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terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011

Rio, the movie: adventure and fun


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Rio, the movie: adventure and fun

The film tells the story of Blu, a macaw who leaves the comfort of his home in the USA and goes to Rio de Janeiroto meet a female macaw
    Rio de Janeiro is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but in recent years its image has become associated with violence and crime. This bleak [1] picture of the city has been shown in several films, such as City of God. But now it is time for a film to show the beautiful and charming side of the Wonderful City. February 15 saw the world premiere of "Rio, the movie."The film opened a week earlier in Brazil, on February 8.This is one of the most eagerly [2]  anticipated films of the year because it was produced by the creators of Ice Age (1, 2 and 3).This time, however, the ice has been replaced by the heat of Rio's beaches. The film tells the story of Blu, a hyacinth macaw [3]  that has not learned to fly and he thinks he is the last of his kind[4]. He was raised in the house of a young American woman named Linda. Both live in Minnesota,USA. After discovering that there is another macaw in Brazil - a female macaw - he leaves the comfort of his home and heads to Rio, where he will have great adventures and make new friends. Blu will face three challenges: to get away [5]  from animal traffickers [6], to win over [7] Jewel, the beautiful female macaw, and to learn how to fly. The film was directed by Carlos Saldanha, who directed Ice Age.  The soundtrack features big names like Will.I.Am (from Black Eyed Peas) and the Brazilians Sergio Mendes and Carlinhos Brown.

Matéria publicada na edição de número 60 da revista Maganews.
Foto – Divulgação

1 bleak picture – quadro sombrio

2 most eagerly anticipated – mais aguardado
3 hyacinth macaw – arara azul
4 kind – aqui = espécie
5 to get away – escapar / fugir
6 animal traffickers – traficantes de animais
7 to win over – conquistar