domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


A song can teach much.

Author of this exercise: Allakoalla


is a mystery, everyone must alone.

I you call my name and it like .

When you my name, it's a little
Prayer. I'm down on my knees, I take you
there. In the hour, I can your
Power. Just like a prayer, you I'll take you there

I your voice, it's like an angel .
I have no choice, I your voice, feels like
Flying. I my eyes, oh God, I I'm
Falling, out of the sky. I my eyes, Heaven
Help me.

When you my name, it's a little
Prayer. I'm down on my knees, I take you
there. In the hour, I can your
Power. Just like a prayer, you I'll take you there

Like a child, you whisper to me. You're

control just like a child, I'm dancing.

It's like a dream, no end and no .
You're with me, it's like a dream. Let
The sing.

When you my name, it's a little
Prayer. I'm down on my knees, I take you
there. In the hour, I can your
Power. Just like a prayer, you I'll take you there

When you my name, it's a little
Prayer. I'm down on my knees, I take you
there. In the hour, I can your
Power. Just like a prayer, you I'll take you there

is a mystery, everyone must alone.

I you call my name and it like .

Just a prayer, your can take me
There. Just like a to me , you are a
Mystery. Just like a , you are not what
You . Just like a prayer, no choice,
Your can take me there.

like a prayer, I'll take you there. It's

Like a to me. Just like a prayer, I'll
Take you there. It's like a to me. Just
Like a , I'll take you there. It's like
A dream me. Just like a prayer, I'll take
You there. It's like a dream me.

Just like prayer, your voice can me
There. Just like muse to me, you are a
Mystery. Just like a dream, you are what
seem. Just like a prayer, no ,

Your voice can take there.
Just like a prayer, your voice take me

There. Just like a muse me, you are a
Mystery. Just like a dream, are not what
You . Just like a prayer, no choice,
Your voice can me there.
Your voice can me there.
Like a prayer



Source: Speak Up
Language level: Advanced
Standard Justin Ratcliffe British accent


Kieran Hanrahan is a musician who won the All-Ireland Banjo Championship at the age of 18. Since then he has also becomes a radio presenter and his show, Céilli House, is broadcast every week on the national network, RTE Radio 1. The programme concentrates on traditional Irish music and, for this reason, we asked him about the state of traditional music in Ireland today.

Kieran Hanrahan

(Irish accent):

Yeah, it is great, I mean, I travel the country, and what really I find sweet sometimes is that you might get three generations of one family playing together, you know, you get a…a grandfather, a father and a daughter and a son, those combinations. I always find that they’re very special moments when we come across that, and you do come across them in certain parts of the country and it’s just lovely to see the handing down of the tradition. I suppose one great example of that is Chris Droney, a famous Clare concertina player. There’s a recording in the archives in RTE, of Chris and his father, from 1956, two concertina layers. Now, Chris’ father was 70 at the time, so he would have been born in 1886, and he learned the music from his own father, so you’re heading back sort of towards famine times. But, 40 years after that recording was made in ’56, I recorded Chris and his son. And last year, on the music competition on TV here. Chris’ grandson was playing in it. So there’s all these kind of generations, going almost back to the Famine, from today’s generation, playing traditional music, so it’s just lovely to unearth that solid tradition you know. 

The origins of Easter and Passover

Source: For more info, keep in touch with the website, affordable prices. Actually is really useful English material, for Students and Teachers in Brazil.
Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Christ at Easter, while Jews remember the liberation of the Israelites at Passover

The Jews created Passover to celebrate the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt about 3,250 years ago. Inspired by God, Moses led the exodus of a people who had been enslaved by the Egyptians for almost 400 years. For the Jews, Passover symbolizes the escape from slavery. For Christians, Easter also symbolizes escape, but from death to life. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It can be said that for both Jews and Christians Easter means rebirth, liberation, or simply a new life.

Symbols: rabbits and eggs
Many centuries ago, most Europeans were pagans (people who believed in several gods).  The gods were associated with nature, such as the sun, or the seasons.  Every year, at the end of March, pagans celebrated the god Eostre (also known as Ostara), who represented fertility and spring.  The pagans saw the rabbit as a fertility symbol. Another symbol in this pagan ritual was the egg, symbolizing life, and people painted eggs in different colors. Over time Christianity began to spread around the world. Most European pagans began to convert to Christianity. Former pagans stopped celebrating spring and began to celebrate Easter (which was an event that occurred at the same time of the year). However, the Europeans carried with them some symbols that they used to use in pagan rituals, such as the egg and the rabbit. Chocolate eggs came later, at the beginning of the 20thCentury.

Matéria publicada na edição de abril da Revista Maganews
Ilustração - Calberto
ÁUDIO - David Hatton

1 Passover – passagem (“pessach”, em hebraico) / Páscoa Judaica
2 Easter – Páscoa
3 Jews – judeus
4 exodus – êxodo / fuga (escape = fuga)
5 Moses – Moisés
6 enslaved - escravizado
7 rebirth - renascimento
8 spring – primavera
9 rabbit – coelho
10 over time – aqui = com o passar do tempo
11 to spread – se espalhar
12 to occur – acontecer / ocorrer

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Painting Pictures of the Grand Canyon

Source: Originally posted by VOA Special English
It is a clear morning on the south side of the Grand Canyon. This is the starting point for Linda Glover Gooch. Little by little, the image starts to form. Thousands of people take pictures of the Grand Canyon every day in hopes of capturing its beauty. Linda Glover Gooch could have stayed home and copied a photograph of the canyon. But she says that would not be the same.
LINDA GLOVER GOOCH: “Oh, there is a huge difference because you are in the atmosphere. You feel the air. Photos are nice, but they still lose some of the feeling that’s out there. And you experience it, you know, firsthand, so your emotions are there at the same time as you are doing the work.”
This is what artists call plein air painting, in which the changing light and environment affect the work. Scott Kraynak is with the National Park Service.
SCOTT KRAYNAK: “It’s painting quickly in nature to capture fleeting moments in nature of the light.”
The National Park Service invites artists to make paintings that will later be sold. The money helps to pay for the building of an art gallery. Kraynak says many people first came to know the Grand Canyon through paintings.
SCOTT KRAYNAK: “Not many people, I think, realize the importance of art in the national parks. Art first gave people a glimpse of what these areas looked like in the West, before TV and Internet. Art was a big factor in these areas being set aside. Art was big factor of popularizing national parks.”
The works of Linda Glover Gooch can be seen in places like the Lawrence Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona. Her paintings offer images of nature and the desert to collectors who want to take some of the beauty home with them.
LINDA GLOVER GOOCH: “I want to get that light on that point because it’s only going to be there for an hour more, maybe, or a little less. It’s really bright.”
Gooch spent all day at the Grand Canyon to produce this one small painting. But she says there is nowhere else she would rather be.
LINDA GLOVER GOOCH: “Words can’t explain it. It is just a gorgeous place. It’s challenging. It’s always changing. The weather is never the same. It gives you a lot of views. You could paint the rest of your life out here and always see something different.”
In the end, her painting of this one part of the canyon is complete and ready for showing. However, the ever-changing appearance of the canyon makes her want to return and paint another day. I’m Steve Ember.

La Isla Bonita

Definitely English Exercises is one of my Favorite ESL website, and I've been promote it for students and teachers worldwide, and also is the best way to improve your English using grammar within a lyric song. I have no doubt, it's more exciting and interesting ones, have a look at, please. By the way, I love Madonna.

Author: Teacher Irina from Lativia


Como puede ser verdad 

Last  I dreamt of San Pedro 
Just like I'd never gone, I knew the 
 girl with eyes like the desert 
It all seems like , not far away 


Tropical the  breeze 
All of nature wild and 
This is  I long to be 
La isla bonita 
And when the samba 
The  would set so high 
Ring through my ears and sting my 
Your  lullaby 

The  island 

 in love with San Pedro 
Warm wind carried on the sea, he  to me 
Te dijo te amo 
I prayed that the  would last 
They  so fast 

He told  , "I love you" 

I want to be where the  warms the sky 
When it's  for siesta you can watch them go by 
Beautiful , no cares in this world 
a girl loves a boy, and a boy loves a girl 

Last  I dreamt of San Pedro 
It all seems like , not far away 
(chorus twice) 
La la la la la la la 
Te dijo te amo 
La la la la la la la 
El dijo que te ama 
He  you, "I love you" 
He said he loves you 

My Name is Salt, Angelina Jolie

Source: Speak Up
Language level:  Advanced
Speaker: Chunk Rolando

Angelina Jolie is currently one of the world’s most famous people. This is partly due to her impressive movie career and partly due to her private life. She and her partner, Brad Pitt, are so well known that they are often referred to as ‘Brangelina.” Although they have only been together for five years, they already have six children, three of whom are adopted.

Brad and Angelina are not technically married, but both are divorcees. Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston, while Jolie was married first to Jonny Lee Miller and then to Billy Bob Thornton. These are actors, as is Jolie’s father, Jon Voight.

Yet there were no questions about her private life when Angelina Jolie met with the press to talk about her most recent movie, Salt, in which she has the starring role. She plays Evelyn Salt, a CIA agent who goes on the run when she is accused of being a Russian spy. Ms. Jolie was asked what had attracted her to the role.

Angelina Jolie

(Standard American accent)

I’d done action movies before but I’d never done one based on reality. And when we started to talk about it, we realized there really hadn’t been one with a woman and that was very strange to me. And so it felt like kind of uncharted territory that would be fun to try to explore and…and a good challenge. I’d also…hadn’t worked for a year-and-a half and I’d had two babies and I felt very “mommy.” And I was sitting in my nightgown reading the script with the baby cribs and everything and I started to flip through it and read about jumping off trucks and though. “You know, that night be really good for me right now! And I think it would be a good balance. I think it would be good to…”so the physical part of it felt like a really smart thing to do, just to get out and get moving again.


In the past a CIA agent on the run would probably have been played by a man. Did the fact that it was played by a woman add to the excitement?

Angelina Jolie

I don’t know. I think because it’s new, it’s going to be exciting. If it was the first time it was a man, it would have been exciting, maybe. We made a point not to use her sexuality, or her femininity, in the film, in ways that are usually, you know, that is usually done in films with women, especially in this kind of genre. And I don’t think the film’s lacking in any way for it. So, I think that was a conscious choice we made, to not let it become anything other than a really good spy movie with a tough spy, who happens to be a woman!


As part of her research for the role. Ms. Jolie spent some time with a real female. CIA agent. Presumably this had helped.

Angelina Jolie

A lot. Part of it was just meeting her. You know, this idea of, I think, in movies we think we’re going to play a tough CIA girl: what’s it going to be?And what’s she going to look like? And then you meet her and she’s so lovely and she's so elegant and she's against any stereotype of some obvious tough woman. So that immediately helped me kind of…transitioned into what I was allowed to do. We had long talks about the inability to talk to anybody in your family about what your daily life was and what your job was and how isolating that was and how lonely that was. And only when you’re retired are you able to really discuss your life and what a huge relief that is. The idea that it would take you 20 years until you’re able to have a real conversation with your husband over dinner, you know, and not lie and not hide something – is an extraordinary sacrifice that all these people make. And it makes for a very specific type of personality. So I drew mostly from that.


At one stage the fugitive Evelyn Salt even dresses up as a man. This was certainly a challenge.

Angelina Jolie

It was a lot of fun. I’ve never done that before. It’s always fun to do things you’ve never done. You know, it’s this odd…cause then you actually start to really think about what is my man what is my internal man? You start to get really particular about know he does his hair, or what kind of an outfit he would wear, or this…it’s just bizarre, and then, when I dressed up and when I walked on set for the first time, the crew was so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable! The guys didn’t want to stand near me, you know, just kept staring at me, but like…you know, stayed away from me. The girls kind of…some of them, I think, thought I was cute! But, you know, kind of also didn’t know what to do, like it was just it was just the most unusual feeling, but the only thing to do was to just kind of really get into it and enjoy it, or else you’d feel awkward. So I just got fully into it and…and loved hanging out as him.

Glasgow Around and About


1048 Glasgow Around and About
Rachel talks a little about lodging and transportation in her 
homtown city.
