segunda-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2011

Hebe Camargo's new home

People & TV
Hebe Camargo's new home


After presenting her weekly [1] show for 25 years on the SBT channel, Hebe begins 2011 at a new "home": Rede TV

    Hebe has been on an emotional roller-coaster [2] in recent months. In January 2010 she discovered she had cancer. The news shocked Brazil. After several weeks of treatment the doctors gave her great news: she was cured.   In March, she again presented her weekly TV show on the SBT channel and had big name guests such as Ana Maria Braga, Xuxa, and Marilia Gabriela. But the most emotional moment came in December.  Hebe Camargo was honored by a TV channel that is one of SBT's big rivals, Globo.  The honor was led by presenter Faustão. Days later she announced she was leaving SBT, where she had worked for 25 years, to present a weekly program on Rede TV. Hebe and Amilcare Dallevo Jr. (the owner of Rede TV) have been close friends since 1994, when they met at a party.

The queen of Brazilian television
Hebe Maria Monteiro de Camargo Ravagnani was born in Taubaté, in São Paulo state, on March 8, 1929. Her father, Fego Camargo, was a musician. Hebe took part on the first programs to be broadcast on Brazilian TV in the early 1950s, and is considered to be one of the most important personalities in the history of Brazilian television. In a career spanning [3] 60 years she has worked at several TV channels, such as Tupi, Record, Bandeirantes, SBT, and now, the Rede TV. Her new program will be launched in March. Besides being a presenter, Hebe has also excelled [4] as a singer and recorded several albums. On her TV programs she has had important guests from the international music scene, such as Julio Iglesias and Shakira. Hebe has been married twice and has one son, aged 45, named Marcelo.

Matéria publicada na edição de número 59 de Maganews.
Foto – Lourival Ribeiro / SBT

1 weekly - semanal
2 roller-coaster – “montanha russa”
3 in a career spanning 60 years -  ao longo da carreira de 60 anos
4 to excel – sobressair-se

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Olá Professor Carlos, muito obrigado pela sua visita e pelo comentário, ótimo postagem sobre Hebe Camargo, happy nova semana com sucessos e paz. Abraços Valter.

Jorie Pacli disse...

montanha russa - I like this term... meaning roller coaster. This is my word of the day... Cheers!