1. Today is World Diabetes Day, part of a campaign to urgegovernments to do more to fight the disease. Organizers warnof a diabetes epidemic affecting two hundred forty-six million people worldwide.
2. Last December the United Nations passed a resolution to observe World Diabetes Day every November fourteenth. The International Diabetes Federation and the World HealthOrganization began the event in nineteen ninety-one. The federation is an alliance of diabetes groups. It also haspartnerships with drug companies.
3. People with diabetes have too much glucose, or sugar, in theirblood. The body changes food into glucose for energy with the help of insulin, a hormone. In diabetics, the body produces little or no insulin or has trouble using the insulin that is produced.
4. As a result, too much glucose remains in the blood instead ofentering cells. Over time, the disease can cause blindness,kidney disease and nerve damage. It also can lead to strokesand heart disease.
5. People with type one diabetes need insulin injections. Many with type two do not. Instead, it can be controlled through diet, exercise and treatment. And people may be able to prevent it.
6. This year's World Diabetes Day campaign is about children and adolescents. One of the organizers is Doctor Francine Kaufman. She traveled around the world for a film called "Diabetes: A Global Epidemic." The Discovery Health Channel would show it on Sunday.
7. Type two diabetes used to appear mostly in adults, but nowmore and more children have it. Doctor Kaufman says it isspreading as more people rise out of poverty in developing countries -- for example, India.
8. FRANCINE KAUFMAN: "They’re in cars all day long, andthey’ve got satellite dishes outside their houses. They are eating more food, and more westernized food and getting overweightand developing diabetes." She says another place where diabetes is spreading is South Africa.
9.FRANCINE KAUFMAN: "We were in the townships and people were overweight. There is more food available than has been in the past. And people are getting on buses and going to officesand not necessarily being as physically active as they have been in the past.”
10. Doctor Kaufman says solutions must be developed country by country and patient by patient. In Brazil, for example, a health clinicholds dances to get diabetes patients more active. Doctor Kaufman says the message of World Diabetes Day is that the disease is manageable and, in the case of type two diabetes,preventable.
And that’s the VOA Special English Health Report. I'm Barbara Klein.
- about = sobre
- all day long = o dia todo
- Also = também
- another place = um outro lugar
- as = à medida em que
- As a result = como resultado
- available = disponível
- Began = começaram (presente = “begin”)
- being = sendo
- Blindness = cegueira
- blood = sangue
- buses = ônibus
- Campaign = campanha
- can be = pode ser (modo)
- cells= células
- changes= transforma
- children = crianças (plural de “child”)
- Damage = danos
- developing countries = países em desenvolvimento
- Disease = doença
- drug companies = empresas de remédios
- Fight = combater
- food = comida, alimento
- getting overweight = ficando acima do peso
- Health = Saúde
- heart = coração
- holds = realiza
- instead of = ao invés de
- Kidney = rins
- lead to = conduzir a
- little or no = pouco ou nenhuma
- manageable = controlável, tratavel
- may be = pode ser (possibilidade)
- more and more = cada vez mais
- mostly = principalmente
- must be = devem ser
- Nerve = nervo
- offices= escritórios
- Over time = ao longo do tempo
- Partnerships = parcerias
- passed a resolution = aprovou uma resolução
- poverty = miséria
- prevent = evitar
- preventable = evitável
- Remains = permanece
- rise out of = “escapam”, “elevam-se”
- satellite dishes = antenas parabólicas
- show = apresentar, mostrar
- spreading = espalhando-se
- strokes = derrames
- sugar = açúcar
- they’ve got = eles têm
- through = através de
- too much = demais
- townships = municípios
- treatment = tratamento
- trouble = problema, dificuldade
- Urge = apressar
- used to appear = costumava aparecer
- Warn = alertar
- westernized = ocidentalizada
- World = mundial, mundo
- Worldwide = mundialmente
Um comentário:
Great blog, thanks for posting about Diabetes. I have a brother and sister both with type 1.
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