sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

Learn with you eyes, Project 'Living and learning"

Yesterday we went to TELE CENTRO, a center of tecnology in the Carnauba dos Dantas town. The project is also supported by the Carnauba's town hall, the Mayer of  my town, is also a former teacher and he supports the project "Living and learning." This is Children of a government programme of Childhood labour called PETI. The most important for English learners is listening, listening and learn with their ears, I mean, not focus so much in grammar rules. 

In conclusion, you also support my project send me worksheets for you can find me out on Skype englishtipsbrasil . We also promote VOA Learners group join us on Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you in advance.  
                          She is listening to Pro-jovem English course through YouTube videos.
                          David and Joclanio
                          Willas is one of my pupil there. 
                          Me, the blouse ones and students listen to YouTube's video, Hello Channel.

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September 11th, 9 years after the attacks of WTC

                                 Ground Zero Memorial
Language level: Advanced
Standard:British accent

September 11th is a dark Day for Americans and this year, which marked the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, was no exception. Next year, the tenth anniversary, will be even worse. And yet September 2011 should see the inauguration of the memorial plaza (see interview below) at the site of the attacks.
      Ground Zero is currently under construction, but one new building, 7 World Trade Center, opened in 2006. Earlier this summer it hosted a remarkable exhibition. “Salt Queen” Bettina Wermet, a Latin artist who has lived in New York for many years, used a gallery space on the 49th floor (the building has 52) for her retrospective. The exhibition title was “Salt Rises Above the Sky: 25 years of Unique Salt Artworks.”
      Ms. Werner was naturally keen to pay homage to the victims of 9/11 and this she did with one work in particular: “Preserving with Salt the Eternal Light of their Souls.”

Interview Ground Zero

Nine years ago one of the most traumatic events in modern history took place: the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. But what will replace the famous Twin Towers at Ground Zero? In order to find out, we met with Steve Coleman, who is a spokesperson for the New York and New Jersey Port Authority:

Steve Coleman
(Standard American Accent)

Currently we have several projects that are under way to rebuild the World Trade Center site. Currently under construction is One World Trade Center site, which will be the 1776 feet (541m) tower, that’ll be the biggest building on the site and, once it’s completed, it’ll be the tallest tower in the United States. We’re also building an 8-acre memorial to those who lost their lives on September 11th, and the plaza level, which is on the street level, for that memorial, is nearing completion and will be completed and opened in time for the tenth anniversary, which is next September 11th, in 2001.


Many observers believe that the Ground Zero site is surrounded in secrecy. We put this to Steve Coleman:

Steve Coleman

I don’t think there’s a lot of secrecy. I think what people don’t understand is that a lot of the work we’ve done so far is being done below ground and at street level and, with the construction fence that we have to have around the project, to protect workers and tourists, (it’s) difficult to see inside the site, other than the One World Trade Center, which is obviously 32 floors above street level, but we’ve built a 700,000 square-foot (65m2) basement for a good portion of the site, which is basically the size of a larger office tower here in Manhattan, so it’s a lot of space that’s been built bellow ground. The Memorial Plaza, is primarily a street level plaza, so it’s difficult to see over a construction fence. Two years ago we started a new, where we have updated construction photos going on a regular basis, to try to keep people informed about what’s going on behind the fence, and we’ve also wrapped the fence that surrounds the site with giant panels that we update on a regular basis, to kind of show you the type of work that’s going on behind the fence, so that tourists that do come to the site can see what we’re going back there.


But he did admit that there have been quite a few delays in the building projects:

Steve Coleman

I think the biggest reason why it took so long was that a lot of people had a stake in what was going to be built there. You had family members who lost loved ones that had a stake, you know, you had elected officials who had ideas about what was going to be built there, and you had a developer who had the lease to the site, who had ideas of what he wanted to build there and it took a long time to reach consensus as to exactly what the site would look like when it was rebuilt. You know, once that consensus was reached and especially in the last two to three years, once we’ve determined who’s going to build what, who’s going to pay for it and how long it’s going to take to get built, you know, we’ve seen some pretty tremendous progress. A lot of the work that’s gone on for the past couple of years has been below-ground work, where we’ve had to build out a memorial museum, we’ve had to build out a basement for One World Trade Center, we’ve had to excavate the eastern part of the site, which had never been excavated before, that was basically, you know, a street level plaza before 9/11. So it’s been a lot of work that’s gone on in the past two to three years, to work on areas of the site that are at street level, or below street level, which is why people probably haven’t seen much until the tower started to rise above the fence.

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quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2011

"Have You Ever Seen the Rain?" Learn with your ears, through by lyric song

A great staff of teachers, in particular Judith Jekkel from Hungary, thank you so much for sharing with us.
Credits of this exercise: Teacher Judith.  
Reading and Listening
"Have You Ever Seen the Rain?"
Task 1: Reading
What questions do the following paragraphs answer? Choose from the list. There are two extra questions.
  1. How many albums did they make?
  2. Who played in the band?
  3. When did they break up?
  4. What does CCR stand for?
  5. How famous were they?
  6. Where did the band's name come from?
It stands for Creedence Clearwater Revival, which was one of the all-time greatest American rock and roll bands. During their shortheyday in the years 1968-1972, they cut a bunch of three-minute hit singles which have easily stood the test of time and become true classics. The group combined elements of rock and roll, rhythm and blues, blues, country, gospel and various bayou styles - despite the fact that they emerged in El Cerrito, a suburb in San Francisco Bay Area, and had never even seen the Mississippi bayou.

Their line-up was John Fogerty (vocals, guitar), his brother Tom Fogerty (rhythm guitar), Stu Cook (bass), and Doug Clifford (drums)

Creedence came from the name of a friend of Tom's, Credence Nuball. The first name, with its connotations of believability and integrity, appealed to the group. Clearwateralso had two meanings. It came initially from a beer commercial, but also resonated with the burgeoning environmental movement of the time. Revival, however, had one meaning. It was the band's aspiration.

When the Beatles announced their break up in the winter of 1970, CCR became the most successful band and the biggest singles act in the world, despite never landing a #1 single. Always very private, the group never became stars personally to befit their status on the pop charts.
Task 2: Vocabulary
Which underlined words do the following definitions refer to?

1.      a feeling or idea suggested by a particular word                               
2.      an area of slowly moving water away from the main river              
3.      something that you hope to achieve                                                    
4.      developing or growing quickly                                                                
5.      appear by coming out                                                                               
6.      be suitable or right for                                                                              
7.      the most successful or popular period of someone or something   
Watch the video of "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" by CCR and do the following exercises:

Fill in the missing words.
Someone told me   ago there’s a calm before the  ,
I know; its been coming for some  .
When it’s over, so they say, it’ll   a    day,
I know; shining down like  .

I want to know, have you ever seen the  ?
I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?
Coming   on a sunny  ?
Tick the extra words in the next verse. There are two in each line.

Yesterday, and some days before, sun is cold and the rain is hard,
know; had been that way for all of my time.
Till forever, and on it goes through the circle, too fast and slow,
know it; it can’t be stop, wonder.


quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

Speak English Fluently Rule 7, powerful tips to learn English

Speak quickly, automatically English, not focus on grammar rules, listen, listen as much as you can. Rule number 7, is really powerful, that's the real fluency, true automatically speaking, listen to the video. 

Source: We use the video only Education purpose in order to promote also 

Words and Their Stories: More Clothing Expressions part II


Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.
Last week, I explained some English expressions about clothes. Everything I told you was true. I did not talk through my hat or say something without knowing the facts.
Everyone knows there are many English expressions about clothes. There is no need to keep it a secret, or keep it under your hat. In fact, if I keep talking, soon enough you will start to think I am an old hat about this -- a real expert. Do not be fooled, though. My friends sometimes call me a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This is someone who acts like a good person, but is really a bad person.
I’m not really a bad person. But I do love clothes. It is always fun to getdressed up. I look great in my best clothes. When I put them on, I feeldecked out. You might say when I wear my best clothes, I am dressed to the nines or dressed to the teeth. In fact, my husband says I lookdressed to kill. Of course, I would never kill anyone. But, there is something special about putting on clothes that are pleasing to the eye.
My best clothes are not modern or fashionable. Maybe someday they willcome into fashion. But I really do not care. They certainly look better on me than my birthday suit. Did you know that everyone has a birthday suit? You wear it when you are wearing no clothes at all. Babies are born wearing their birthday suits.
I am very careful with my clothes. I handle them with kid gloves. I try not to get them dirty or torn. Most of my clothes fit like a glove. They fit perfectly. But when I eat too much, I feel like my clothes might burst at the seams. My clothes feel too restrictive and tight.
Some of the clothes I like best are hand-me-downs. My older sister gave them to me when she no longer wanted them. Hand-me-downs are great because clothes often cost too much money. I live on a shoestring. I have a very small budget and little money to spend on clothes. However, my sister has a lot of money to spend on clothes. Maybe someday the shoe will be on the other foot. The opposite will be true. I will have a lot of money to buy clothes and my sister will get hand-me-downs from me.
I admit I dream of being rich. I dream that someday I will be able to live like a rich person. I will know what it is like to walk in another person’s shoes.Some of my friends got rich by riding someone else’s coat tails. They are successful today as a result of someone else being successful. But, I believe you should never criticize others for something you would do yourself. What is said about someone else can also be said about you. Remember, if the shoe fits, wear it.
Jill Moss wrote this VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES. I’m Faith Lapidus.

terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

Health and well-being Dancing: good for the mind and the body

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Health and well-being
Dancing: good for the mind and the body
Dancing is a mixture of physical activity and art. It offers many health benefits: relieving stress, improving mood, and helping in weight loss

Waltz, frevo, jazz, ballet and classical, street dance or even folk dancing. The rhythm and style do not matter. What matters is dancing. It does not matter where: maybe in the street, at a club, or at home. Dancing is a mixture of art and physical activity.  Dancing is great for the body and the mind. In an interview on the website JB Online, the president of the Brazilian Sports Medicine Society, Samir Daher, said that “Dancing can help people lose weight”. In addition, this activity offers benefits for the body’s musculature and respiratory system, helping you to breathe better.  Dancing also helps put us in a better mood. “Dancing, as it is a physical activity, releases endorphins, which are related to pleasure. People feel happier during and after dancing”, says Daher.

Let’s dance!
Dancing helps people relax and can even help against depression, as well as stimulating the memory and concentration. Dancing also helps improve motor coordination and can even boost people’s self-esteem. If you do not know how to dance, you can learn. Just join a dance class. People who dance regularly go through an interesting change - they become less shy, feel more confident and feel more at ease when they meet friends or go out.

Áudio – Aasita Muralikrishna
Photo – Paola Oliveira and Átila (Globo / divulgação)

to boost – aumentar / levantar
self-esteem – auto-estima
shy – tímido (a)
more at ease – mais a vontade
dancing (substantivo) – dança
to relieve – aliviar
to improve – melhorar
mood – humor
weight loss – perda de peso / emagrecer
10 waltz – valsa
11 folk dancing – aqui = dança folclórica
12 what matters – o que importa
13 to breathe - respirar
14 to release endorphins – liberar endorfina

English Conversation Fluency Rule 6

In order to speak English, what should I do? How method should I do? Watch this video A.J Hough will give interesting tip in order to improve your English, check out the video. 