segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011



Language level: Advanced
Speaker: Justin Ratcliffe
Standard: British accent

Even with a million copies of the book in circulation, WAWWD believe that the Best way to teach people how to change the world is to start when they’re Young. A couple of years ago, with funding from the Aldridge Foundation, WAWWD began to recruit young people from Schools and colleges in England to be part of their Young Speakers programme. After a training course, they are sent out to do presentations in their schools and communities. Last year the Young Speakers spread the “We Are What We Do” message to over 50.000 children


We Are What We Do, or WAWWD, is both a charity and a movement. It is a primarily environmental, but it is also designed to improve human relations. Its bible, for want of a better world, is a book called Change the World for a Fiver, which offers a list of simple suggestions.

Today the WAWWD movement is popular in schools. The “Darwen Aldridge Community Academy” in Lancashire, in the northwest of England, for example, is particularly active in this respect. Two senior students, Becki Airsworth and Sarah Varey, often visit primary schools in order to promote “WAWWD” ideas among small children. Becki Ainsworth explains:


(Standard British/ Lancashire accent):

It’s just a movement going around primary schools that basically tries to inspire younger people to take an active part in the world that they live and pushes them to try and change things that we think are unchangeable, like global warming, things like that, like with the CO2 emissions, you can change that just by walking to school, instead of getting the car or the bus. Things like that. Simple things.

Sarah Varey has some more examples:

An action is a small activity that anybody can do. It can be anything from turning the tap off when you brush your teeth, or not using plastic bags, and it’s a way that you can contribute to a social change.

And the basic idea behind “WAWWD” is that if everyone takes a small step, then it really can make a difference:

SARAH Varey:

I think when you see advertisements about people starving or not having water, I think it sometimes can overfaze a child and scare them, in a way, so they don’t do anything to help, but we’re presenting it to them in small ways that they can actually do something so it feels manageable for them and it’s fun as well.


(Ideas to make the world a better place, taken form Change The World For a fiver and Teach Your Granny To Text and Other Ways To Change The World)

Don’t sing in the shower. The average shower takes seven minutes and uses 35 litres of water, when all you really need is two minutes. So just get clean, get out, and save your singing for the rain.

Give lots of compliments. They are free, get easier as you do them regularly, make you feel good and everyone loves to get them.

Write a letter. You can’t re-read a phone message or put a text message on the wall – and who ever heard of a love email! But also, “teach your granny how to text”: she’ll love to be in touch with you.

Make a will and make sure your bits and pieces go to the popel you really want them to go to. There have been some wonderful ways people got back at other from beyond the grave.

Take time out to listen to someone. Don’t make any comments or try to solve their problems, just listen.

Some think that old people ‘just don’t understand’, and that young people have ‘nothing interesting to say’, but WAWWD disagrees. They would suggest you spend time with someone from a different generation; talk to old people because ‘they know cool stuff you don’t, and talk to young people because, funnily enough…’they also know cool stuff you don’t.

Jokes in English, Maganews.

For more info please visit and take a subscription on affordable price interesting Magazine for Students and teachers, really recommend it.

Source: MAGANEWS. 
Drunk talk:

A very drunk man comes out of the bar and sees another very drunk man. he looks up in the sky and says, "Is that the sun or the moon?"

The other drunk man answers, "I don't know, I'm a stranger here myself."


Teacher: Young man, did you do all your homework last night? 
Fred: No, teacher. I did some of it last night, some of it in the middle of the night, and the rest of it early this morning.

Back home

A wife returns home from vacation. 
I was away for 6 weeks! And now when I come home, what do I see? You don't care! You have nothing to say! Don't you have at least one word for me after I was away for 6 weekes?
Sure, I have...

At the bottom of the sea

A diver is working at the bottom of the sea. Suddenly, he is ordered to get to the surface:
Quickly, come back up!
Our ship is sinking!

Family life

Two friends that haven't seen each other for a long time meet in the street:
So, what about family life? Is everything ok?
Everything is fine!
Wife? Kids?
I've told you - everything is fine: no wife, no kids. 

STUTTER, Teclasap

teacher is explaining biology to her 4th grade students. ‘Human beings are the onlyanimals that stutter,’ she says. A little girl raises her hand. ‘I had a kitty-cat who stuttered.’
The teacher, knowing how precious some of these stories could become, asked the girl to describe the incident.
‘Well’, she began, ‘I was in the back yard with my kitty and the Rottweiler that lives next door got a running start and before we knew it, he jumped over the fence into our yard!’
That must’ve been scary,’ said the teacher.
It sure was‘, said the little girl. ‘My kitty raised her backwent Sssss, Sssss, Sssssand before she could say ‘Shit!’the Rottweiler ate her!’

  • stutter > gagueira
  • 4th grade students > alunos da 4a. série
  • animals that stutter > animais que gaguejam
  • kitty-cat > gatinha
  • got a running start > saiu em disparada
  • before we knew it > numa fração de segundos
  • jumped over the fence > pulou por cima da cerca
  • that must’ve been scary > deve ter sido assustador
  • it sure was > e como foi
  • raised her back > empinou-se toda
  • went Sssss, Sssss, Sssss > fez Sssss, Sssss, Sssss (imitando o som)
  • before she could say ‘Shit!’ > antes que ela pudesse dizer ‘Shit!’ (Merda!)
  • the Rottweiler ate her > o Rottweiler a engoliu


What do you do to improve your life and the environment? 

Source: Speak Up
For more info 


50 (small) Ways to Change the World

By Derek Workman

Make a cup of coffee for someone who’s busy, shout with happiness, don’t swear for 30 minutes, pick one piece of litter up every day, make sure you use both sides of the writing paper, or shake someone’s hand. These may not seem like things that will change the world, but hopefully they will help to make it a better place. At least that’s what the people from: “We Are What We Do’ (WAWWD) think.


David Robinson had been a community worker of 25 years when in 2004, he decided to write a document called Reconnecting. It eas about the need for change in society and the power of people coming together to make it happen. He gathered people from a wide range of backgrounds to see how it could be done. They asked the question. “What would you ask one million people to do to change the world?” Thousands of people from all over the world replied, and the result was the best-selling book. Change the World for a Fiver - 50 actions to change the world and make you feel good. It was later published in six countries and sold over a million copies worldwide.


The first book was based on the ideas of people of all ages, but for the next book they decided to make one especially for children – and asked them to create it too. The thousands of interesting, intriguing and wonderful ideas for actions sent in by almost four–and-a-half thousand children were narrowed down to thirty and became Teaching Your Granny To Text. And Other Ways To Save The World. (The little is based on a suggestion by a young lady named Erica). Every school in England now has a copy of the book. 

domingo, 5 de junho de 2011

A Royal Record

Language level: Advanced
Standard accent :British
Speaker: Justin Redcliff

First part, no audio

Normally, you would see them outside Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. Now the soldiers who wear the distinctive red uniforms and bearskin hats have swapped royal palaces for the recording studios. The result is their new album Heroes. 

Heroes came about after a £1m deal was signed with Decca records in 2009. Decca looks after some of the biggest names in pop music, including Eminen and Amy Winehouse. 

The label is also responsible for launching the careers of the Rolling Stones and Tom Jones. Hopes are high that Heroes will enjoy chart success too.


The Coldstream Guards Band is over 200 years old and therefore one of the oldest military bands in the world. They have recorded music in the past but nothing on this scale. Their regular duties involve guarding the Queen and taking part in the event on every tourist’s agenda – the changing of the Guard. You can also see them at the Trooping the Colour and The Edinburgh International Military Tattoo.

The track list on Heroes includes music from the Ride of the Valkyries, Nimrod and the film Gladiator. The musicians say that the album appeals to all ages and tastes. The adjectives – “emotional” and “epic” have been used to describe its sound.

But if playing a trumpet is difficult enough, doesn’t it makes it even harder when you are wearing heavy, furry hat? Lt. Col Graham Jones, the regiment’s Director of Music, said that the hat’s chin strap is slightly lower in order to make it easier to play certain instruments.

For more information about the Band, visit their website or buy their album from .

We’re in Business

In 1962 dick Rowe, an executive at Decca Records, famously turned down a new group called The Beatles. It was once of the music industry’s biggest mistakes, although Rowe later redeemed himself by signing The Rolling Stones. The Animals and Tom Jones. Given the label’s rock history, its latest signing is rather surprising the Band of the Coldstream Guards, who are the British army’s oldest marching band. They signed at £1 million contract with Decca and released Heroes an album of war tunes, and the band’s director of music Lt Col Graham Jones , explained how this came about.

Lt. Col. Graham Jones

(Standard English accent)

I looked at great friends of ours, of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, and they’d released two albums with Decca and I thought, “Well, if the Royal Scots Dragoon bands, in the army, pipe bands, if they can do it, why can’t we?” so I then saw the Salvation Army Band issue a recording under the same label and then I definitely thought, “We should be involved in this.” So I then went about by finding out who to speak to, and I spoke to tom Lewis, who’s the A&R guy at Decca, and I went in with a proposal, and he said, “Well, this call you back,” and he called me back and said, “We’d like to offer you a contract” and so we were offered a contract to record an album for Decca.


He then talked about the recording process;

Lt. Col. Graham Jones:

We spent, in the end, three-and-a-half days in the studio, and it was interesting for the boys because we did quite a lot of work on click tracks, which is like a metronome playing in your ear, as opposed to watching me, the conductor, so that we could re-record it and get the tempos exactly right and then we could layer, by overdubbing, sounds onto it, which gives it this big epic film score feel to it, and then we could add different sounds and effects, once we’d finished in the studio, so it was a really great experience and the band really enjoyed being at Air studios, it really is a superb place to record and it was the ideal place to put a military band to recording.  

Flight on top of Boqueirão mountain

Well the Italian married with Gercina Silva came to Parelhas and Geovane decided to fly by Paraglider up mountain, after a nice rider by Jippeiros from Parelhas guided by Eufrasio. All credits for

Humor: The elevato

Source and credits for this is a Brazilian blog also you can find interesting tips.