Mostrando postagens com marcador Smart phones. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Smart phones. Mostrar todas as postagens

segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2011


Source: Speak Up
Language level: Pre-intermediate
Speaker Chuck Rolando



The way we travel is changing fast. Today many people book their holidays through the internet. Low cost airlines like Ryan Air work almost exclusively online. The internet also offers photographs and information about any destination in the world. In the past a computer was necessary – it isn’t anymore. “Smart” mobile phones – and the new iPad –are revolutionising travel again.


Smart phones, like Apple’s iPhone have touch screens and a wireless connection to the internet. So you can use all those online travel service without a computer. It is, however, very expensive to surf the internet with a mobile phone. What’s the answer? Apps. These ae small programs, or application, that you download to your phone. An app gives you instant connection to a particular service such a Wikipanion. Simply press its icon on your mobile’s touch screen. Wikipanion will then give you information about your location.


What are the best travel apps? Begin with “iFlight.” It tells you if your flight is on time, the gate number and boarding time. On you arrival you need a taxi, so use “Taxi Magic.” It gives you the nearest taxi service and calls it for you. You can’t understand the taxi driver? Use “Lonely Planet Phrase books” for translations. “Urbanspoon heps you find good restaurants, clubs and hotels. Simply type in the name of the city and shake the phone, the best location will appear on the screen. Shake the phone again for an alternative. It’s time to pay your bill in the restaurant, but how much is it? Use “Convert Me” to change the local currency to Euros. And “Big Tipper” calculate how much money to tip your waiter.


Apple’s iPhone is the most popular smart phone today, but Google’s Nexus One and the Blackberry are valid alternatives. In fact Google has the most exciting apps: “Google Googles.” This uses image recognition and GPS technology. Take a photograph of a city, a statue, or even a wine bottle label. Goggles automatically finds reviews, alternatives and prices. It’s not infallible. But it is incredible!