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sábado, 26 de março de 2011

Water: The United Nations urges campaign against waste

 Source: The great English content for students and teachers, for more info access the site. 
The Environment
Water: The United Nations
urges campaign against waste

Over one billion people worldwide now suffer a shortage of 
drinking water. The United Nations (UN) recommends countries create campaigns against wasting water supplies. This is the first in a series on the issue brought to you by Maganews

On March 22nd, World Water Day, the UN made a recommendation to every country in the world. It wants them to create campaigns to reduce water consumption and to prevent waste. Our planet has a lot of water, but the problem is that the oceans’ water, comprising 97.6% of all water in the world, is unsuitable for consumption. There remains just 2.4% in freshwater, which can be treated and drunk. However, most of this water is frozen in ice flows. Over one billion people in the world now suffer a shortage of water. The number of people without access to drinking water may double by around 2030, says the UN. Population growth is one of the factors responsible for this shortage, with eighty million people added to the global total every year, according to the UN.  More people means more consumption. Waste, deforestation, pollution and climate change are other factors that contribute to making the problem worse.

Brazil:  awareness in schools
The States of Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo are this semester establishing the project Caminho das Águas in public primary schools. The aim is to make 6th to 9th grade students aware of the shortage of water and the importance of using it rationally, without waste.  In São Paulo city in 2008 the water company Sabesp set up the program “Pura” (Uso Racional de Água) in 500 municipal schools.  Sabesp checks the amount of water needed by the schools and offers alternatives for them to reduce consumption. Sabesp says the program has resulted in savings of 26% in schools’ water consumption. From March 23rd another 750 municipal schools in São Paulo have joined the program.

Matéria publicada da edição de abril da Revista Maganews.

1 to urge – desejar / encorajar (aqui = recomendar / pedir)
2 waste - desperdício
3 shortage – escassez
4 drinking water – água potável
5 unsuitable – inadequada (o)
6 remain (s) - sobra
7 freshwater – água “doce” / potável
8 ice flows – geleiras
9 to double – dobrar
10 deforestation - desmatamento
11 awareness –  aqui = conscientização ( to be aware = ficar ciente / se conscientizar)
12 to set up – iniciar
13 amount – quantidade
13 to join – aderir

Photo - Sabesp

quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011

A Brief History of Carnival

I recommend a Brazilian magazine for teachers and students you will find out interesting contents available on audio, excellent to improve and develop texts in the classroom for more information keep in touch there

Source: Maganews
Popular Culture

A brief history of Carnival
This party was around in Brazil's colonial times, but it only became a really popular event at the beginning of the 20th Century

According to some historians, Brazil’s carnival celebrations were around in colonial times. In the 17th Century the Portuguese brought “entrudo” to Brazil, which was a very different “carnival” from today’s, as it had no music and the party was nothing more than fun between people. From the 1840s the first masked balls appeared in Brazil. However, the great popularization of carnival only began at the beginning of the 20th Century, when this party became more attractive, with marchinhas (a kind of carnival music), samba, samba ‘schools,’ and various other ingredients. In the 1930s carnival was in its golden age, thanks to the development of radio and, mainly, thanks to the fantastic work done by composers such as Ary Barroso, Lamartine Babo, Braguinha and Noel Rosa.

The 1930s: The Golden Age of Brazilian Carnival
The carnival marchinhas began to appear in the 1920s, but it was from the 1930s that the most beautiful marchinhas in Brazilian carnivals were created. Those marchinhas were such creative songs, so happy and fun that they were contagious for Brazilians and transformed the 1930s into The Golden Age of Brazilian Carnival. At that time, radio began to take off in the country and it was fundamental in spreading the beautiful carnival music to the main Brazilian cities. Some of the biggest hits of all time in Brazilian carnival were from that time. Marchinhas such as Mamãe eu QueroMe dá Um Dinheiro Aí and Cidade Maravilhosa are popular even today. 

   Lamartine Babo and Braguinha are considered to be Brazil’s greatest composers of marchinhas. They were friends and even made music together, such as Cantores do Rádio. But besides the marchinhas they also created music of the most diverse styles. Braguinha, also known as João de Barro,  was born in Rio in March 1907. He has composed more than 400 songs – many of them becoming classics, such as Balancê, Pastorinhas and Carinhoso (in partnership with Pixinguinha).  In the 1940s, Braguinha was given a gold watch – a present from an illustrious fan called Walt Disney.
   The composer, singer and radio broadcaster Lamartine Babo was born in Rio de Janeiro at the beginning of the 20th Century. If he were still alive, he would have turned 100 years old on January 10th this year. He is considered to be the king of marchinhas and also the king of the carioca soccer fans.  This is because Lamartine is the writer of the club anthems for Botafogo, Flamengo, Fluminense and Vasco, besides also having composed the anthem for his favorite club, América. Co-writer of classics such as O Teu Cabelo Não Nega and No Rancho Fundo, Lamartine composed more than 350 songs of the most diverse musical styles.

Marchinhas in São Luiz do Paraitinga

São Luiz do Paraitinga, a small city of 10,000 people located in Vale do Paraíba, has one of the liveliest carnivals in the interior of São Paulo. Since the middle of the 1980s there have been competitions for carnival marchinhas there. The best songs are recorded on CD, played on the radio and are the soundtrack for the city’s carnivals.

Maganews Melhores Momentos – Matéria publicada na edição de n0 19 da
Revista Maganews 

Foto - Xinica Medeiros
Ilustração: Calberto

1 brief – breve
2 to be (was/were) around – estar no ar (no texto = já existia)
3 masked - mascarado
4 ball – baile
5 to take off – decolar / se espalhar

6 to spread - espalhar
7 lively – animado
8 soundtrack – trilha sonora

9  radio broadcaster – locutor de rádio
10 alive – vivo
11 soccer fan – torcedor de futebol
12 anthem - hino
13 co-writer – co-autor