domingo, 5 de junho de 2011

What’s Their Real Name? Issue 279 POP STAR NAMES



Source: Edition 79 after read the podcast do the exercise.


TASK 1. Speaking. With your partner(s) discuss these questions.
a.                   Do you like your name? Why (not)?
b.                   Do you know why your parents chose your name? Tell your partner(s)
c.                   Do you think names and people’s characteristics are often matched? Why (not)?
d.                   Would you ever consider changing your name? Why (not)?
e.                   How many different names do you have? Does everybody call you the same way?

TASK 2.  Vocabulary. Match the English words / expressions on the left with their Portuguese translations on the right. If you don't know, guess!

1 such weird names                    - surdos
2 stage names                                     - ‘grudam’, ‘pegam’.
3 attempts                                - “nome de guerra”, apelido.
4 surname                                 - escondeu.
5 knife                                               - espinhosa.
6 to avoid                                 - faca, facão.
7 moniker                                 - ferrão,picada.
8 Welsh                                     - ficou com.
9 settled on                               - galês.
10 shimmering                           - gíria.
11 hid                                       - nome, apelido.
12 handles                                 - nomes artísticos.
13 stick                                    - o rebatizou.
14 sting                                    - para evitar.
15 spiky                                    - pontos de vista alternativos.
16 re-christened him                            - por causa de uma loja de aparelhos acústicos.
17 after a... hearing-aid shop      - sobrenome.
18 deaf people                           - nomes tão estranhos.
19 sharp features                        - tentativas.
20 outsider’s viewpoint               - traços brutos, ásperos.
21 slang                                    - brilhante, reluzente.

Now check your ideas in the Glossary. How many did you do correctly?


TASK 3. Prediction. You are going to read a text about celebrities whose “stage name” is different from their real name. Work with a partner and think of as many reasons as possible why people choose to change their name. Aim for at least 7!
When you have finished, check with the rest of the class.

TASK 4. Reading for Specific Information. Read the whole text as quickly as possible and complete this grid:


Real name
Reason for change
David Bowie

Elton John

George Michael


Ringo Starr

Axl Rose

Joe Strummer

Compare your answers with your partner(s)
TASK 5. Competition. Can you match the real names on the left to the stage names on the right? Try, then check. How many did you guess correctly?  
Alecia Moore
·         Ricky Martin
Annie Mae Bullock
·         Tina Turner
Brian Warner
·         Dido
Cordazer Calvin Broadus
·         Sade
Dido Florian Cloud de Bounevialle Armstrong
·         Pink (or P!nk)
Eileen Regina Edwards
·         Roger Waters (Pink Floyd)
Enrique Martín Morales
·         Michael Bolton
George Waters
·         Fatboy Slim
Helen Folasade Adu
·         Moby
Helen Folasade Adu
·         Shaggy
Henry Olusegun Olumide Samuel
·         Snoop Dogg
James Todd Smith
·         LL Cool J
Joseph Saddler
·         Grandmaster Flash
Louis Firbank
·         Vanilla Ice
Mary O’Brien
·         Puff Daddy
Michael Bolotin
·         Sade
Orville Richard Burrell
·         Seal
Quentin Cook (aka Norman Cook)
·         Marilyn Manson
Richard Melville Hall
·         Shania Twain
Robert Van Winkle
·         Dusty Springfield
Roberta Joan Anderson
·         Joni Mitchell
Sean John Combs
·         Lou Reed


TASK 7. Speaking and / or writing. Discuss some /all of these questions with your partner(s). If you like, you can write your opinions for homework and show them to your  teacher.
a.                   Do you think the reasons for changing names mentioned in the text are justified? Why (not)?
  1. How many of these artists do you think REALLY needed to change their name? Why?
  2. Project: Write a brief biography of one of the artists mentioned in this article. Visit their official website or do some general internet research. Include information like:

Real name, place and date of birth, musical influences, discography, career, interesting facts. You could also write a quiz to test your fellow classmates.

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