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Mostrando postagens com marcador heart. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador heart. Mostrar todas as postagens
segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011
segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011
TO THE HEART ATTACK GRILL, check out your cholesterol first.
Source of the picture: http://mattyfresh697400.wordpress.com
Source: www.speakup.com.br
Language level: Pre-intermediate
Speaker:Chuck Rolando.
Nutrition experts tell us constantly what to you eat. Magazines sponsor diets and tell us we are too fat. It’s time to rebel! It’s time to visit the Heart Attack Grill, where the owner “Doctor” Jon Basso and his “nurses” serve the most dangerous food on the planet. The restaurant motto is “Taste worth dying for!”
The Heart Attack Grill in Chandler, Arizona offers a simple menu: single, double, triple and quadruple Bypass Burgers and Flatliner Fries. Do you have a problem with high cholesterol? This is not the right restaurant for you: the burgers and fries are cooked in pure lard.
Customers are called “patients.” The waitresses are “nurses” dressed in sexy uniforms. “Dr. Jon” checks patients’ hearts with his stethoscope before prescribing treatment. A nurse writes out the patient’s order on a tag and puts it on the patient’s wrist. If you weigh over 160 kilos, you eat free of charge. And if you finish a quadruple Bypass Burger, a nurse will transport you out to your car in a wheelchair. Finally, if the burgers don’t give the (male) patients high blood pressure, the beautiful nurses will.
How did a small Arizona fast food restaurant become famous around the world? Its owner, “Dr.” Jon Basso, is a marketing genius. He hasn’t spent a dollar on publicity. Controversy gets the restaurant in newspapers and on the world’s television channels. First, it was the menu with its 8.000 –calorie burgers and chips – both cooked in that demonic substance known as unsaturated fat (or simply lard). He also sells unfiltered Lucky Strike cigarettes and full-sugar Coke. Second, the Arizona Board of Nursing sued the restaurant for damaging the image of the nursing profession. The restaurant survived and prospered from the media attention.
Incredibly, John Basso is a qualified nutritionist! In the past he owned seven weight-loss centres in Oklahoma. He realised people wanted to cheat on their diets. So he created the perfect restaurant for them. “People don’t want salad, “he says. “They want to have fun!” But Dr. Jon warns his patients. “Don’t come here every day of the week. It will kill you!
Jon Basso is an ambitious man. He is opening a second Heart Attack Grill in Phoenix, Arizona. He has plans to open restaurants in major cities around the world, including Amsterdam, New Orleans, Hollywood, Honolulu and Rio de Janeiro. He also wants to create a reality TV show based on the restaurant. Visit the restaurant’s entertaining website www.heartattackgrill.com for more information.
Bypass comes from the open heart surgery for patients with blocked arteries. This is exactly the type of health problem the restaurant’s burgers can cause Flatliner, o the other hand refers to the monitor that registers a patient’s heartbeat. When the patient dies, the monitor shows a flat line. Incidentally, chips are usually called French Fries in America. So, at the Heart Attack Grill, chips are called Flatliner Fries.
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