terça-feira, 27 de abril de 2010


@ at

a/c account

AGM annual general meeting

a.m. ante meridiem (before noon)

a/o account of (on behalf of)

AOB any other business

ASAP as soon as possible

ATM automated teller machine (cash dispenser)

attn for the attention of

approx. approximately

cc copy to

CEO chief executive officer

c/o care of (on letters : at the address of)

Co company

cm centimetre

COD cash on delivery

dept department

e.g. exempli gratia (for example)

EGM extraordinary general meeting

ETA estimated time of arrival

etc et caetera (and so on)

GDP gross domestic product

GNP gross national product

GMT Greenwich mean time (time in London)

i.e. id est (meaning : 'that is')

Inc incorporated

IOU I owe you

IPO initial public offer

Jr junior

K thousand

lb pound (weight)

£ pound (money)

Ltd limited company

mo. month

N/A not applicable

NB Nota Bene (it is important to note)

no. number

PA personal assistant

p.a. per annum (per year)

Plc public limited company

pls please

p.m. post meridiem (after noon)

p.p. per pro (used before signing in a person's absence)

PR public relations

p.s. post scriptum

pto please turn over

p.w. per week

qty quantity

R & D research and development

re with reference to

ROI return on investment

RSVP repondez s'il vous plait (please reply)

s.a.e. stamped addressed envelope

VAT value added tax

VIP very important person

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