I'm blogging again about Paolo Lutini and after you listen to the podcast there is an exercise from Speakup in Class, any question, please get in touch through www.speakup.com.br or e-mail me carlosrn36@gmail.com

Paolo Nutini, The New Scottish Star
Source: Speak Up
Standard accents: British and Scottish
The New Scottish Star
Everything about Paolo Nutini is impossible. His name is Italian, but he’s Scottish. He has the looks of a teenage pop star, but sings like a 1960s soul man. His record company told him to change his name, if he wanted success, but he refused. Last year he released a debut album, These Streets, which was a hit, and he is currently in the middle of a sell-out tour of the United States. The magazine Rolling Stone named him one of its “Ten Artists to Watch.”
“In my head i see a vineyard in Italy. I’ll build a recording studio there. That’s the plan…though I’ll have to return to Scotland now and then, just to keep my sanity.” If his voice doesn’t pay for that vineyard, his looks will: he has signed a contract with prestigious London agency Storm Models.
Speak up in Class
TASK 1. Speaking. With your partner(s) discuss these questions.
a) What kind of music do you like? Why?
b) What kind of music do you hate? Why?
c) How often do you buy CDs, or iTunes? Why?
d) Do you think downloading music for free is morally unacceptable? Why (not)?
e) Do you know Paolo Nutini? If so, do you like his music? Why (not)?
TASK 2. Prediction. You are going to listen to an interview with Paolo Nutini. Before you listen, discuss these questions with your partner, and make some notes. If you don’t know/aren’t sure, guess!
a) How old is Paolo Nutini, under or over 30?
b) Where is he from, and what is his connection (if any) with Italy?
c) Since when has he been interested in music?
d) Did his career start on television, on the radio or at a live concert?
e) What is Paolo’s ambition for the future?
TASK 4. Prediction #2. Before you listen to all of recording again, work with your partner and decide if these statements are TRUE or FALSE. If you don’t know, guess.
a) Paolo’s first album came out in 2007.
b) His family own a pizzeria in Glasgow.
c) His grandfather loved music and beautiful women.
d) If David Sneddon hadn’t been late for the civic reception, Paolo wouldn’t have been discovered.
e) Paolo was chosen randomly from 300 people to sing.
TASK 5: Listening for Detailed Information: Listen to the whole recording and check your answers from TASK 4. How many were correct?
TASK 6. Reading for New Vocabulary. There are some interesting words and phrases in this recording. Read all of text carefully and find words/expressions to compete these sentences. The words/expressions are order.
a) Prince William was recently in Australia on an official tour representing the British monarchy, taking the place of his grandmother, Queen Elisabeth II. He was the _________ __ _______ at numerous events, including a barbeque lunch in Flowerdale.
c) I always thought that Benetton was a big company ________ by a board of managers and directors until I found a website which listed the biggest family ________ companies in the world, and Benetton was one of them! (same word used twice)
d) One of my friends seems to think that Paolo Nutini was born and raised in Italy,
but ______ _________ __________ , he was born in Scotland and is of Italian descent. I could be wrong, though.
e) My husband and I normally like to plan our free time and tend to book things like concerts, restaurants and hotels well in advance. This year, though, we were sitting at home watching television when we heard that there was a free concert which had just started in Jardim Botânico starting half. We decided to go _____ _______ ________ ____ ____ _________. I’m glad we did because it was great.
f) “How is your new project going?” “Well, to tell you the truth, we haven’t really started yet. We’ve got the deigns, we’ve got the financing, and we really want to ____ ___ ____ ______ but we’re being held back by bureaucracy: we’re still waiting for that last piece of paper!
Um comentário:
What a man! Lutini Paolo - you are it...
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