The Canterbury Tales

Source: Speak Up
Language level: Basic
Standard: British accent
Canterbury, a beautiful city in Kent just 56 miles (90 kilometres) southeast of London, is the original home of Christianity in England. St. Augustine, who converted the English to Christianity, came to Canterbury in 597 AD and built St. Martin’s – England first church.
Canterbury is, however, more famous for another date, 29th December 1170. This is the day that Archbishop Thomas Becket became a Christian martyr, when he was murdered inside the Cathedral by supporters of King Henry II. Pilgrims pay homage to him by travelling from London to his shrine in Canterbury Cathedral. The 14th century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer wrote about the pilgrims in his literary classic The Canterbury Tales. Visitors can now step back into the Middle Ages and join the pilgrims at The Canterbury Tales Visitors’ Attraction: a fascinating audiovisual experience. This popular attraction, inside St. Margaret’s Church in the city centre, takes visitors on an imaginary journey from London’s Tabard Inn to Becket’s shrine in Canterbury Cathedral. On the way, Chaucer’s characters come to life and tell their humourous, romantic and occasionally horrific stories. There’s the Knight and his story of two men who fall in love with the same young girl; there’s the wonderful Wife of Bath who reveals what women truly desire; and the Pardoner who scares everyone with a tale of death and trickery. The journey ends at a medieval market where traders sell souvenirs.
Canterbury is situated on the bank of the River Great Stour and the boat of the Historic River Tour Company offer a good way to discover the city’s history and escape its busy streets. The countryside around Canterbury offers small picturesque villages, ancient woods and two popular seaside resorts in Whitstable and Herne Bay.
Geoffrey Chaucer
Chaucer had an adventurous life (1342/43-1400). He served in King Henry it’s diplomatic service in his teens; in fact, he was taken prisoner in France when he was just fifteen. He was released when the King paid a ransom of sixteen pounds (€20). He spent his life employed by various members of Royal Family and became a respected gentleman of the court. In 1372 he travelled to Genoa to establish a trade agreement, and to Florence to negotiate a loan for the King. During his visit he discovered the work of Giovanni Boccaccio. Boccaccio’s Decameron on doubt inspired him to write English’s literature’s first masterpiece: The Canterbury Tales.
Travel Info
The Canterbury Tales St. Margaret’s Street, Canterbury, CT1 2TG
Museum of Canterbury with Robert Bear Museum
Stour Street, Canterbury, CT1 2NZ
Um comentário:
I had Cantebury Tales in my English honors syllabus. CHaucer is the pioneer for the kind of literature... Really good post
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