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quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011
Pro-jovem, part 15, Inglês Vip
Source: www.ingvip.com visit and improve your English there, you may contact with teacher Fuvio he is a Brazilian teacher and translate documents, check out his homepage.
Mariana's boss: Let's have lunch now(1). I'm hungry. There's a snack bar(2) near here. Let's go? There. That's the snack bar I like.
Mariana: Hi Pedro
Pedro: Hi Mariana. What a surprise!(3)
Mariana: My supervisor loves this snack bar. We are
having lunch here today.
Mariana's boss: Yes, I want to have a sandwich
Pedro:Well, then let me get a table(4) for you. Here. Can I take your order(5)?
Mariana's boss: Do you like sandwiches?
Mariana: Yes, I do.
Mariana's boss: So, let's order(6) two, OK?
Mariana: OK, fine.
Mariana's boss: Two sandwiches and two soft drinks.
Pedro: Two soft drinks
Pedro's boss: You are improving(7) every day! Very nice(8) Pedro!
Pedro: Thanks boss
Julia: Hello Mariana, Hello Pedro. Good news?(9)
Mariana: Yes, we have a job now! I'm a call center operator. And I am a waiter at a snack bar.
Julia: That is so nice. Congratulations!(10)
Mariana: Thank you
Julia: What time do you have to work Pedro?
Pedro: Monday is my day off(11) . On Tuesdays(12), Wednesdays(13) and Thursdays(14), I have to work from ten to six. And on Fridays(15) and on weekends(16) I start(17) at nine and finish(18) at seven o'clock
Julia: And you Mariana. do you like your job?
Mariana: Yes, I do.
Julia: Tell me about(19) your first day.
Mariana: You are not going to believe(20) if(21) I tell you...
Mariana: I have to go guys. I have to be at the travel agency at ten o'clock.
Julia: OK. See you at night. We have to prepare the party(22) this weekend.
Mariana: Oh, OK. What time do we meet?(23)
Julia: We can meet at seven in my house, OK?
Mariana: OK, bye bye!
1. Let's have lunch now = Vamos almoçar agora
2. Snack bar = Lanchonete
3. What a surprise! = Que surpresa!
4. Get a table = Arrumar, conseguir uma mesa
5. Can I take your order? = Posso pegar seu pedido?
6. Let's order = Vamos pedir
7. Improving = Melhorando
8. Very nice = muito bem
9. Good news? = Boas notícias?
10. Congratulations = Parabéns
11. Day off = dia de folga
12. Tuesdays = Terças-feiras
13. Wednesdays = Quartas-feiras
14. Thursdays = Quintas-feiras
15. Fridays = Sextas-feiras
16. Weekends = Finais de semana
17. Start = começar
18. Finish = terminar
19. Tell me about = Conte-me sobre
20. Believe = Acreditar
21. If = se
22. Party = festa
23. What time do we meet? = Que horas nos encontramos?
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