domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011



Before started to answer question please have a look this links

Credits: I also recommend this magazine for you, keep in touch and take out a subscription





TASK 1. Speaking. With your partner(s) discuss these questions.

a)    How many religious groups do you know?
b)    Why do you think there are so many religions in the world?
c)    Why do you think new religious groups are formed?


TASK 2.  Prediction. You are going to read all of the article about a religious group called the “Shakers.” Before you read, discuss these questions with your partner, and make some notes. If you don’t know/aren’t sure, guess!

a) What kind of religious group are the Shakers?
a) How long has this religious group existed?
b) How many people follow this religion?

TASK 3. Reading for Specific Information. Read all of the article as quickly as possible and find answers to TASK 2. Compare ideas with your partner(s). How many were correct?

TASK 4. Prediction #2. Before you read all of the article again, work with your partner and try to predict the questions for these answers. Make some notes. If you don’t know, guess.

a) 1760 to 1950
b) United Society of Believers
c) Manchester
d) In 1770
e) “Put our Hands to Work and Hearts to God”
f)  48
g) 18

TASK 5: Reading for Detailed Information: Read all of the text and write the correct questions to the answers in TASK 4.

TASK 6. Reading for Vocabulary. Read all of text again and find words/expressions which match these definitions. The words/expressions are in order.

a) Devotion and adoration of a divinity
b) Strong belief in a divinity
c) To use jointly or in common
d) remaining
e) chairs, tables, wardrobes, etc


(Paper 1: Reading and Writing. Writing Part 1)

TASK 7. Here are some sentences related to the topic of the article you have read.
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words

Ann Lee took the Shaker faith to America

The Shaker faith . . . . . . .   to America by Ann Lee.
Only four Shakers remain today

 . . . . . . .  only four Shakers today.
There are fewer Shakers today than in the past

There are not  . . . . .   Shakers today as in the past.
Shakers can only possess things if they share them.

Shakers can’t possess things . . . . . . share them..
In the mid-19th century the Shaker community had 5,000 members.

There . . . . . 5,000 Shakers in the mid-19th century

Learn by songs...One, Johnny Cash

Credits of this Exercise for Judith Jékél
Watch the video and do the exercises.

Choose the correct words and phrases.

Or  the same
 it easier on you now
If  someone to blame

Unscramble the following lines.
  When it’s one need
  It leaves you baby if you don’t care for it
  One love we get to share it
  One life
  You said one love
  In the night

Write in the missing words. The images may help.

Did I disappoint you
Or    a bad taste in your  
You act like you never had love
And you want  to go without

Well it’s too late
To    the past out
Into the 
We're one but we're not the same
We get to    each other
Carry each other

Write in the missing vowels.

Have you come here for frgvnss
Have you come to rs  the dd
Have you come here to ply  Jesus
To the lepers in your hd

Tick the extra word in each line.

Did ask you too much
Much more than lot
Because you gave me nothing now
It’s all that got
We're all one but we're not the same
Well we still hurt each other and we're doing it again

Unscramble the words in brackets.

You said love is a  (lmpeet)
Love the (erihgh) law
 (Lveo) is a temple
 the higher law

Write in the missing words.

You ask me to enter
But then you make me  
I can’t be   on
To what you’ve got
When all you’ve got is hurt

One love
One life
You’ve got to do  you should
One life with   other

One life but we're not the same
We get to carry each other
Carry each other

sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011



It's only for your reflection, never give up your dreams, and overcome your problems, remember, this guy has no arms, no legs, but he is happy. He struggle for being happy. Thanks for God (Allah) because you can play soccer, you can do a lot of things. But thanks, God for everything because you are the most important here, dear readers. Happy weekend, everyone. 

The Luck of Roaring Camp (By Bret Harte)

The Luck of Roaring Camp (By Bret Harte)

Source of this picture:

Source of the entry: 
American Stories in VOA Special English 
Our story today is called, "The Luck of Roaring Camp."  It was written by Bret Harte.  Here is Harry Monroe with our story.
Roaring Camp was the noisiest gold mining town in California.  More than one-hundred men from every part of the United States had come to that little camp – stopping there for a short time on their way to getting rich.
Many of these gold miners were criminals.  All of them were violent.  They filled the peaceful mountain air with shouting and gun shots.  The noise of their continual fighting finally gave the camp its strange name.
On a sunny morning in eighteen fifty, however, the men of Roaring Camp were quiet.  A crowd was gathered in front of a small wooden house by the river.  Inside that cabin was "Cherokee Sal," the only woman in camp.  She was all alone and in terrible pain.  Cherokee Sal was having a baby.
Deaths were not unusual in Roaring Camp.  But a birth was big news.
One of the men turned to another and ordered: "Go in there, Stumpy, and see what you can do."  Stumpy opened the cabin door, and disappeared inside.  The rest of the men built a campfire outside and gathered around it to wait.
Suddenly, a sharp cry broke the air…the cry of a new-born baby.  All the men jumped to their feet as Stumpy appeared at the cabin door.  Cherokee Sal was dead.  But her baby, a boy, was alive.
The men formed a long line.  One by one they entered the tiny cabin.  On the bed, under a blanket, they could see the body of the unlucky mother.  On a pine table, near that bed, was a small wooden box.  Inside lay Roaring Camps newest citizen, wrapped in a piece of bright red cloth.
Someone had put a large hat near the babys box.  And as the men slowly marched past, they dropped gifts into the hat.  A gold tobacco box.  A silver gun.  A diamond ring.  A lace handkerchief.  And about two hundred dollars in gold and silver.
Only one incident broke the flow of the men through the cabin.  As a gambler named Kentucky leaned over the box, the baby reached up and held one of the mans fingers.  Kentucky looked embarrassed.
"That funny little fellow," he said, as he gently pulled his hand out of the box.  He held up his finger and stared at it.  "He grabbed my finger," he told the men.  "That funny little fellow."
The next morning, the men of Roaring Camp buried Cherokee Sal.  Afterwards, they held a formal meeting to discuss what to do with the baby.  Everyone in the camp voted to keep the child.  But nobody could agree on the best way to take care of it.
Tom Ryder suggested bringing a woman into the camp to care for the baby.  But the men believed no good woman would accept Roaring Camp as her home.  And they decided that they didnt want any more of the other kind.
Stumpy didnt say a word during these long discussions.  But when the others finally asked his opinion, he admitted that he wanted to continue taking care of the baby himself.  He had been feeding it milk from a donkey, and he believed he could raise the baby just fine.
There was something original, independent, even heroic about Stumpys plan that pleased the men of Roaring Camp.  Stumpy was hired.
All the men gave him some gold to send for baby things from the city of Sacramento.  They wanted the best that money could buy.
By the time the baby was a month old, the men decided he needed a name.  All of them had noticed that since the babys birth, they were finding more gold than ever before.  One day Oakhurst declared that the baby had brought "The Luck" to Roaring Camp.  So "Luck" was the name they chose for him, adding before it, the first name "Tommy."
A name day was set for him.  The ceremony was held under the pine trees with Stumpy saying the simple works: "I proclaim you Thomas Luck, according to the laws of the United States and the state of California, so help me God."
Soon after the ceremony, Roaring Camp began to change.  The first improvements were made in the cabin of Tommy or "The Luck" as he was usually called.  The men painted it white, planted flowers around it and kept it clean.
Tuttles store, where the men used to meet to talk and play cards, also changed.  The owner imported a carpet and some mirrors.  The men – seeing themselves in Tuttles mirrors – began to take more care about their hair, beards and clothing.
Stumpy made a new law for the camp.  Anyone who wanted the honor of holding The Luck would have to wash daily.  Kentuck appeared at the cabin every afternoon in a clean shirt, his face still shining from the washing hed given it.
The shouting and yelling that had given the camp its name also stopped.  Tommy needed his sleep, and the men walked around speaking in whispers.  Instead of angry shouts, the music of gentle songs filled the air.  Strange new feelings of peace and happiness came into the hearts of the miners of Roaring Camp.
During those long summer days, The Luck was carried up the mountain to the place where the men were digging for gold.  He would lie on a soft blanket decorated with wild flowers the men would bring.
Nature was his nurse and playmate.  Birds flew around his blanket.  And little animals would play nearby.  Golden sunshine and soft breezes would stroke him to sleep.
During that golden summer The Luck was with them, the men of Roaring Camp all became rich.  With the gold they found in the mountains came a desire for further improvement.  The men voted to build a hotel the following spring.  They hoped some good families with children would come to live in Roaring Camp.
But some of the men were against this plan.  They hoped something would happen to prevent it.  And something did.
The following winter, the winter of eighteen fifty-one, is still remembered for the heavy snows in the mountains.  When the snow melted that spring, every stream became an angry river that raced down the mountains tearing up trees and bringing destruction.
One of those terrible streams was the North Fork River.  Late one night, it leaped over its banks and raced into the valley of Roaring Camp.
The sleeping men had no chance to escape the rushing water, the crashing trees and the darkness.  When morning came, Stumpys cabin near the river was gone.  Further down in the valley they found the body of its unlucky owner.
But the pride, the hope, the joy, The Luck of Roaring Camp had disappeared.
Suddenly, a boat appeared from around a bend in the river.  The men in it said they had picked up a man and a baby.  Did anyone know them?  Did they belong here?
Lying on the bottom of the rescue boat was Kentuck.  He was seriously injured, but still holding The Luck of Roaring Camp in his arms.  As they bent over the two, the men saw the child was pale and cold.
"Hes dead," said one of them.
Kentuck opened his eyes.  "Dead?" he whispered.  "Yes, Kentuck.  And you are dying, too."
Kentuck smiled.  "Dying!" he repeated.  "He is taking me with him.  Tell the boys Ive got The Luck with me."
And the strong man, still holding the small child, drifted away on the shadowy river that flows forever to the unknown sea.
You have just heard "The Luck of Roaring Camp," a story by Bret Harte.  It was adapted for Special English by Dona De Sanctis.  Your storyteller was Harry Monroe.

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

The Great Manhattan Swim

Language level: A2 pre-intermediate
Standard: American Accent
Speakers: Jason Bermingham and Chuck Rolando


The Great Manhattan Swim

New York is hot and humid in the Summer, so a swim in a river is an attractive idea. The Manhattan Island Marathon Swim (MIMS) offers contestants the perfect escape from New York’s hot city streets. This year’s 28.5 mile marathon takes place on June 18th.


Why do people want to swim over 45 kilometres in open water? Swimming expert Terry Laughlin says, “It’s a swimmers’ equivalent of climbing Everest… an achievement in skill and perseverance.” The MIMS is one part of open water swimming’s Triple Crown, which also includes crossing the English Channel and California’s Catalina Channel.


What about pollution? Is the Hudson River clean? Contestants needn’t worry. New York’s anti-pollution laws mean that the river is much cleaner than in past years. But swimmers must look out for pieces of wood and other large debris. Ships also use the river, so swimmers must be careful. The Hudson River is still a dangerous place! MIMS contestants have to pass very rigid entrance requirements. First, they must have experience of long distance swimming. Second, they have to write an essay about why they want to compete in the MIMS. The race is very popular, and many people are rejected.


The race starts and finishes at South Cove in Battery Park City on the Hudson River The Course runs counter clockwise around Manhattan Island. The first segment is against the tide until the course turns into East River. Then there’s the Devil’s Gate and the Harlem River. The course then returns to the Hudson River for the final stretch. The wind is against you here. So the exhausted swimmers have to fight their way through choppy waves to the finish line.


Australian John Van Wisse won last year’s race in 7 hours 10 minutes. He also won in 2000 and 2008. He suggests, “You mustn’t think too much. Otherwise you think about how far you still have to swim… and how cold the water is!”
Penny Palfrey, a 47 year-old, Australian grandmother, came second. She says, “I love swimming in New York for its immense bridges, and all the people who cheer us on.”


The first to swim around Manhattan Island was Robert Dowling in 1915. He took 13 hours and 45 minutes. In the 1920s Bryon Summers set a new record of 8 hours and 57 minutes. In 1982 the marathon swim became an annual event. Drury Gallagher, a New York athlete, organised the first official Manhattan Island Marathon Swim. It was a memorial to his son, who died an accident. Gallagher also cofounded the Manhattan Island Swimming Association. The association organizes various swimming events in New York and fights to clean up the waters around Manhattan Island. 

Expedition Furna dos Caboclos, Educational Heritage project.

                          Educational heritage project 
                          Explaining about the Fauna and flora and also the chains of mountains, plateau forming (Borborema Plateau)
                          Hiking in the middle of cactus
                          Archaeological site: Furna dos Caboclos (Indigenous' cave)
                          Rock art paintings (red colour) made by an oxide iron called limonite they mixed with water and cooked the raw material and used it for painting. 

Educational Heritage Project: Travel around the past.
Yesterday morning me, Teacher José Adenilson and one of the monitor of Caatinga’s Adventure Júlio Cesar went to Furna dos Caboclos (Indigenous’ Cave).
At 7:00 am sharply we set off towards Lagedo district far from 9 kilometres away the downtown. After a briefing and passing some information we went to Furna dos Caboclos, we hiking about 4,5 kilometres and after up and down the river we finally reached the Archaeological site. There teacher José Adenilson explained about the Fauna and Flora. Afterwards I explained about the rock art paints and the indigenous group who inhabited this region.
Actually about 9.000 years B.P, and so far, the rock art paintings are well-preserved, basically they present in yellow colour and red ones.
Check out the pictures bellow. 

Quality of life...Seven top tips for you to live longer, better

Assine já, preços acessíveis
Quality of life
Seven top tips for you to live longer, better
The correct diet, exercise, preventive medicine, knowing how to control stress, and having a positive attitude when faced byeveryday problems. These are some of the main ways to avoid diseases and help ourselves reach old age in good health

Advances in medicine and basic sanitation are allowing men and women to live longer and longer. Life expectancy has increased in many countries. In Brazil it has risen to 71.7 years, compared with 62 in 1980. In the State of São Paulo it is even higher, reaching almost 74 years. However, it is possible to live even longer. In various parts of the world doctors and health professionals have been carrying out research into longevity. Based on many of these investigations, which have been published in Brazil’s leading newspapers and magazines, Maganews offers our readers seven top tips to improve their health, slow down aging and improve their quality of life.

Get going – Sedentary people live shorter lives. In practically all the advice on longevity, the first commandment is: exercise! A thirty-minute walk, three to five times a week is a good start. However, before exercising more vigorously it is best to have a check-up first.

Super-Foods – At the beginning of the 1990 a group of Japanese scientists concluded, after years of research, that certain types of food were very special. Besides being very nutritious, they were rich in fiber and contained substances that helped prevent and treat various diseases. That is, such foods worked as medicines. Part of this group includes carrots, tomatoes, olive oil, fish and various fruits, vegetables and cereals. Drinks such as grape juice and green tea are also precious.  

Avoid:  Cigarettes, fatty and fried food. Eating salt and sweets should be moderated Alcohol? Only if it is one glass of wine a day or a little beer. Speaking of drinks, it is important to drink at least six glasses of water a day.

Preventive Medicine – It is important to have annual check ups, especially if you are already in your thirties. Keeping your teeth and gums is also important. According to researchers at Harvard University in the USA inflamed gums can increase the probability of a person suffering from cardiovascular disease.

Faith – Stress and emotional problems (such as depression, for example) harm people’s health. According to the International Journal of Psychiatry and Medicine, people who have some sort of faith or religion deal better with everyday problems. They can control stress and avoid depression.

Love, Friendship, and Togetherness – A successful romantic life is good for your health. Having good friends scores more points, as well. Also, helping those in need, visiting the sick and elderly also helps our physical and mental health.

7 Keep your mind active – Listening to good music, reading books, newspapers and magazines, going to the cinema or theater, chatting with friends  - all of these help to keep the brain in shape. Better still, learn a new language, or learn to draw, paint, or play an instrument. Keeping your brain in shape is also important in getting a good night’s sleep. This means sleeping at least six hours and a maximum of eight hours a night.

Vocabulary1 tip – dica
basic sanitation – saneamento básico
life expectancy – expectativa de vida
to rise – subir
to carry out – realizar
into – aqui = sobre
slow down aging – “retardar” o envelhecimento
get moving –  “mexa-se”
advice - conselho
10 commandment – mandamento / preceito
11 fiber – fibra (s)
12 medicine – aqui = remédio
13 carrot – cenoura
14 tomato – tomate
15 olive oil – azeite
16 grape juice – suco de uva
17 green tea – chá verde
18 fatty – comida gordurosa
19 fried food – fritura (s)
20 thirties – quem tem 30 anos ou mais
21 to keep your teeth and gums – manter a saúde dos dentes e das gengivas
22 to 
deal better – lidar melhor
23 togetherness – sensação de estar junto / solidariedade
24 to draw - pintar