Yesterday we went to TELE CENTRO, a center of tecnology in the Carnauba dos Dantas town. The project is also supported by the Carnauba's town hall, the Mayer of my town, is also a former teacher and he supports the project "Living and learning." This is Children of a government programme of Childhood labour called PETI. The most important for English learners is listening, listening and learn with their ears, I mean, not focus so much in grammar rules.
In conclusion, you also support my project send me worksheets for you can find me out on Skype englishtipsbrasil . We also promote VOA Learners group join us on¬if_t=group_activity Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you in advance.
She is listening to Pro-jovem English course through YouTube videos.
David and Joclanio
Willas is one of my pupil there.
Me, the blouse ones and students listen to YouTube's video, Hello Channel.
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Hello there, this is English tips blog, a place for exchange Educative blogs, sharing experience and promote Education, so, after visiting my blog, liked please promoting for friends. Skype: aventureirosdacaatinga
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Credits for Watch this video: 1) The boys in the video say that they aren't speaking isn't spea...
On internet there are many ways in other listenin and learning, that is, way to larn, most for free. Living and learning is a way to pract...
Perguntaram na área de comentários aqui do blog como é que se diz " quebra-molas " em inglês. Em algumas regiões do Brasil o ...
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