sábado, 23 de julho de 2011

Alline Moraes back with a bang

People and TV
Source: www.maganews.com.br 

Alline Moraes back with a bang
After a brilliant performance in 2008, playing a psychopath in the soap opera Duas Caras, Alline has come back with a bang [1]. In Viver a Vida she plays a model who ends up in a wheelchair after suffering a serious accident

Beauty helps open a lot of doors. One good example of this is to be found on television. In recent years beautiful models have been invited to act in soap operas and series. Alline Moraes was one of them. In 2002 a Globo director was amazed [2] by her beauty and decided to invite the young model to act in the soap opera “Coração de Estudante.” She went on [3] to make other soap operas but without impressing the critics. In 2008, however, Alline was outstanding [4] when she played an anti-hero for the first time in her career – the psychopath Sílvia in the soap opera Duas Caras. She was so convincing that Brazil was outraged [5] by the character. Now Alline is back in the limelight [6] because of her performance in the soap opera “Viver a Vida” (Globo 9 PM). She has thrilled millions with her performance as Luciana, a rich and spoiled [7] model who is left quadriplegic [8]after a serious car accident in Jordan.
Career on the catwalk
Alline Moraes was born in SorocabaSão Paulo State, in December 1982, and began working as a model at just 14 years old. Throughout her teens [9] she worked in such cities as TokyoParisMilan, and New York. In recent years she has dedicated herself more to acting [10]. Despite the fame and glamour, Alline likes simple things, like meeting people and visiting new places. Her favorite thing, however, is working. In her blog, Alline describes herself as an authentic workaholic.
Matéria publicada na edição de número 53 da Revista Maganews
Áudio (narração) – Aasita Muralikrishna
with a bang – gíria = com força
amazed – impressionado
she went on – aqui = ela seguiu em frente / seqüência
outstanding – excelente
to be outraged – ficar indignado / revoltado
in the limelight – exp.idiom. = em evidência / sob os holofotes
spoiled – mimada (o)
8 quadriplegic – tetraplégica (o)
throughout her (or his) teens – durante a sua adolescência
10 acting – atuar como atriz ou ator

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