Tropa de Elite 2: A different enemy now
Under the command of Colonel Nascimento, Bope gets stronger and wins big victories against drug dealers. But there is a new and even more dangerous enemy: the militias[1]
Under the command of Colonel Nascimento, Bope gets stronger and wins big victories against drug dealers. But there is a new and even more dangerous enemy: the militias[1]
In 2007 Brazil got to know one of the most memorable characters in the history of its movies: Captain Nascimento, a courageous police officer who scared [2] the criminal classes. This tough cop [3], played by Wagner Moura, helped the movie Tropa de Elite (Elite Squad) become one of the biggest hits in Brazilian cinema. The movie was seen by over two million people in the theaters [4] and another 11.5 million saw pirated copies.
Directed by José Padilha,Tropa de Elite won several awards, among them a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, in 2008. Now, Nascimento is back to face a new challenge. In “Tropa de Elite 2 – A different enemy now”, Nascimento is a few years older and has a teenage son. He is promoted from captain to colonel and takes overall [5] command of Bope (Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais). Under his leadership[6], Bope becomes stronger, much better equipped and has better trained officers. The Bope officers win a lot of battles against the criminal classes and kick [7] the drug dealers out of a lot of shantytowns. But Nascimento discovers that there is nothing to shout [8] about. A new enemy rises up, and is much more dangerous: the militias that take over the shantytowns the drug dealers have been run out of. The militias are made up of former cops who extort [9] protection money from residents. Directed by José Padilha, the movie is released on October 8th.
Matéria publicada na edição de número 57 da revista Maganews.
ÁUDIO – David Hatton.
Fotos - Alexandre Lima
1 militias – milícias
2 to scare – amedrontar
3 tough cop – tira (policial) durão
4 theaters – salas de cinema
5 overall command – comando geral
6 leadership – liderança / comando
7 to kick out – aqui = expulsar
8 there is nothing to shout about- exp. idiom. = não há motivo para festejar
9 to extort - estorquir
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