quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010

Island Dangers

search: http://www.elllo.org
Cheryl talks with Nick about a few dangerous things people should be aware of on her island.


Nick: Is there any natural disasters which happen?

Cheryl: Yeah, there’s plenty of natural disasters. Guam is actually right on the coast of a reef formation called the Mariana’s trench and underneath, in this trench is the lowest part of the world, the deepest part of the world.

Nick: Wow!

Cheryl: Yeah, so we joke about it. We joke that Guam’s highest mountain, Mt. Lan Lan is actually the highest mountain in the world if you count off from its base which is in the Marianas trench, the lowest part of the world.

Nick: Wow, that’s amazing! So there must be good diving if you talk about barrier reefs.

Cheryl: Yeah, there’s plenty of good diving. It’s got really great diving like you would find in Hawaii or in the Great Barrier Reef. And many, many tourists from all over Asia come to Guam to scuba dive because of their great spots. It’s the closest US soil they can get to.

Nick: Ah, I see. But in Australia in the Great Barrier Reefs, there’s lots of dangerous animals. Is that the case in Guam as well?

Cheryl: Well, actually that’s funny you should ask, there has been a recent article about a guy in Guam, a very young guy who was scuba diving, and he got stung by a lion fish, but that is the extent of the dangerous animals of Guam. You’d have to go out into the deep sea to find more dangerous animals. But I think the most dangerous ones we have are quite small -- things like the lion fish which I just mentioned, he just got stung, but it wasn’t anything terrible. We do have reef sharks, but they are not great white sharks so they are quite small and smaller poisonous things like trigger fish, those you just have to be careful about whenever you are scuba diving, but other than that there’s not much dangers in the sea.

Nick: Great.

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