terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011

Pro-jovem, part 36, Inglês Vip

Source: Inglês Vip, visit the link and find more videos there http://www.ingvip.com/curso-de-conversacao.htm 
Julia: Hi guys! What are you doing here?
Pedro: We are going to have  lunch(1). Do you want to join us(2)?
Julia:  Oh, not now(3). I am not hungry. Besides(4), I need to finish(5) this first. But why you don’t go ahead(6) and I'll meet you there(7) in 30 minutes.
Mariana: You look worried(8) with this project, Julia.
Julia: I am. The goal(9) of this project is to develop a selective recycling(10) at our neighborhood, I have two months to finish it. Otherwise(11), It won’t be working by the end of this year.
Mariana: Why don’t we help you?
Julia:  That would be great!(12)
Pedro: Tonight(13) I will call Lucas and see if he can help us too…
Mariana: Great! Good.
Julia: Hi Guys! It’s so nice to have you here. We will learn a lot(14) with this project. On the other hand(15), I want you to know(16): It’s not going to be easy.
Mariana: Cheer up(17), Julia! We are here to help you.
Lucas: So, What are we going to do?
Julia:  We have two months to go. These are the things we will have to finish by the end of this week. Lucas, you will be in charge of(18) this research here. I’ll help you with that, ok? Pedro and Mariana you can start with this.
Mariana:  I have one idea! Why  don’t we bring some posters to put up(19) around our neighborhood, explaining(20) why recycle is important?
Pedro: That’s a good idea. Even though(21) we will have more work to do, it’s going to be good for the project!
Julia: People, I can’t thank you enough(22). Working with a group can be hard(23) sometimes(24). However(25), we can have other thoughts(26), other views(27) we can count on(28).
Pedro: Julia, I have a friend who works at recycling center. Do you want me to call her(29) and see if she can help us?
Julia: Of course.  That will be a great help.
Pedro: Hello, cousin. How are you doing? My friend and I are going to develop a selective recycling at our neighborhood. Therefore(30), I thought it would be interesting(31) for us to know how the recycling center works…
Cousin: Sure(32), cousin. It’s gonna be a pleasure. We have a lot of interest in project like yours. And it is nice to know the young people, stand up for(33) causes like recycling. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?
Pedro: Ok, we will be there at four. Bye, bye. All set(34), guys.


 1. Have lunch
  = almoçar
 2. Do you want to join us? = Vocês querem se juntar a nós?
 3. Not now =
agora não
 4. Besides  =
além disso
 5. Finish =
 6. Why don't you go ahead?  =
por que você não vai na frente?
 7. I'll meet you there =
Eu vou te encontrar lá
 8. You look worried
  = você parece preocupado(a)
 9. Goal = objetivo
Selective recycling = reciclagem seletiva
 11. Otherwise =
do contrário
 12. That would be great! =
Isso seria ótimo!
 13. Tonight =
esta noite
 14. Learn a lot =
aprender muito
 On the other hand = por outro lado
 16. I want you to know = Eu quero que vocês saibam
 17. Cheer up =
 18. In charge of =
encarregado de, responsável por
 19. put up =
colocar, afixar
 20. Explaining =
 21. Even though =
mesmo que
  22. Enough =
o suficiente
  23. Can be hard =
pode ser difícil
  24. Sometimes =
às vezes
  25. However =
  26. Thoughts =
  28. Count on =
contar com
  29. Do you want me to call her? =
você quer que eu ligue para ela?
  30. Therefore =
  31. Interesting =
  32. Sure =
certo, claro
  33. Stand up for =
lutar por
  34. All set =
tudo marcado

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