sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

President Franklin Roosevelt at his desk in the White House

American History: Roosevelt Aims for Economic Security With 'Second New Deal'

President Franklin Roosevelt at his desk in the White House
Photo: AP
President Franklin Roosevelt at his desk in the White House
All credits for VOA Special English. Source: www.voanews.com

DOUG JOHNSON:  Welcome to THE MAKING OF A NATION – American history in VOA Special English.
Franklin Roosevelt's first three months as president was one of the most exciting periods in American politics. Roosevelt entered the White House in March nineteen thirty-three. The nation was in crisis. Banks across the country had closed their doors. The Great Economic Depression was at its lowest point.
Roosevelt and the Congress moved quickly to help people with little food or money. They launched a series of major economic programs.
I’m Doug Johnson with Mario Ritter. This week in our series, we talk about the laws and policies of President Franklin Roosevelt including those known as the “Second New Deal.”
MARIO RITTER:  Conditions improved within a year after Roosevelt took office. There was no question about that. Banks were open. More people had jobs. Farmers were doing better. And poor people were not so close to disaster as before. However, conditions were far from perfect. Ten million workers still did not have jobs. Young people leaving school were lucky to find any job at all. And most business owners were only earning small profits, if any at all.
After the worst crisis was past, some groups of Americans began to attack Roosevelt and his programs. Conservatives were the first to break with the president. They accused Roosevelt of socialist economic policies.
DOUG JOHNSON:  Much more serious to Roosevelt was criticism from reformers within his own party. A number of popular leaders with strong ideas began to attract support from large numbers of Americans. Roosevelt saw his national unity falling apart. Conservatives were accusing him of socialism. Leftist opponents said he was doing too little to end the depression. He saw that he had to change his path.
Roosevelt knew he had little chance to re-gain the support of conservative Americans. His policies were too progressive. So, halfway through his first term as president, he began to support new reforms in an effort to win more support from the left.
The Norris Dam in Tennessee in 1937
The Norris Dam in Tennessee in 1937
MARIO RITTER:  The Supreme Court made the president's effort easier. Early in nineteen thirty-five, the court ruled that several of Roosevelt's earlier programs violated the constitution and ordered an end to them. Among them were major programs for farmers and industrial planning.
The court's decisions forced Roosevelt to create new programs and try new ideas. One of his first new actions was to support a plan for government controls on companies that supplied water and produced electricity.
Another was a measure to give jobs to workers. A third new law forced companies doing business with the federal government to pay workers a minimum wage. And the government also began enforcing a new law to control the actions of stock market traders and investment companies.
At the same time, Roosevelt began to attack large companies. He spoke about the importance of small businesses in a democracy. He warned the nation that large companies had too much power. And he called for new actions to increase business competition and control large companies.
DOUG JOHNSON:  Roosevelt supported, and Congress passed, two laws during this period that would change the lives of working Americans for years to come. The first law gave more power to labor unions. The second created a federal system to provide money for workers after they retired.
Roosevelt's administration had already supported labor unions in an earlier law. But that law was over-ruled by the Supreme Court. So in nineteen thirty-five, the Congress passed a new law called the National Labor Relations Act.
The act created a national labor relations group to help negotiate agreements between workers and business owners. It gave all workers the right to join or form a labor union. And it ordered business owners to negotiate with a union if it represented most of the workers.
The new law, for the first time, gave unions real power and negotiating rights.
MARIO RITTER:  The other very important law passed during this period created the national social security system. The law forced every worker and business owner to pay a small amount of money each month to the federal government. In exchange, the government paid money to workers who had retired or lost their jobs.
The new law did not serve everyone. Farmers, government workers, and a number of other groups were not included in the system. The plan also did nothing to help people who were already unemployed. A person had to have a job after the new system began and then lose it to get money.
However, the national social security law established a system that would grow and become a central part of American life.
DOUG JOHNSON:  Roosevelt also supported other new laws during this period that changed the American economy. A banking act gave the nation's central bank -- the Federal Reserve Board -- new power to control the total amount of money in use.
Another law increased taxes for rich people. A third law limited the power of major companies to gain control of local electric utility companies.
The new laws openly challenged the power of big companies, big banks, and big money. Roosevelt rejected the idea that government should cooperate with major companies. Instead, he accused many of the companies of ruining the economy and hurting the working man. He called on Congress to help small companies and the average American.
MARIO RITTER:  Perhaps the most important change during this period was that Roosevelt became willing to accept a federal budget that was not balanced. He began to agree with the ideas of Marriner Eccles, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank.
Eccles believed that government had a duty to spend extra money during times of economic crisis. The extra money, he said, would create jobs for more people. They could buy more goods. And this would increase economic growth.
Eccles believed that it was good policy for a government to spend more money than it earned through taxes during such periods. He argued that a growing economy would increase wages and bring in more tax money.
DOUG JOHNSON:  Roosevelt's administration had spent more money than it earned ever since it took office. But the president and his advisers did so only to end the economic crisis. They believed that it was a necessary evil. But Eccles and others told Roosevelt that it was not bad for the nation if the government spent more than it earned.
The British economist John Maynard Keynes published an influential book that supported the same policy. And Roosevelt and his top advisers began to accept the new idea.
MARIO RITTER:  Roosevelt's economic policies were known as the "New Deal." But the many changes he made during this period became known as the "Second New Deal."
They included some of the most important pieces of legislation in the history of the country, such as the National Labor Relations Act and the Social Security law. And Roosevelt's willingness to accept an unbalanced budget would be the first step toward federal budget deficits that would grow steadily in the years to come.
Budget deficits would jump under President Lyndon Johnson during the war in Vietnam. They would be an important cause of economic inflation in the United States and the world in the nineteen-seventies. And Americans would elect Ronald Reagan president in nineteen-eighty partly to try to bring federal spending under control.
In nineteen-thirty-five, however, most Americans agreed with Franklin Roosevelt that budget deficits were necessary to fight the serious economic depression.
DOUG JOHNSON:  Our program was written by David Jarmul. I’m Doug Johnson with Mario Ritter. You can find our series online with transcripts, MP3s, podcasts and images at voaspecialenglish.com. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter at VOA Learning English. Join us again next week for THE MAKING OF A NATION -- an American history series in VOA Special English.
This is program #18


Source: SpeakUp
Language level: Advanced
Speaker: Chuck Rolando


source of the picture: http://www.sonshinetours.com

Coca-cola is one of the world’s most successful and famous brands. And if you want to get an idea of its remarkable story, then you should visit The World of Coca-Cola. This is in Atlanta, Georgia, the city where the drink was invented by a local pharmacist, John Pemberton, back in 1886. When Speak Up went to the World of Coca-Cola, we asked Karen Brunke (above), its marketing director, to define Coca-Cola.

Karen Brunke
(Standard American Accent)

Coca-Cola is magic. It’s truly the embodiment of happiness and joy and uplift and optimism that we have the privilege of lifting hearts and minds and souls universally around the globe. It is that magic in the bottle, it is what that brand stands for. The brand stands for that little piece that “My day is going to be better,” that hopes that “My day is going to be more optimistic and full of joy.” And we’re not over-promising, but that is truly what the brand stands for when you speak to consumers around the globe. So when you think about words that characterize the brand genuine, authentic, optimistic, joyful, refreshing, bubbly, these elements, both the emotional, as well as the functional, just combine beautifully and, quite honestly, in a very inexplainable way, to connect with consumers’ minds and hearts. And it’s a humbling privilege that we have. And we take it very seriously each and every day.


One of the more unusual chapters in the Coca-Cola story is the Second World War, when it became a truly global brand Robert Woodruff was the company president at that time.

Karen Brunke

When Robert Woodruff wanted to ensure that all American soldiers had a refreshing Coca-Col in their hands during the war he basically revolutionized our distribution system in that…that it was actually the root of our international distribution expansion, to support our military. So it’s really a fascinating story, but the fact that Coca-Cola’s a global brand, quite honestly, is in large part a tribute to Robert Woodruff and his vision of ensuring that our American troops had a little piece of America with them and a sign of hope and optimism with them, while they were, you know, defending our country abroad.

Pocahontas, 1595-1617: An Important Player in Early Jamestown

Pocahontas, 1595-1617: An Important Player in Early Jamestown

image's website: http://www. stuffwelike.com

Source: Voice of America Special English

PEOPLE IN AMERICA, a program in Special English on the Voice of America.
She lived four hundred years ago in what became the American state of Virginia. She was the first Native American to marry a white person. I'm Shirley Griffith. And I'm Ray Freeman. Today, we tell about Pocahontas, the daughter of the chief of the Powhatan Indian tribe.
Pocahontas was born in fifteen ninety-five. She was one of twenty children of Chief Powhatan. Powhatan ruled a group of more than twenty Indian tribes in territory that is now the eastern state of Virginia.
In sixteen-oh-seven, the Virginia company in England sent colonists to settle the land that later became the United States of America. The leader of the English settlers was John Ratcliffe. He claimed the land for King James of England. He named the new colony Jamestown, Virginia. The English colonists did not know that the area already was settled by Indians.
The Powhatan Indians lived in the area where the English colonists landed. They were part of a large group of American tribes who spoke the Algonquian language. The Powhatans had lived in the area for almost one thousand years. They built villages. They grew beans, corn, squash and melons. They created a strong political system, led by powerful chiefs like Powhatan. His power and wealth were evident.
Women of the tribes controlled the houses and the fields. They made clothing of animal skins and containers of clay. Men hunted and fished for food. Both men and women wore earrings and other objects made of shells, pearls and copper.
The young Pocahontas often visited Jamestown during the colony's first months. She was about twelve years old. The colonists knew her well. She became an important link between the colonists and her father, Powhatan.
The Indians' culture was very different from that of the English settlers. The two groups did not understand each other. The misunderstandings led to hostile incidents between the colonists and the Indians.
John Smith was an explorer, soldier and a leader of the Jamestown colony. He was captured in sixteen-oh-seven by followers of Powhatan. Captain Smith wrote about this incident in a book that was published in sixteen twenty-four. He wrote that Pocahontas saved him from being executed by Powhatan. This story has been repeated for hundreds of years. This is what most people know about Pocahontas.
Most historians, however, do not believe that Pocahontas saved the life of John Smith. Some believe that Captain Smith invented the story after reading about a similar event that took place in Florida. That event involved a captured Spanish explorer, an Indian chief and the chief's daughter.
Some historians do not believe that John Smith's life was in danger. They say that what Captain Smith thought was to be his execution was really an Indian ceremony. The ceremony was meant to show that Powhatan accepted Smith as part of his tribe.  Historians say the Indian chief wanted to make the English colonists his allies.
After Captain Smith's capture, the Indians and the colonists agreed to a truce. Pocahontas visited Jamestown more often. She may not have really saved John Smith's life. But most experts agree that Pocahontas helped the colonists. She brought them corn when they were starving. She once was said to have warned the colonists about a surprise attack by the Indians.
John Smith had been wounded during his capture. He returned to England. Hostilities once again broke out between the Indians and the English settlers. In sixteen eleven, Thomas Dale became acting governor of the colony. He started a new aggressive policy toward the Indians. Two years later, an English soldier, Samuel Argall, kidnapped Pocahontas. She was about eighteen years old. The colonists kidnapped her because they wanted to prevent more attacks by the Indians. They also wanted to force chief Powhatan to negotiate a peace agreement.
Pocahontas lived as a hostage in the Jamestown settlement for more than a year. A colonist, John Rolfe, taught her English. He also taught her the Christian religion. Pocahontas was the first Native American to become Christian. She changed her name to Rebecca.
In sixteen fourteen, she married John Rolfe in the church in Jamestown. She was the first Indian woman to marry a white man.  Her husband believed that their marriage would be good for the colony. John Rolfe said he married Pocahontas "for the honor of our country, for the glory of God. "
Governor Dale immediately opened negotiations with Powhatan. The result was a period of peace that lasted for about eight years.
Pocahontas' husband was a tobacco grower. She taught him the Indian way of planting tobacco. This method improved the tobacco crop. Tobacco later became America's first successful crop.
In sixteen fifteen, Pocahontas and John Rolfe had a son. They named him Thomas. The next year Pocahontas and her family sailed to England for a visit. In London, she was treated like a famous person. She was officially presented to king James the First. She also met John Smith again.
The Virginia Company said her visit proved that it was possible to have good relations between the English colonists and the Indians. The company urged more people to move from England to the Virginia colony.
Pocahontas had her picture painted while visiting England. She is wearing the clothes she wore when she met the King. They are the kind of clothes that were popular in England in the sixteen hundreds. This picture is the only one that really is of her.
Pocahontas and her family stayed in England for seven months. They prepared to return to Jamestown. But Pocahontas became sick with smallpox. She died from the disease. She was buried in Gravesend, England. She was twenty-two years old.
Her son, Thomas Rolfe, was raised in England. When he was twenty, he returned to Virginia. He lived as a settler in his mother's native land. He married and had a daughter. Through Thomas Rolfe, a number of famous Virginians have family ties to Pocahontas. These families are proud to claim their ties to Pocahontas. They call her "Virginia's First Lady. "
Pocahontas left no writings of her own. The only reports about her from the time were written by John Smith. His reports may not all have been true. Yet the story of her rescue of Captain Smith became a popular folk story.
Americans know that Pocahontas played a part in the early history of Virginia. They remember her bravery and friendship.  Americans also remember her for what she represented as a Native American: the hope of close relations between the white people and the Indians.
Pocahontas is honored in the United States Capitol building in Washington, D. C. There are three art works of her in the large, round, main hall of the capitol. There are more representations of her than any other American except for the nation's first president, George Washington. The three art works show the popular stories about Pocahontas. One is a painting of Pocahontas taking part in a religious ceremony in which she became a Christian. Two others show her saving the life of Captain John Smith.
Many different American groups have used the name and some version of a picture of Pocahontas. Whale hunters in the nineteenth century named ships after Pocahontas in honor of her bravery. They also put small statues of her on their ships.
Both the confederate forces in the South and the Union forces in the North used her name or picture during the American Civil War. A picture of Pocahontas was on the flag of a division of Confederate forces called the Guard of the Daughters of Powhatan. Union forces named a warship after the Indian woman.
Many American writers have written about Pocahontas. The Walt Disney company produced a popular children's movie about her.
Today, visitors to the Jamestown settlement in Virginia can see what life was like there in the sixteen hundreds.
They can see copies of the ships that brought the English settlers. And they can see statues of three of the people important in early America: John Smith, Chief Powhatan, and his daughter -- Pocahontas.
This Special English program was written by Shelley Gollust. It was produced by Lawan Davis. I'm Ray Freeman. And I'm Shirley Griffith. Listen again next week for another PEOPLE IN AMERICA program on the Voice of America.

sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011

Learn English by Watching YouTube Videos!

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What a Wonderful World ! sung by Celine Dion

Source: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=5831

Author of this Exercise:
Jill Friedman

What a Wonderful World ! sung by Celine Dion
I see trees of green... red roses too. I see 'em bloom... for me and for 
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue... and clouds of white. Bright blessed days.... warm sacred 
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow... so pretty in the sky -are also on the faces... of people going 
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin'.. how do you do? They're really sayin'... I love you.

I hear babies cry... I watch them grow - they'll learn much more... than I'll never 
And I think to myself... what a wonderful world......... Yes, I think to myself... what a wonderful world... oh yeah!
Big Blue Marble ..... That's what the earth would look like if we stood on the moon 
If you were standing on the moon, the earth would look like a Big Blue Marble
The earth's a big blue marble when you see it from out .
Closer, getting closer.... perspectives start to change, things look a little , as we get closer........
Closer, growing closer... no need to be afraid, our troubles start to , as we get closer.......
 Together is a word we must learn to understand, if we ever want to get to know each other better. 
Together is a word that holds tomorrow in it's hand.
Tomorrow's just another day to get together a-n-d get closer, closer, closer, closer
The earth's a Big Blue Marble
When you see it from out there
The sun and moon declare
Our beauty's very 

Folks are folks and kids are kids
We share a common name
We speak a different way
But work and play the 

We sing pretty much alike
Enjoy spring pretty much alike
Peace and love we all 
And laughter, we use the very same brand

Our differences, our problems
From out there there's not much trace
Our friendships they can place
While looking at the face
Of the Big Blue Marble in 
Dedicated to all you 'stars' out there!!!

amazing photo, amazing story

amazing photo, amazing storySource: http://www.snopes.com/photos/medical/thehand.asp

A picture began circulating in November. It should be “The Picture of the Year,”… or perhaps, “Picture of the Decade.” It won’t be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the U.S. paper which published it, you probably would never have seen it.

The picture is that of a 21-week-old unborn baby named Samuel Alexander Armas, who is being operated on by surgeon named Joseph Bruner. The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from his mother’s womb. Little Samuel’s mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrics nurse in Atlanta. She knew of Dr. Bruner’s remarkable surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb.

During the procedure, the doctor removes the uterus via C-section and makes a small incision to operate on the baby. As Dr. Bruner completed the surgery on Samuel, the little guy reached his tiny, but fully developed hand through the incision and firmly grasped the surgeon’s finger. Dr. Bruner was reported as saying that when his finger was grasped, it was the most emotional moment of his life, and that for an instant during the procedure he was just frozen, totally immobile.

The photograph captures this amazing event with perfect clarity. The editors titled the picture, “Hand of Hope.” The text explaining the picture begins, “The tiny hand of 21-week-old fetus Samuel Alexander Armas emerges from the mother’s uterus to grasp the finger of Dr. Joseph Bruner as if thanking the doctor for the gift of life.”

Little Samuel’s mother said they “wept for days” when they saw the picture. She said, “The photo reminds us pregnancy isn’t about disability or an illness, it’s about a little person.” Samuel was born in perfect health, the operation 100 percent successful. Now see the actual picture, and it is awesome…incredible….and hey, pass it on! The world needs to see this one.


"Drinking in moderation."
Source: www.speakup.com.br

Brazil’s national spirit, cachaça, is already the third most consumed liquor in the world, but its export potential may have only scratched the surface now that consumers in the United States ahve taken a liking to the caipirinha.
      There’s more than 40.000 cachaça producers in Brazil and 1.2 billion liters of production capacity, but just 1 per cent exported last year and US$15.58 million in revenue generated.
      About 180 Brazilian producers export to 60 foreign countries, with Germany being the top export market, the U.S. second, Portugal third and Paraguay fourth.
      Germany and much of Europe are markets where cachaça and the caipirinha are well-established, but the growth potential of the U.S. market is huge, and is driven by American consumers love of mixed drinks. Within the last five years, the U.S. has risen from the on. 5 cachaça sales market to no. 2, a rapid increase considering how many Americans still don’t know the drink.
      Cachaça is often compared to rum, but similarities end with their source, sugar cane. Rum is aged from molasses, a byproduct left over after sugar is produced, while cachaça is distilled from fresh squeezed cane juice.
      The U.S. government still fills to respect this difference, and requires cachaça bottles to be labeled “Brazilian rum” to comply with U.S. liquor law. Brazilian cachaça producers have been lobbying the U.S. government for years to give cachaça its own category as unique liquor. It’s the same battle that Mexico’s tequila industry had to fight for many years before, and only won after Americans were educated about tequila’s unique qualities.
      Cachaça producers are trying to learn from tequila’s success. Education starts with bartenders. Leblon Cachaça, a top brand in the U.S. in both revenue and volume sold, has marketing staff visiting bars around the U.S. constantly to teach servers about the caipirinha. Leblon has also created LegalizeCachaça.com, a website to educate consumers and collect signatures to show the U.S. government how many Americans support cachaça.
      Leblon organizes “Caipi Hour” parties that are held at famous bars and restaurants around the nation, and has a “Caipi Mobile” that drives through New York, Los Angeles and Miami, inviting Americans off the street to taste a caipirinha.
      “We’re not just selling a spirit of cocktail, people drink (capirinhas) for a cultural experience,” said Steve Luttmann, president of Leblon Cachaça. “It’s a cheap plane ticket, for most people it’s their first experience with Brazil.”
      Even while Brazilians consume nearly 99% of all cachaça there’s growth potential in Brazil, because some Brazilians still believe that cachaça is a poor man’s drink, says Vitoria Cavalcanti, foreign sales director for Pitú, a top-selling brand at home and abroad.
      “Brazilians drink beer, they drink vodka, but cachaça is still prejudiced by many,” Cavalcanti said. “We have to educate the barmen and waiters here. In Mexico, when you enter a restaurant, the first thing they ask you ifs if you’d like a margarita, or tequila straight. Here, waiters don’t do that. They never mention cachaça or caipirinha has on their own.
      “This is our job, we have to proclaim that cachaça is not for the poor, or the slave, but for everybody.


      Cachaça production is growing, but according for a small portion of Brazil’s annual sugarcane harvest. Most cane goes towards sugar and ethanol, both of which Brazil leads the world in production of.
      Brazil’s cane industry is primed to meet a seemingly insatiable word demand for both sugar and ethanol in the coming years. Global sugar demand is growing as populations in Asia gain wealth and Brazil ethanol production can’t grow fast enough to meet demand abroad or here at home.
      Flex-fuel car sales in Brazil broke national records in 2010. The country plans to more than double its ethanol production by 2019, from 26 billion liters annually today to 64 billion liters.