domingo, 15 de maio de 2011

Top Blog from Serido

According to Alexa's ranking of Serido blogs English Tips self-taught ranking is 11º the researching has been made by Eduardo Silva check it out the list below. Some of them I linked on my blog. 

Pesquisa Top Blogs Seridó divulga lista dos 50 blogs ou sites mais acessados do Seridó

Pesquisa realizada em 15/05/2011 às 11:30

1º Robson Pires (98,156) 
2º Eduardo Dantas (134,792)
3º Marcos Dantas (146,925) 
4º Blog do Totinha (148,623) 
5º Carnauba Noticias (184,832) 
5º Carnauba em Foco (189,444) 
6º Cardoso Silva (198,938) 
7º Rosivan Amaral (223,205)
8º Juquinha JCN (227,473)
9º Sidney Silva (265,570)  
10º Eduardo Silva (295,917) 
11º Carlinhos Tour (310,220) 
12º Carnauba dos Dantas Noticias (333,314)
13º PM de Currais Novos (337,155)
14º Roberto Flávio (348,244)
15º Paulinho Barra Pesada (349,805) 
16º Lucineide Medeiros (423,620) 
17º Bate Bola 95FM  (426,056)
18º Carnauba Verdade (458,3604)
19º Edson Dantas (499,791)  
20º Wânia Nóbrega (537,330)
21º Blog do Serido (583,190) 
22º Davi Neto (591,551)
23º Eliel Bezerra (602,975) 
24º TV Seridó (623,441) 
25º Suébster Neri (628,691) 
26º V&C Artigos e Notícias (653,033) 
27º Transito no Seridó (680,852) 
28º TV Parelhas (684,596) 
29º Revista Collecione (691,121)
30° Anselmo Santana (724,205) 
31º Vlaudey Liberato (755,743) 
32° Gilmar Cardoso (764,161)
33º Geraldo Oliveira (777,858)
34º Rádio Caicó AM (782,671)
35º Carlos Guarda Noturno (784,064) 
36º Site Kurtição (794,363)
37º O Côco ta seco (858,900) 
38º Edmilson Souza (888,908) 
39º Acari Fotos e Fatos (903,936)
40º 6º BPM de Caicó (975,809)
41º Romeu Dantas (1,025,792)
42º Portal Inforside (1,081,965)
43º Jarles Cavalcanti (1,114,141) 
44° Wilana Dantas (1,291,301) 
45º Suerda Medeiros (1,306,958) 
46º Lagoa Nova Verdade (1,336,108) 
47º Claudiano Silva (1,447,289)
48º Acari News (1,461,242)
49º Lourdinha Dantas (1,775,115) 
50º Ismael Medeiros (1,877,981)

Algumas considerações  importantes sobre o ranking acima:

- Foi feito de acordo com o site Alexa que mede o tráfico 
de acessos da internet
- Existem outros mecanismos de aferição de acessos na internet e 
provavelmente pode haver alteração na lista acima.
- Quanto mais baixo o numeral ao lado do blog mais acessado ele é;
- O ranking não tem o objetivo de estimular nehuma competição, 
todos os blogs do seridó se linkam entre si e compartilham informações 
e cada um deles é um novo mundo a ser descoberto.
Pesquisa realizada por Eduardo Silva 
Fonte de Pesquisa: Portal  Alexa


If you have the opportunity to visit the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte you'll see beautiful landscapes and also take part of the history, culture and local gastronomy, in addition we will you with arms wide open, 'cause the Serido's hospitality is quite different, we always smiling and we open our homes for you. Check it out the headlines and fall in love for our region and neighbouring towns.

                              Rhea: Picture of Hugo Macedo Mirador, Parelhas. 
                                Rock art Painting Mirador Parelhas

                              Vitória Regia Turismo
                                Rappel activity in Acari, for more info keep in touch with Vitoria Regia

                                We are the Caatinga Adventures on top of Cardao's mountain.
                         Beautiful rock art paintings (Indigenous inscriptions) of Furna do Messias, a beautiful rock art shelter.

                                Furna do Messias
                          Riacho dos Caboclos, Frei Martinho
                          Engraving in low relief, Tanques' river Carnaúba dos Dantas

                                Petroglyph, Picuí Paraíba State
                          Talhado do Gaviao's Shelter

Alan Shepard, 1923-1998: The First American to Fly in Space


Alan B. Shepard Jr. being lifted to a helicopter from his space capsule after it landed in the Atlantic ocean following his suborbital flight.
Photo: AP
Alan Shepard being lifted to a helicopter from his space capsule after it landed in the Atlantic ocean following his suborbital flight

SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: I'm Shirley Griffith.
STEVE EMBER: And I'm Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program People in America. Each week we tell about someone important in the history of the United States. This week we tell about astronaut Alan Shepard, who was the first American to fly in space.
MISSION CONTROL: “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four three, two, one, zero. Liftoff!"
SHEPARD:"Ah Roger, liftoff and the clock has started."
MISSION CONTROL: [unintelligible]
SHEPARD: “Yes sir, reading you loud and clear. This is Freedom Seven. The fuel is go, one point two g, cabin at 14 psi, oxygen is go!”
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: The clock has started. With those words, Alan Shepard became the first American to travel into space. He was in a small spacecraft called Freedom Seven. It was on top of a huge rocket traveling at more than eight thousand kilometers an hour.
Alan Shepard monitors communications between the Apollo 13 spacecraft and Mission Control Center on April 14, 1970
Alan Shepard monitors communications between the Apollo 13 spacecraft and Mission Control Center on April 14, 1970
Fifteen minutes later, Freedom Seven came down in the Atlantic Ocean. Alan Shepard was a national hero. He had won an important victory for the United States. The date was May fifth, nineteen sixty-one. The United States and the Soviet Union were in a tense competition for world influence. And this competition was reaching even into the cold darkness of space.
STEVE EMBER: In nineteen fifty-seven, the Soviet Union launched the first electronic satellite, Sputnik One. The United States successfully launched its first spacecraft less than four months later. Now the two sides were racing to see who could launch the first human space traveler.
On April twelfth, nineteen sixty-one, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew in space for one hundred eight minutes. He circled the Earth once. The Soviets again were winning the "space race," but not for long. Three weeks later the United States also put a man into space. He was a thirty-seven-year-old officer in the Navy -- Alan Shepard.
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Alan Bartlett Shepard, Junior, was born on November eighteenth, nineteen twenty-three in East Derry, New Hampshire. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy in nineteen forty-four. He married soon after his graduation. Then he served for a short time on a destroyer in the Pacific during World War Two.
In nineteen forty-seven, Alan Shepard became a pilot in the Navy. Later he became a test pilot. The life of a test pilot can be very dangerous. It helped prepare Alan Shepard for an even greater danger in the future.
STEVE EMBER: The successes that the Soviet Union had with its Sputnik program caused the United States to speed up its plans for a space program. The Americans decided to launch a satellite as soon as possible. The first attempt failed. The rocket exploded during launch.
Support was growing, in Congress and among scientists, for a United States civilian space agency. Soon, Congress passed a bill creating NASA -- the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. President Eisenhower signed the bill into law.
NASA's job was to be scientific space exploration. Its major goal was sending the first Americans into space.
Within three months, the program had a name: Project Mercury. Mercury was the speedy messenger of the Greek gods. While engineers built the spacecraft, NASA looked for men to fly them.
NASA wanted military test pilots because they test fly new planes. Test pilots are trained to think quickly in dangerous situations. On April seventh, nineteen fifty-nine, the space agency announced the seven Mercury astronauts. They would be the first American space travelers. Alan Shepard was one. The others were Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Virgil Grissom, Walter Schirra and Donald Slayton.
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: Nine months after the project started, NASA made its first test flight of the Mercury spacecraft from Cape Canaveral, Florida. In the next two years, many other tests followed, all without astronauts.
Alan Shepard is seen in his space suit prior to  launch on the spacecraft Freedom 7 at the Kennedy Space Center
Alan Shepard is seen in his space suit prior to launch on the spacecraft Freedom 7 at the Kennedy Space Center
The final test flight was at the end of January, nineteen sixty-one. It carried a chimpanzee named Ham on a seven-hundred-kilometer flight over the Atlantic Ocean. Several problems developed. But Ham survived the launch and the landing in the ocean. Later, Alan Shepard often was asked how he became the first human American to fly in space. "They ran out of monkeys," he joked.
STEVE EMBER: There were some concerns about the safety of the huge Redstone rocket that was to carry the spacecraft. The launch had been delayed several times while more tests were done. By the time the rocket was ready for launch, Yuri Gagarin had already gone into space for the Soviet Union.
The choice of Alan Shepard to be the first American to fly in space was announced just a few days before the launch. Flights planned for May second and May fourth had to be halted because of bad weather.
On May fifth, nineteen sixty-one, a Friday, Alan Shepard struggled once again into his Mercury capsule. The vehicle was named Freedom Seven. There was almost no room to move. Shepard waited inside for four hours. Weather was partly the cause of the delay. There were clouds that would prevent filming the launch. Also some last-minute repairs had to be made to his radio.
Shepard was tired of waiting. So he told the ground crew to hurry to solve the problems and fire the rocket. Finally, they did.
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: The rocket slowly began climbing. Millions of radio listeners heard a voice from the Cape Canaveral control room say: "This is it, Alan Shepard, there's no turning back. Good luck from all of us here at the Cape."
The rocket rose higher and higher. For five minutes, Alan Shepard felt the weightlessness of space. He felt himself floating.
Freedom Seven flew one hundred eighty-five kilometers high. Then it re-entered the atmosphere and the spacecraft slowed. The fifteen-minute flight ended with a soft splash into the ocean about five hundred kilometers from Cape Canaveral.
Alan Shepard reported: "Everything is A-Okay." A helicopter pulled him from the spacecraft and carried him to a waiting ship.
STEVE EMBER: The flight was a complete success. Three weeks later, President John F. Kennedy declared a new goal for the United States. He called for "landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth" by the end of the nineteen sixties.
The original seven Mercury astronauts pose in their silver spacesuits in this 1961 file photo
The original seven Mercury astronauts pose in their silver spacesuits in this 1961 file photo. From left, first row: Walter Schirra Jr., Donald Slayton, John Glenn and Scott Carpenter. Back Row: Alan Shepard, Jr., Virgil Grissom and Gordon Cooper
In July of nineteen sixty-nine that goal came true. Alan Shepard was not on that first Apollo moon flight. In fact, he almost never made it to the moon. He developed a disorder in his inner-ear.
It kept him from spaceflight for a number of years. Finally, an operation cured his problem. NASA named Shepard to command Apollo Fourteen. The flight was launched at the end of January, nineteen seventy-one. Stuart Roosa and Edgar Mitchell were the other members of the crew.
Roosa orbited the moon while Shepard and Mitchell landed on the surface. They collected rocks and soil. Shepard also did something else. He played golf. He hit two small golf balls.
It was not easy. Shepard was dressed in a big spacesuit. He described his difficulty to Mission Control in Houston.
SHEPARD: “Houston, while you're looking that up, you might recognize what I have in my hand as the handle for the contingency sample return; it just so happens to have a genuine six iron on the bottom of it. In my left hand, I have a little white pellet that's familiar to millions of Americans. I'll drop it down. Unfortunately, the suit is so stiff, I can't do this with two hands, but I'm going to try a little sand-trap shot here.”
STEVE EMBER: When Shepard did hit the golf balls, they traveled "for miles and miles," as he reported, because the gravity on the moon is one-sixth of the gravity on Earth.
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: The only humans to walk on the moon were in the Apollo space flight program. Twelve American astronauts walked on the moon between nineteen sixty-nine and nineteen seventy-two. Alan Shepard was the fifth one.
In nineteen seventy-four, he retired from NASA and the Navy. Shepard became chairman of a building company in Houston, Texas. Later he began his own company, called Seven Fourteen Enterprises. It was named for his flights on Freedom Seven and Apollo Fourteen.
He also wrote a book with astronaut Deke Slayton about his experiences. The book is called "Moon Shot." And he led a group raising college money for science and engineering students.
STEVE EMBER: Alan Shepard died on July twenty-first, nineteen ninety-eight after a two-year fight with the blood disease leukemia. He was seventy-four years old. He had been married to his wife, Louise, for fifty-three years.
Alan Shepard was the first American to fly in space. He rode into the sky on rocket fuel and the hopes and dreams of a nation.
He will always be remembered as an American hero because of those fifteen minutes in space.
SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: This Special English program was written by Avi Arditti and produced by Lawan Davis. This is Shirley Griffith.
STEVE EMBER: And this is Steve Ember. Join us again next week for another PEOPLE IN AMERICA program on the Voice of America.

6/10 Children of Israel, Palestine

It's quite possible live in peace Jews and Palestine, support this cause for Freedom, peace and love. Free Palestine. Zionism, Imperialism and Racism should be banned. 


sábado, 14 de maio de 2011

With arms wide open

Civanildo, João da Banda, Alexandre, Rossana e Carlinhos
Civanildo, Carlinhos Assis, João da Banda, Alexandre e Sergio Enilton

Source of the picture: Tota de Aristóteles

If you have the opportunity get to know the Seridó Region, absolutely we will receive you with arms wide open. Last 13th and 14th we were presented on the BNTM (Brazilian National Tourism Mart) a Staff of Serido Region (Carlinhos de Parelhas, Sérgio Enilton (Acari ) Gilberto and Eliane from Lagoa Nova, Civanildo, Carlinhos (me, English tips) and João), Vitoria Regia (ABETA/Vitoria Regia Turismo) and also as usual Sebrae were there taken part of the Tourism Fair. The Event was important because the sustainable tourism is important from the Region. In addition took part on the Fair 38 countries and over 2.000 people attended the Event. It met 413 International Tour Operators (Buyers) and according to CTI Northeast they've been attended 503 (Suppliers) and 166 members of the Government Organisation.

That's why I commented before I was absent on my blog, we are developing the Sustainable Tourism, that's the most important. 

Also the mayor of Carnaúba Alexandre and the First Lady. Many thanks for Ranzi Elali (Secretary of Tourism from Rio Grande do Norte State and Barbosa from EMBRATUR. As well as thank you for Carnaúba dos Dantas, Acari, Parelhas, Lagoa Nova e Cerro Corá.

Se você tiver a oportunidade, venha conhecer a região do Seridó, com certeza receberemos de braços abertos. Nos dias 13 e 14 estivemos presente na BNTM com uma equipe da Região do Seridó (Carlinhos de Parelhas, Sergio Enilton de Acari, Gilberto e Eliane de Lagoa Nova, Civanildo Carlinhos (Eu, English tips) e João todos de Carnaúba dos Dantas, Regia (ABETA, Vitória Região Turismo) e como de costume o SEBRAE estiveram lá participando da Feira de Turismo. Como também mais de 38 países participaram da feira além de mais de 2.000 pessoas estiveram no Evento. Participaram 413 Compradores Operadores Internacional de Turismo e, de acordo com A CTI Nordeste frequentaram 503 fornecedores e 166 membros de entidades governamentais foi por isso que comentei no blog sobre minha ausência, nós estamos desenvolvendo o turismo sustentável na região, que é o mais importante. O prefeito Alexandre e a primeira dama estiveram também no evento. Muitíssimo obrigado a Ranzi Elali, Secretário de Turismo do Estado e Barbosa da Emprotur. Como também as prefeituras de Parelhas, Carnaúba dos Dantas, Acari, Lagoa Nova e Cerro  Corá

Life after Death, SpeakUp in Class Ed 282

Life after Death

Source: Speak Up
Language level: Upper intermediate
Speaker: Justin Ratcliff
Accent: British standard

For more info and before you starting to complete the exercise listen then, do the exercise, any question, e-mail for 

Knife Crime – Disarming Britain (B1)


A – Before you start

Answer the questions with a partner.
1. Is knife crime a problem in your country or area?
2. Why do some people carry knives, in your opinion?
3. What would you do if you found out one of your friends was carrying a knife?

B – Read and answer

Read the main article and answer the questions.
1. Why was Operation Blunt launched?
2. What did it consist of?
3. What reason do many young people give for carrying a knife? Why is this ironic?
4. What do most anti-knife campaigners have in common?
5. What happened to many confiscated knives?
6. How did Anne Oakes-Odger’s son die?
7. What effect has Anne’s campaign had on the law?
8. Why is Oliver Hemsley’s campaign different from the other campaigns mentioned?

C – Listen and answer (Optional)

N.B. This interview is graded as B2. So don’t be discouraged if you find it difficult. Try to understand the main points.
Read these statements. Then listen to the interview with Ann Oakes Odger, without reading, and write T (true) or F (false).
1. Ann’s son Westley was knifed during a robbery at a cash machine.
2. Ann’s work has helped her face the death of her son.
3. The number of fatal knife crimes is still rising in London.
4. Ann says fear, drug-dealing and gang wars are all linked to the knife culture of young people.
5. Ann’s campaign began as a small local organisation.
6. She says this knife problem is unique to Britain.

D – Listen, read and check your answers

Listen to the interview while reading the text.(If you did Exercise C, check your answers while reading.)

E – Learn it! Use it!

Complete these sentences with words from the glossary. (You may have to adapt the expression in some way; e.g. change the verb form or change from plural to singular.)
1. Landmines are responsible for ________ and killing a number of civilians in the area.
2. Waste recycling is more efficient in some London ________ than in others.
3. The government needs to take measures to ________ the problem of unemployment.
4. The police are trying to contact a passer-by who ________ the accident.
5. The football match was stopped because fighting ________  ________ on the terraces.
6. Many young people start smoking as a result of ________  ________.
7. His story seemed incredible; ________ it was true.
8. The schoolgirl was suspended because of her offensive language; she often ________ at her schoolmates and teachers.

F – Ready for PET? (Paper 1, Writing: Part 1)

Complete the second sentence with 1 to 3 words so that it means the same as the first. (They are constructions used in the article.)
1. We have seen a rise in violent crime.
There _______________ a rise in violent crime.
2. Much of the work involves prevention.
Much of the work is _______________.
3. Alexander Rose is a good example.
Alexander Rose is a case ______________.
4. This was once a knife.
This _______________ be a knife.
5. There is less knife crime now.
Knife crime ________________ down.
6. They will lose that knife.
That knife _______________ from them.
7. Other countries started to make enquiries.
We _______________ enquiries from other countries.
8. We’re doing work that’s a yardstick for other countries.
_______________ we’re doing is a yardstick for other countries.

G – Talk about it 

In pairs or groups.
1. Do you think violence is increasing in today’s society? If so, why?
2. Violence among young people is often linked to gangs. Are there many gangs in your town or area?
3. Why do you think some young people form or join gangs?
4. What can be done to discourage young people from joining gangs?
5. Are parents to blame if their children become violent criminals?