quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011


 Source: www.speakup.com.br
Speaker: Chuck Rolando
Standard: American accent
source of the picture: richardwiseman.wordpress.com

The devil and the Lawyer

The Devil visited a lawyer’s office and made him and offer: “I can arrange some things for you,” the Devil said. “I’ll increase your income fivefold. Your partners will love you. Your clients will respect you. You’ll have four months of vacation each year and live to be 100. All I require in return is that your wife’s soul, your children’s souls, and their children’s souls rot in hell for all eternity.” The lawyer thought for a moment and then asked, “So, what’s the catch?”

The Wife and the Secretary

Resolving to surprise her husband, an executive’s wife stopped by his office. When she opened the door, she found him with his secretary sitting in his lap. Without hesitate, he dictated,”…and in conclusion, gentlemen, budgets cuts or no budget cuts, I cannot continue operate this office with just one chair.” 

4 comentários:

Mary Miranda disse...

Hello, pal Damião!

Ok, great one that joke 'The devil and the lawyer'!... \0/
I've got myself laughing, but at the same time, a bit worried about some friends of mine, my dear lawyers...
Unfortunatelly, they are seen as those ones "thirsty" for the cash!...
And cash isn't all in our lives!
I've loved that!
Thanks for you've shared with us!


A Hora da educação disse...

Olá grande companheiro e colaborador. Sempre um postagem super especial a ostrar no seu respeito espaço eletrônico. Forte abraço.

Loubah Sofia disse...

Boa Noite Estimado Amigo, grata por tuas palavras que muito incentivam-me.
Então acertei o botãzinho? juro que já andei cá a espreitar bastante aqui.
Teremos que recomeçar todos os cadastros do Território devido a mudança de endereço, invalidou quase todos.
Percebo bem o facto de estares contrariado com a emissão do face.
Mas enfim tudo termina arranjando-se
Pensava cá, seria uma boa pedida, criares Teu grupo no face, certamente seria de boa monta.
Um abraço e fica com Deus.

cookingvarieties disse...

hi nenglish tips...
ha ha ha , thats typical of lawyers..no catch, no deal..
typical of the devil too- same old trade.
have a nice day