December marked the 30th anniversary of a shocking event the murder of John Lennon by a deranged fan, Mark Chapman, outside the Dakota Building in New York. Lennon was 40 years old. Chapman, who was 25 at the time, is still in prison. Lennon had, of course, been a member of The Beatles, but his solo career, which produced such great songs as “imagine,” was also impressive.
Lennon once admitted that the thing that drove him to become a star was the lack of attention that he received as a child. his childhood was certainly complicated and it provided the inspiration for the film, Nowhere Boy.
Lennon was raised by his Aunt Mimi. His mother, Julia, and his father, Alf, had disappeared from his life when John was five. When John was a teenager he discovered that his mother was living in the same part of Liverpool. They got to know each other again and Julia even taught him to play the banjo, but their relationship ended dramatically when she was run over and killed by a car that was driven by a drunk off-duty policeman.
John was 17 when he lost his mother for the second time. This scene from Nowhere Boy takes place a few months before Julia death. It is John‘s 17th birthday and Julia is hosting a party for him at her house. Julia, who is played by Anne Marie Duff, has gone outside to have a cigarette. John, who is played by Aaron Johnson, decides to join her.
Julia (Liverpool accent): I wonder if someone’s up there, on Mars or something, having a quick cigarette like me.
John (Liverpool accent): Where’s Dad?
They’re called Dads, right? Most I know have got one.
Julia: I don’t think…
John: Oh, don’t you, Mum? Well, I do. Think, think, think: that’s all I do. Where’s Daddy, Mummy? “Alf,” that’s his name, right? Well, where’s fucking Alf, then?
Julia: Please don’t swear, John!
John: Make you feel uncomfortable, does it? Well, try being me for the last 17 years! When everybody asks why your Auntie’s your Mum, now, that’s uncomfortable. (Julia starts crying) Oh, here we go! Who turned the taps on?
Julia: Please don’t be horrible to me, John!
John: No, me being horrible to you?
Oh, I see: horrible John, naughty John, poor Julia! (Julia starts to walk back towards the house) No, no, no walking away. Look, I know you’re good a it but not tonight.
Julia: John!
John: Where is he?
Julia: (She moans) Aaaah! New Zealand, maybe, I don’t know!
John: Not round the corner, like you?
Julia: He was in the Merchant Navy. No letters, no money. He abandoned us!
John: And you abandoned me!
John: And you abandoned me!
Julia: It was a temporary thing: Mimi agreed!
John: Temporary? I’m still living with her?
Julia: I wanted you back, I always wanted you back!
John: Oh, I believe you, honest!
Julia: She never gave you back!
John: But, surely, I’m not Miami’s to give! You’re my Mum!
Julia: she….she loves you so much!
John: Yeah, more than you.