cookingvarieties disse...

Hi english tips, renewable energies using products like plastics and metal- the production of which still need oil and for the fact that oil is running out soon…is quite a scary thing to pass on to the coming generations..

humans are so full of greed and selfish, there are lots of them around who don’t care about saving the planet/ lives.

Damiao disse...

Definitely I agree with you, wind power (wind energy) it's another option to green energy, in particular in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil they are investing in this source of energy. Basically enterprising from Asia, Japan, South Korea, Spain have been invested or searching for the place for installing the wind power's equipment. Thank you a million for yur comment.

Carlos Leite disse...

Hi dear friend,

Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind words. I did the same! I bookmarked your blog too.
You have here many information, about many things. Your blog is very full and complete.
I will folow,

Thank you,

Damiao disse...

Also thanks so much Carlos, for your kind words, have a wonderful weekend, added your blog on my favorite links.