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Quality of life
Seven top tips for you to live longer, better
The correct diet, exercise, preventive medicine, knowing how to control stress, and having a positive attitude when faced by
everyday problems. These are some of the main ways to avoid diseases and help ourselves reach old age in good health
The correct diet, exercise, preventive medicine, knowing how to control stress, and having a positive attitude when faced by
Advances in medicine and basic sanitation are allowing men and women to live longer and longer. Life expectancy has increased in many countries. In Brazil it has risen to 71.7 years, compared with 62 in 1980. In the State of São Paulo it is even higher, reaching almost 74 years. However, it is possible to live even longer. In various parts of the world doctors and health professionals have been carrying out research into longevity. Based on many of these investigations, which have been published in
1 Get going – Sedentary people live shorter lives. In practically all the advice on longevity, the first commandment is: exercise! A thirty-minute walk, three to five times a week is a good start. However, before exercising more vigorously it is best to have a check-up first.
2 Super-Foods – At the beginning of the 1990 a group of Japanese scientists concluded, after years of research, that certain types of food were very special. Besides being very nutritious, they were rich in fiber and contained substances that helped prevent and treat various diseases. That is, such foods worked as medicines. Part of this group includes carrots, tomatoes, olive oil, fish and various fruits, vegetables and cereals. Drinks such as grape juice and green tea are also precious.
3 Avoid: Cigarettes, fatty and fried food. Eating salt and sweets should be moderated Alcohol? Only if it is one glass of wine a day or a little beer. Speaking of drinks, it is important to drink at least six glasses of water a day.
4 Preventive Medicine – It is important to have annual check ups, especially if you are already in your thirties. Keeping your teeth and gums is also important. According to researchers at Harvard University in the USA inflamed gums can increase the probability of a person suffering from cardiovascular disease.
5 Faith – Stress and emotional problems (such as depression, for example) harm people’s health. According to the International Journal of Psychiatry and Medicine, people who have some sort of faith or religion deal better with everyday problems. They can control stress and avoid depression.
6 Love, Friendship, and Togetherness – A successful romantic life is good for your health. Having good friends scores more points, as well. Also, helping those in need, visiting the sick and elderly also helps our physical and mental health.
7 Keep your mind active – Listening to good music, reading books, newspapers and magazines, going to the cinema or theater, chatting with friends - all of these help to keep the brain in shape. Better still, learn a new language, or learn to draw, paint, or play an instrument. Keeping your brain in shape is also important in getting a good night’s sleep. This means sleeping at least six hours and a maximum of eight hours a night.
Vocabulary1 tip – dica
2 basic sanitation – saneamento básico
3 life expectancy – expectativa de vida
4 to rise – subir
5 to carry out – realizar
6 into – aqui = sobre
7 slow down aging – “retardar” o envelhecimento
8 get moving – “mexa-se”
9 advice - conselho
9 advice - conselho
10 commandment – mandamento / preceito
11 fiber – fibra (s)
12 medicine – aqui = remédio
12 medicine – aqui = remédio
13 carrot – cenoura
14 tomato – tomate
15 olive oil – azeite
16 grape juice – suco de uva
17 green tea – chá verde
18 fatty – comida gordurosa
15 olive oil – azeite
16 grape juice – suco de uva
17 green tea – chá verde
18 fatty – comida gordurosa
19 fried food – fritura (s)
20 thirties – quem tem 30 anos ou mais
21 to keep your teeth and gums – manter a saúde dos dentes e das gengivas
22 to deal better – lidar melhor
23 togetherness – sensação de estar junto / solidariedade
21 to keep your teeth and gums – manter a saúde dos dentes e das gengivas
22 to deal better – lidar melhor
23 togetherness – sensação de estar junto / solidariedade
24 to draw - pintar
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